Dreams VS Reality

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Chapter Eleven


It was two in the morning, I was far from getting any sleep. Not even the soothing light of the moon spilling through my open window provided any sort of comfort. Frustrated, I pushed the covers away and took a seat. Everything felt too hot and uncomfortable. Tossing off my shirt, I stood and walked over to the bathroom sink a few feet away from my own bed. Rinsing away my sweat and irritation I looked into the mirror. My own reflection stared back at me. I looked worn and tired yet my body refused to seek comfort in my own bed.

It was difficult to pin point just what kept me awake as I pushed away from the sink and into my room. Aria was right when she said I had everything at my disposal. My room was an overwhelmingly large chamber. I had a king bed equipped with bed posts that dated back to the time my grandfather and my grandmother shared. I wasn't certain if the wallpaper in this room had been renewed or still remained the same. It was a white wallpaper with floral printing. The floor had a fresh and well taken care of white carpet that felt almost like a second bed.

The large TV facing my bed had been turned on a few times, I wasn't much for watching television seeing that my family was always plastered all over the screen. But for the sake of finding some sleep I opened a small drawer near my bed and took the remote out. Clicking it on I watched as re-runs of the news displayed tragedy and chaos around the world.

I took a seat at the edge of my bed and continued watching. After a few minutes I changed the channel and left it on the Discovery. Laying back in bed I stared up at the ceiling to my room trying to find a way to gain sleep. Finally, when the clock marked four a.m. I pushed out of bed angered and frustrated. Maybe if I hit the gym I'd be knocked out within the hour.

Descending the immense stairway I reached the bottom in record time. "Having, trouble sleeping sir?"

I turned towards the entry to the kitchen startled to find Gregory at the door. "What are you doing here, Gregory?" I asked.

"I always come in at four thirty, Sir." He replied. I nodded a bit surprised and turned in the direction of the gym. The room had been used for musical entertainment back in the day. It was closed off and built to contain the loud blaring instruments from consuming the entire home. Now I used it to blare my music while I worked out.

Reaching the door a wave of déjà vu hit me once again and I stopped before I could grasp the door. I felt my heart pick up pace once I shook off the feeling and reached for the handle once again. The sensation overcame me again when my hand grasped the long handle.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and opened them to find myself standing before the door. However, I knew something was off about where I was.

"Is everything okay?" My eyes turned to look at her. Aria smiled at me a bit worried.


"Who is Aria? Dathan, are you alright, love?"

I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them to still find her standing there. She stared at me with worry as she reached out to take my arm once again. "I think you should rest, we can sit in the music room some other night. The sun must have really stressed you out." She said.

"Scarlett." Her name left my lips and her own smiled at me as she turned me around to lead me towards the hall. Everything was much the same, even the expensive marbled floor was still the same shiny cream color.

When we reached the stair well I could see the difference there. They must have been repaired. They were a dark oak with a red carpet to descend all the way towards the front door.

"I will send word for a doctor." She whispered, as her hand squeezed down to my arm.

When we reached the familiar room she opened it and hurried inside to light a candle. It felt much more immense and cold. The same bed posts stood firm and tall as white bed sheets laid neatly placed. Taking my hand she led me towards the bed. She stood before me and unbuttoned my white dressing shirt, her fingers gently smoothed the shirt off my shoulders earning a soft moan on my behalf. I felt my skin turn hot as she tugged the material away and pushed me towards the bed.

"Rest." She whispered as she laid me down. I reacted, reaching for her waist and pushing her to my side. A chuckle escaped her lips as she rested her head on my shoulder and snuggled in next to me.

"Stay." I found myself telling her.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked. Her fingers gently smoothed over my naked torso and I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of her soft hand gently touching my skin. I took a deep breath and let it out. This felt awkward but at the very same time very familiar.


Then it came to me, I was merely day dreaming once again about odd places and things that yet not existed. I dreamt a woman named Aria, a woman who held the same fire and beauty of that of my loving wife. Was I losing my mind for dreaming of another world?

"I have much to discuss with you." I said. I was tired and worn, my body begged for sleep but why? It was the middle of the day and I was feeling fatigued. Was I ill?  I held Scarlett close and placed a kiss unto her forehead before closing my eyes.

I could feel the cold envelope me as I opened my eyes. I laid in bed feeling every inch of me ache. My arm reached out for her but all I felt was an empty space. Sitting up, I struggled to gain my head. How long had I been asleep? Pulling the covers away I pressed my feet down to the floor feeling suddenly something smooth underneath. I looked down to find a rug beneath my feet as white as snow. My head lifted and I dreaded what came next.

A sharp pain zapped at the far back of my head and I groaned in pain holding my head in my hands. When the ringing stopped I lifted my head to realize I was in my room once again. I had no clue what was happening to me. It was almost as if I was jumping between times. I pushed out of bed completely and looked around the room. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

The knock on my door had me spinning around to find Gregory walking in with a platter of breakfast. "How are we this morning Sir? Do you feel any better?" He asked.

"Gregory, what happened last night?" I asked. I walked over to my butler and he looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Last night?" He said.

"It was four thirty in the morning when you came into the house, what happened when I left to the gym?" I asked.

"I wouldn't know Sir, I was too busy working out the schedule for today. The celebrations is but three weeks away. I had to make certain to book the gardener, gutter cleaners, and a few maids to come and tidy up the place." He informed.

"So you didn't see me?" I asked.

"After you departed to the gym, I got busy with my work and I haven't walked into your room until this very second." He clarified.

"That will be all, Gregory, thank you." I said as I turned from him to walk to the bathroom.

Had I been sleep walking this whole time. I had once again dreamt of the past and even there I had convinced myself that my life now was but a dream. I fared I was losing my mind, there had to be a way to put a stop to all of this.

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