Orange hues

189 12 13

I have risen from the dead 😦

First of all, before I start, special thanks to @Kai7865 honestly your comments make me want to keep writing this JUST for you, they make me so happy, honestly, it's good to know that my writing can cause joy for someone else. Thank you,

p.s, you and your boyfriend sound absolutely adorable, hope you two stay together <3

Aight, let's get to it!

Ring ring-



"Hey, no time to talk, meet me by the hotel at you know where."

"Hey- Levi, wait!" The call had already ended. Levi sighed. He had just confused Erwin beyond what he had originally intended to. The man sat there, on his bed, a bag on his back, with a lingering pain in his stomach. It wasn't just painful, but nauseous too.

In truth he felt bad for only saying one sentence to a man who'd been waiting to hear back from him for way too long. Waving the thought away he stood up and made his way downstairs, still empty. Levi had gotten many emails asking when the rink was going to open again, most of them were complaints.

Although he couldn't care less as he ambled out of the building and made his way to the edge of the car park. Knowing the state Levi was in, and knowing what was going on, Hange had gotten a taxi for him. They were planning to go back to the beach with Moblit but couldn't be asked to drive. Nor could Moblit.

Hange smiled as they watched Levi approach them. "What's got you all excited?" he said groggily, watching as the brunette struggled to keep still. They fidgeted with their hands and from time to time did little jumps. "Calm down.. you're scaring me-" Hange immediately burst out laughing and balled their hands up, throwing them everywhere in a fit of giggles and excitement. Levi looked at them expectantly.

Moblit slowly walked over, he seemed out of breath, as usual whenever he and Hange were travelling together, the man looked towards Hange, a gentle pink glow rested on his cheeks as he did so. Levi understood easily enough. "Ah, I see." He raised a brow, "About time." A small smile crept its way onto his pale face. Hange was positively beaming, they grabbed Moblit and ran to the car, shoving the poor man inside. Levi rolled his eyes and joined the couple.

"You two are idiots." He breathed as he sat down, he patted Moblit on the shoulder, "Good luck." The brunette chuckled nervously in reply, side glancing Hange, who had since calmed down. Only slightly though. A small breathy laugh drifted from Levi's mouth. Maybe being around everyone wasn't as bad as he'd originally thought.



Bubble gum – Clairo

So ist es Immer – Samuel Kim

Orange tickled the sky, floating through the clouds like food dye. Said clouds twisted and turned elegantly through the purple sky, greeting birds friendly. The car window was dirty, and had started to gain condensation, droplets slowly trickled down, as if they were racing each other. Levi pressed his finger against the cold double tinted glass, two dots and one upturned curve below. He smiled, he had never done that before.

Childish, he knew. But it gave a feeling of comfort. To act like a child. In a way he was never allowed to be. His face resembled the form similar to that on the window, a simple smile. One of simple pleasure. He looked through the grin, and was met by birds swooping through the trees, the bright fairytale-like light weaving between every nook and cranny it could find, painting the landscape with its beautiful colours.

Two had already fallen asleep. Sleeping upon each other. Levi glanced over at the couple. A warm feeling came upon him, watching the light settle on their peaceful faces. They were happy with each other, he knew that. It reminded him of when he was young, when he and his mother were still living in France. It was one of the few times he missed. When the two would hold each other while people rioted out on the bustling streets.

It always scared him, when he was a boy. Although, now he seemed numb to things. More than most. Some called him heartless, others said he was broken. Most just turned a blind eye and didn't associate themselves with him. The few that did, usually always wanted something from him. not Hange, Nor Moblit, not his cousin, not her friends. Not Erwin.

Levi sighed, the face on the window drooped, the water falling and wetting the side of the car. Erwin. No matter how hard Levi tried, the sweet, blonde man always made his way to his track of thought. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the door. Why was he doing any of this? Why did he have to find the best people and then hurt them, always in fear of being hurt himself. Levi had felt a little too emotional recently, every time Erwin came to mind or the.. accident.  He'd always feel himself tearing up.

Sometimes it seemed too much for him. but he always waited, never for the sake of making others happy but for a reason he didn't yet know. The man didn't know a lot at the moment. It was all a bit fuzzy inside his small, thick, skull. The sun bid it's final goodbye before sinking below the skyline. Letting a sheet of darkness overcome the country. Lamps switched on one by one, leading the way like a cat walk.

Levi sighed, he'd have to book a night at the Hotel. He didn't want to talk to Erwin during the middle of the night and then for them both to be awake at the absolute arse-crack of dawn the next day, his sleep schedule was already messed up enough. Not that it mattered anyway, he wouldn't be doing anything productive until he'd recovered. But still.

His eyes started to droop. Even though they were almost there, he couldn't help but fall asleep. A lot was going on. Although, he didn't even know what he was going to say to Erwin. It'd most likely just be a list of apologies. He just prayed he wouldn't break down in the state he was in. headlights flashed as cars flew by, beeping and swerving whenever someone was being an idiot.

The lights faded as Levi drifted off and disconnected from reality. Waiting for the troubles of the early morning.


I'm a Loser – Voodoo Bandits

Erwin sat there perplexed. "What the hell." He jumped up and grabbed a bag hastily. Shoving the first things he could find in it, he slid into the kitchen. "Jesus, good morning sunshine-" Michael said hesitantly. "Somebody's in a rush- HEY HEY CALM DOWN YOU'RE GOING TO CHOKE-" he chucked the vacuum he was previously holding on the floor and ran over to his brother who was shovelling toast into his mouth like said vacuum. "m-eac-l i-cgnt" dramatic pause and a gulp later, "I can't slow down, I've got to go." He muttered almost too fast for the poor man standing next to him wearing gloves and a sanitary head scarf.

"I-" he paused. "Ah, I see." Michael crossed his arms and laughed. "Go on then. Where are you meeting him? I think I heard the call but I didn't think you'd move this fast.." he chuckled, Erwin smiled and joined him. "Hah, well. I guess this means a lot so I'm gonna be fast!" the blonde shook his fists cheesily  and grinned his big dopey grin. "Back at the beach."

"Sounds important." Michael responded, cocking a brow. "Might be, he gave no explanation." "Sounds like him to do that. Well, take some spare bits of food laying around, I don't know when you're coming back so, y'know." He shrugged. "Michael, I'm not going to Africa," Erwin laughed. "I know! I know! It's just you know I worry little guy."

Erwin placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "I know, I'll be alright, ok?" He smiled. "Yep." Michael responded and returned the gesture. "Alright, GO GO GOOOO!" he squealed, pushing Erwin out the door like a child, the two laughed, "BYE!"

Erwin jumped down the stairs and rushed out the door, he fumbled through his pocket and eventually found his keys, he unlocked his car and hopped in, immediately driving off, he knew the way to a certain point, he'd stop at some point and turn the GPS on.

Word count: 1430

AHAHA hey 🤭

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