Time to shop

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As Erwin pulled, Levi he checked his watch. it's too damn early for this shit. He thought letting out a tired groan. Albeit it was a lovely day, Levi just didn't feel like going out. He didn't exactly have a choice though.

Erwin just seemed to not stop smiling, like his face had been frozen in place. Levi rolled his eyes and wondered how the man could be this happy and excited at spending money on things they didn't exactly need.

His train of thought was cut off by a question. "So where to first emo boy?" Erwin snickered at this new nickname. "Where on earth did you get that from?" Levi scoffed in playful disgust. "Oh please, remember I looked through your wardrobe about 10 minutes ago?" He said matching pace with the smaller man.

"That's no excuse when I don't even have enough outfits to decipher my dressing style." Levi glared up at the blonde who laughed, "Fine fine, you do have a valid point there." He lifted up his arms and wrapped then around his neck.

Levi looked at his arms as the sleeves fell backwards. Fucking hell his biceps. Levi couldn't help but stare for a moment before peeling his eyes off the man and wondering why he thought that way. "You dodged my question Levi." Erwin leaned down to Levi's height and smirked.

"Stand up, asshole." Levi swatted Erwin away like a bug, to which he pouted childishly. "Stop dodging my question or I'll end up dragging you literally everywhere." Erwin looked at Levi without a smile and Levi could tell he was being serious but decided to mess with him. "Go ahead."

Erwin smirked and grabbed Levi's wrist "You asked for it." Holy shit- he wasn't lying- this is going to be a lovely evening isn't it. Levi's eyes widened in shock but he let Erwin pull him nonetheless.


It had been hours and Erwin had taken Levi in almost every clothes shop. The clock on the wall read 17:21, they had been in the shopping centre almost 6 hours straight. They were in the last shop of the place and Levi felt slightly bad for letting Erwin pay for everything. but the blonde was stubborn.

There wasn't much to show for the shopping trip but it was still a couple of outfits. Levi was looking through the men's section and saw an ACDC shirt that he really liked. He looked at the sizes but the smallest was a large. Dammit why? Levi was disappointed because it was actually a nice shirt.

Just as Levi put the shirt down sadly, Erwin had walked over and looked over the top of Levi's head. "Watcha got there?" He asked, teasing the smaller mans height. "One, stop mocking how short I am. Two, the smallest size is a large, and yes I have looked at every single one." Levi replied folding his arms.

Erwin frowned. "I don't see a problem." Levi looked at him confused, does this man have no common sense? He sighed and was about to start talking  but was cut off, "To be honest I think you'd look good in baggy clothes. It makes you look smaller." He snickered and held the shirt up against Levi, who hit him, clearly annoyed. Yet flustered.

"You're an asshole Eyebrows." Levi scoffed grabbing the shirt. "I know, but hey! At least it made you get the shirt." Levi could feel him smirking even though he wasn't looking at him. instead he just rushed over to the counter and placed the items up to be scanned.

"And that'll be £56.99" The person behind the counter had hair just below ear length, it was ginger. She had hazelnut eyes and quite a nice smile. "Erwin are you really sure you want to pay for all of this, if you just give me back my wallet-" he was cut off "Did I not say it was on me today?" Erwin said smiling and reaching for the money. "If it makes you feel better than you can pay for everything for me on the beach trip." He snickered and got a laugh out of Levi

"Whatever you say Eyebrows." The nickname seemed to get a giggle out of the cash register as well. "Have a nice day you two," She said winking which made Levi confused and Erwin thanked her before picking up the stuff and Leaving.

"Why did she wink?" Levi questioned as they neared the rink. "Why should I say, I'm pretty sure it's obvious but I suppose not for an anti-social shorty like you." Levi wacked Erwin in the arm which caused him to drop some clothes. "Hey! These are your clothes y'know!" Erwin hurriedly collected the scattered clothes.

"I have a washing machine, I think I'll be ok." Levi scoffed walking backwards. "Yeah but its not good to get new clothes dirty straight away!" Erwin pouted. "Plus I paid for them." Levi walked slowly and smiled to let Erwin catch up with him. "As payback, you've got to wear the ACDC shirt from tonight to when we leave on Monday." Erwin smirked.

"I accept your dare, sir Eyebrows." Levi stood straight up and saluted before bowing and stealing the shirt in question. Erwin just smiled and let the man run off.


"So, where's this washing machine you speak so highly of?" Erwin asked once he had gotten inside. He looked to see a small head just about poking over the cafeteria counter. Soon the small man from the counter came over with a granola bar and a massive shirt on.

Fuck. Erwin couldn't help but be jealous of how good Levi looked in oversized shirts. It really made him want to scoop him up and put him in his pocket. Wait what- Erwin was snapped back to reality when Levi held out his hand to the flushed blonde suggesting for him to give him the clothes.

Erwin placed the clothes on Levi's free hand and arm. He watched as the raven haired man stumbled up the stairs trying to keep his balance and not trip on the shirt.

When Levi came back down he walked over to the sitting area and slumped in a chair. "The washing should be done in around an hour, it should be dry by tomorrow since I also have a tumble dryer." Erwin took a seat at the same table and looked at his watch 18:07 "It's getting a bit late but I really can't be bothered to drive right now." Erwin groaned leaning back in the chair. "Wait, you had a car and yet you made me walk all the way to the shopping centre and back?!" Levi sat up with a look of pure betrayal.

Erwin laughed at his friends expression. "Yes! Yes I did." Erwin chuckled. "Erwin you bastard." Levi said slumping back in his chair. "Did you just use my name?" it was Erwin's turn to sit up now, "Tch, don't let it get to you Eyebrows." Levi smirked and got up. "I'm going to go pack whatever didn't land on the floor." Erwin nodded in reply before sitting in the chair silently and dozing off.


It had been and hour or two later when Levi came back down to see Erwin asleep, he had put the light coloured washing in the tumble dryer and the dark clothes into the washing machine. He wasn't very tired since it was only 9:00.

He walked over to the sleeping blonde and realised how peaceful and zoned out he looked. Levi guessed he was a deep sleeper so he pulled out the chair and walked off to find one of the random sofas around the skate fitting area.

Levi came back with one of the leathery yet fluffy and comfy sofas, he dragged it over near the table and picked Erwin up Jesus Christ he's heavy, and I thought I was strong. He thought as he heaved the blonde onto the sofa.

He quietly moved the table and chairs away and brought down a blanket from upstairs, it was his duvet, He didn't really use it much since, if he did sleep, it would normally be downstairs in a random chair or sofa.

Levi flung the duvet over Erwin and tried to be quiet when he stirred a little. He checked his watch again, 10:03. He sighed and sat in a chair opposite Erwin. "Why does he look so nice when he sleeps." Levi mumbled to himself, he didn't really know what he was saying. He brushed it off as tired thoughts and drifted off for a few hours of sleep.

Word count: 1445

I love them sm 😩❤️

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें