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"Hange please! You're going to get run over!" Moblit was struggling to stay sane as this Chaotic science and astronomy obsessed enby ran around like a mad child without a parent. "Awe come on Moblit, it's 1:30. There really aren't many cars around.

Moblit sighed and dragged them away from the pavement. "Sit on that bench until my saints come back out and thankfully, if god is on my side, take you on a walk." He chucked Hange against the bench and slouched to the floor.

"You're no fun when you're tired Moblit." Hange pouted, "Someone's gotta be the adult around here, plus, it's over curfew. We can't make too much noise." Hange sighed showing they wouldn't put up a fight to their friends point.

"Hey, Moblit?" Hange paused before continuing, "I've never asked but, you don't seem to be big on people's love lives. Especially not your own. I hope I'm not being invasive but, what's your opinion on it?" Hange looked up at the stars and rested their head on their arms.

Moblit turned his head a bit too fast that it cracked. He winced and rubbed it as he attempted to stay calm. "Well, as you said, I'm not exactly very big on love. It seems too stressful. But. If I found the right person, then I suppose it wouldn't be that bad." He sighed and fell to rest in his palms.

"Hmm, that makes sense." Hange looked as if their brain was buzzing. Working so hard to think of something to say back. After a while of thinking, they spoke up, "Have you found them yet?'' The question was out of the blue but Hange, being Hange, was obviously curious.

Moblit had gone red. Hange screeched. "You have! I can tell! Who! Who!" They weren't sitting down now but instead were right up in Moblit's face, completely oblivious to how the chestnut haired man was feeling at that moment.

Just then Hange had a grip on their hair pull them back up, "Oi, four eyes, stop harassing poor Moblit, will you?" Hange darted their eyes up and was met with two grey ones. "Levi! I was getting tea, why's you have to ruin it for me?!" they grumbled, yanking Levi's hand off of their head.

"Thanks guys, you're always here to save my but." Moblit chuckled sheepishly. Hange looked at him and pouted, "Hey Hange, want to come on a walk with us?" Erwin eased the mood. Hange thought for about a millisecond before smirking, looking at Levi and winking, "Sure~" They waved to Moblit and Naruto ran off into the distance.

Levi rolled his eyes and Moblit sighed. "It's ok Moblit. They're totally oblivious, but you are going to have to tell them one day." Levi waved his hand swiftly as he left. Erwin smiled and walked after the two in front of him.

"Psh, I really do have to tell them one day huh?" Moblit sighed to himself. He got up and strolled towards Miche and Nanaba, who were happily sitting on a bench and talking. The two greeted him with a smile.


The gentle breeze was nice, not just the salty smell that infected the air. Sounds of water crashing against rocks was oddly comforting. It was as if the silence spoke for itself, the ocean like its own kind of calming strum of a guitar, the wind like its own delicate constant stroke of a singular key on a piano.

Some feelings are truly perfect. No matter who you're with, even if you're alone. Silence is beautiful in many ways.

Hange kept kicking stones wherever they found them, adding to the symphony of silence. Levi walked close to Erwin, he didn't feel the need to distance himself from this man like he did with everyone else.

"Sate, kore wa itami wo tomotsu te i masu. Tada, sudeni kare ni kisu." Hange said looking Levi dead in the eye. (Ok, this is getting painful. Just kiss him already.). Erwin just looked at them confused as Levi scowled, bright red, at Hange who looked way too serious to be funny.

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Where stories live. Discover now