An unwanted visitor

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A pillow made its way across the room and hit Levi in the head, to which he replied by turning around looking for the culprit who had thrown it. He saw a 'clueless' Erwin whistling at the door frame. "Oh-ho you asked for it." He swiftly grabbed two nearby pillows and jolted towards Erwin.

The blonde realised his large mistake and attempted to run away before being tackled to the ground by two pillows wacked around his head. Levi huffed triumphantly and returned back to his room. Erwin followed holding his back and two pillows.

"Damn you didn't have to tackle me Levi." He groaned. Levi didn't reply. His eyes were glued to his phone in horror. "Levi? Are you ok?" Erwin cautiously walked over to the smaller man who had started to subtly shake.

Erwin gently placed a hand on Levi's shoulder, he jumped in response and looked up at Erwin. "I-I Erwin my dad is here-" He was shaking more violently now. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" Erwin urged Levi to sit on the bed and he wrapped an arm around him.

"Is there something I should know about your father in this situation?" Erwin whispered calmly. Levi sighed and sat up a bit.

"Well, my dad never wanted to have me. He tried to convince my mother to abort but when she refused he got mad and abused her before leaving. Around 4 years after I was born he came back and started to hurt me and my mother again. He left again but came back when my mother passed when I was 7. He kept coming around every month until Kenny took me in. I haven't seen him since.. I just don't know how he found me.." Levi was gripping onto the bed so hard that his knuckles had turned white.

"I-I'm so sorry.." Erwin tightened his grip on Levi "I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Levi nodded and looked up to the man who had a reassuring smile on his face.

"Do you want to leave?" Erwin asked looking up to the door. It was still closed, good. Levi hesitated before answering. "I don't want to face him outside, but I don't want him in the rink either. Where would we go anyway."

"I understand but we could go to my apartment." Erwin stood up and picked up the ready packed duffel bag that the two had packed earlier. "We should take the back exit." Erwin nodded and held out his hand to Levi for reassurance.

Levi took it and followed closely behind Erwin in case his father had gotten inside. The two found that he had when they got down stairs. Levi's breathing was shaky and he gripped to Erwin who protected him by the steps.

"Ah! Hey brat, must be nice to see your old man after so many years huh? How about we play games like back in the old days?" He took a few steps closer to the two by the stairs. "Don't come any closer please sir." Erwin said calmly.

"Oooh, and who are you?" The man replied, he smelt of alcohol and smoke. "I'm Erwin Smith, Levi's friend." Erwin said staying put. "I'm surprised the runt even has friends," He scoffed smiling "Either way, you can leave us here kid. You have no reason to be stay anymore." He said and grabbed onto Erwin's arm.

He pried the mans hand off and pushed him back. "I won't let you get any closer to Levi." Erwin urged for Levi to get up and grab his duffel bag ready to Leave. "You're feisty huh?" He started, "Too bad he doesn't actually like or care for you runt," He smirked at Levi who cowered behind Erwin.

"I'm sorry, but you barely know Levi. Nor do you know me, I believe you have no right to decide what I think of Levi." Erwin was starting to get annoyed at the fact the man wouldn't back off. "So formal, it annoys me." He said walking towards Erwin. "Maybe this'll help," Erwin braced for Impact which was a good idea since seconds later a fist met his face.

Erwin hit the wall but got up in time to shove the man out of the way of Levi. "Go!" Erwin yelled at Levi who grabbed his duffel bag and ran to the exit. "Why you-" The man said getting up and kicking Erwin in the stomach, it made him gag. The man started to stumble off to the exit.

Erwin got up and swept his leg under the limping man causing him to collapse and hit his head hard. He was out cold. Oh thank god. Erwin thought as he checked for his keys phone and wallet in his pocket. They were all there. He hobbled to the exit and didn't lock the door as to let the man find his way out later but close it nonetheless.

Erwin could feel a bruise developing on the left side of his mouth. Not to mention a bad headache and stomach ache had started to make him feel bad. He attempted to ignore it.

Levi was on a bench on lookout in case his father came out of the rink instead of Erwin, but that wasn't the case. Thankfully. He ran over and looked over his injuries, it was still dark so it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

"I'm so so sorry-" Levi started to apologise. "No, no it's not your fault Levi so don't apologise. I took the blow for you and I'm happy I did. You don't deserve to go through that again." Erwin smiled and held his arms out. Levi looked as if he was going to cry but instead he buried his face in Erwin's chest.

Word count: 970

Nobody likes Levi's dad. Ill try my best not to include him in this again 🧍👍

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