Shimmering silver blades

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A singular alarm buzz filled a small room, shuffles could be heard in between footsteps as a figure made their way from the room to a cramped space behind a surprisingly clean counter. They emerged back out from the room with a pair of quite small skates.

A watch was attached to the figure's wrist and the numbers currently on it was 6:00. 2 hours. 2 hours until the hockey practice had to start. '2 hours of practice sounds great' The figure thought to themselves.

The person in question had light pale skin with a hint of rosiness on the nose, their eyebrows were thin and sat above two marble-like eyes that were the same shade as the moon. Their hair was a dusky black and flopped over a neat undercut.

The figure walked over to the entrance of the rink and leaned on the banister as they put on their skates. The early morning always seemed the best time to skate, when the sun rose and created a kind of streaky spotlight on the ice.

It had been freshly smoothed the night before and shimmered in the light, no one else seemed to be in the rink at the time since it was closed to the public until 8:00 and most of the owners lived in a separate building, although for a young man named Levi Ackermann, that was different.

Levi was a professional figure skater, he had loved the ice ever since he was 4. His uncle owned several different ice rinks all over Britain and so it was only natural that the young boy grew up around all sorts of professionals showing what they've got every day.

There was a small room in the upstairs area of the building that Levi had decided to move into when he was 18, he had been there for 3 years now and had surprisingly still kept it clean.

Life had been tough when Levi's mother passed away from an unknown illness. He was 7. Kenny Ackermann decided to take him in and let him live at his house until he decided to move out to the rink.

Levi was forever grateful to Kenny. He tried to keep It all off of his mind most of the time but he always had a cloth made of his mothers old dress near him.

Just then his phone buzzed,

Hange: Leeeviiiii I saw you were online a few minutes agoo. I told you to sleep until 8:00. Why are you up??

Levi: Hange you know I don't sleep, plus I'm practicing so don't distract me.

Hange: What?! Levi! You should've told me I could've been there quicker! You know I like to practice with youuu. Be there in five x3.

Levi: I regret telling you that already.

He shoved his phone onto the barricade and let out an irritated sigh, Hange had way too much energy for Levi's liking. If they were to be described in one word it would be energy. No doubt about it.


Only minutes later were there crashes at the doors and a short beep before a series of thunderous stomps.

"LEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!" Hange practically screeched coming full speed at Levi who instinctively dodged the hug and let them jump onto the ice to which they did a few spins before hurriedly gliding back.

"You messed up the smooth ice with your spin, you idiot." Levi glared at Hange who grinned sheepishly in reply. They rushed over to the snack bar and reached over the glass, they came back with a snickers bar and a very proud look.

"So, have you added anything to your routine yet?" Hange said between bites of food. "No, I can't think of a good foot choreography to go with the song." Levi sighed leaning back in his chair, he checked his watch, 6:34.

He still had time to practice. "Well, you're skating to homewrecker by MARINA right?" They paused and looked at Levi who nodded. "Here's one way, just impro skate to it at the point you wanna put it in and see where you go from there!".

Levi looked over at them with a confused look "I mean, it's a bit of an odd way but I guess I'll give it a try."


Minutes passed and the two took many turns on the ice showing each other their routines and random tricks they think suit parts in songs but soon it came to 7:45 and their time was almost up. "Hey, Hange we should get going. The hockey team'll be here soon." Levi said gliding over to where his phone was.

"Ok ok but just show me your routine one more time!" Hange was practically begging him. "Fine." Levi sighed and glided back on.

Only at least a minute had gone by and a singular person had come in. They had a baggy grey shirt and black jogging bottoms, they walked over to the barrier and dropped their large bag full of hockey gear on the ground. They stood right next to Hange without even realizing they were there.

"Hey, you on the hockey team here?" Hange asked, startling the person. " Oh! Yeah, but I'm new so you probably won't know me, do you know the person on the ice though?" they asked. "I suppose that makes sense, and yeah I do know him, why d'you ask?" Hange replied.

"Well, he looks really good at skating and I was just wondering if you knew his practice times?" Hange was a bit confused but nonetheless gave him the times, 6:00-8:00 in mornings and 4:00-7:00 in the evenings, times varying sometimes.

The person left to go to the changing rooms after giving their thanks, Hange watched as they walked off. Levi came off the ice and caught his breath before walking up to them.

"What're you watching?" Levi asked looking off in the direction Hange was also looking and managed to get a glimpse of a blonde man going into the hockey team changing rooms.

"That guy watched your routine with me and asked for your practice times." Hange said still in a confused tone. "And?" Levi looked at them in confusion as well. "I gave them to him." They said calmly. "What?! Why?!" Levi was completely confused and surprised. "Pffft, like I know." Hange said, putting their arms around their neck and turning around. "Wanna get breakfast?" They said before leaving Levi behind in shock.

Word count: 1083

I wonder who it was that came in 😏🤌

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Where stories live. Discover now