Beach trip

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The Afternoon went by quickly. The group had gone bowling, to the park, shopping and they even went back to the rink to play tag on ice since Levi could reserve any amount of time at any time. Everyone ended up exchanging numbers with Erwin, even Levi, which was a surprise to Hange and Nanaba.

It had gotten dark outside and everyone was just finishing up their drinks before deciding to head off and let Levi close the rink for the day. Hange and Erwin were the last two to leave but Erwin was the last by a couple of minutes. "Hey, Levi." "Mhm?" he hummed in response as he cleaned the counter of spilt drinks.

"I had lots of fun today, you and your friends are really nice. I was hoping we could do this again sometime? Also I'd love to see your routine again tomorrow." He smiled and looked at Levi before picking up his coat and saying goodbye.

Levi stood there, yet again shocked. This man enjoyed his company, and liked his skating and was nice to him even though Levi considered being rude and sassy to him about the smallest thing.

He was confused at how someone could be this nice could be so patient with him. A smile found its way onto Levi's face and he didn't bother to wipe it off as he continued to clean up the mess his friends had made.


The next day was like the previous, except other than Afternoon practice everyone had the rest of the week off. Meaning holidays were optional.

Since the day before, Mike had created a new group chat including: Nanaba, Hange, Moblit, Erwin, Levi, Himself, Mikasa, Eren, Armin and one or two more of his teammates. It was already blowing up Levi's phone with notifications.

Mike: Hey everybody, have any of you got plans this upcoming week?

Hange: Nope

Eren: I don't think so

Mikasa: No.

Erwin: other than a little bit of morning practice tomorrow, no.

Nanaba: Nope

Petra: Me, Oluo and Gunther are going to go on a trip further up the country so we do, sorry.

Levi: No, not really.

Mike: Great! Who's up for a beach trip?!

Nanaba: Hell yeah >:D

Hange: Count me in!!

Erwin: Sounds great! Levi, are you up for it?

Levi: Sure, I don't have anything else to do anyway.

Mike: It's settled then, pack your bags guys. We leave in two days, I've found a hotel and I'm pretty sure our pay this month as a whole should be enough for all of us!

Hange: It's a plan >:]

Levi shoved his phone down on the bedside table and got up. His duffel bag was usually in his cupboard but he left it downstairs the other day, just as he was about to leave he heard his phone ring. It was Erwin. Levi was a bit confused but was happy it was him more than anyone else for some reason.

"Hey Levi!"

"Hey eyebrows, what do you want?"

"This is a bit awkward but I'm kind of outside of the rink, if I'm right then your bedroom overlooks the entrance." He said Sheepishly.

Levi looked out his window and sure enough there was a tall blonde waving right at him. "Why are you here eyebrows? Shouldn't we be packing for the beach?"

"I know but before I do I wanted to get in some practice and I also wanted to see your routine again."


My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Where stories live. Discover now