"Not the worst sized hand you got there."

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"I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones cause blue~ is your~ favourite colour~ missing pieces of my skull. I'll sew on patches of my own soul. There's nothing you or I can do, so let the stars fall 'cause from up here, the sky is my thoughts, and we're all so small, we're all so..."

sound poured through the car as two tired men gained consciousness in the back seats. Quiet yet loud. To one of the men, the lyrics felt so.. relatable. Although too tired to understand why, they opened their eyes and observed the surroundings.

It was warm in the car, albeit not too hot, just warm enough to be cosy. A soft breeze came through the open window, and the sound of a light tapping on a steering wheel could be heard. The aura was nice. Calming, even.

Levi's eyes adjusted. He identified the music as cavetown. God he loved cavetown. His lips twitched upwards briefly before relaxing again, not much was seen from Levi's point of view, only one eye could really see. The other one was pushing against something, it squished half of his face. No, not just his face. Half of his body. It was being held against another thing..

A large, yawning, tired.. blonde thing. Erwin. Suddenly it hit Levi, he was cuddling up to Erwin. The thought leapt and bounced through his mind, pink was an understatement to describe the shade of colour Levi's face had gone.

He attempted to sit up and escape the large male's grasp. It was quite unsuccessful. Erwin's grip only tightened, he groaned and rested his head on Levi. Which caught the raven of guard, he flinched at the extra contact.

Levi proceeded to try and relax, he told himself that Erwin wasn't doing it deliberately.. or was he? No, calm down, he's asleep. Get a grip Levi. he just sighed and believed his thoughts. He glanced up to the mirror at the front of the car.

It was quite dark so it wasn't very easy to see although he could make out a pair of hazel eyes looking at him through said mirror. Hange. Their eyebrows were wiggling up and down. Levi tried to lift up his hand to flip them off but realised Erwin was holding them down.

Levi stared at his restrained hands and frowned, to which he earned a quiet snort from Hange. "Grab his hand, he might hold it. Maybe even squeeze it." Hange whispered playfully, "Shut up four eyes." Levi scoffed. "Oh, come on! I dare you! You didn't turn down Erwin's dare so you have no right to refuse mine!" they pouted.

Levi looked down at his hands again, his arms were held in his lap. Erwin's arms were wrapped around his stomach like he were some sort of giant stuffed bear you get at theme parks in those rip off stall games.

He then remembered that he was still wearing the oversized shirt from two days prior, it didn't smell that bad but Levi felt that he and it needed a wash. Thoughts took hold of the man, he wondered how he managed to move from the left window seat to the small middle part that you probably couldn't even call a suitable place to sit.

It was small and the seatbelt was in such an awkward place, although it was perfect for snuggling up to someone else. Which was exactly what Levi and Erwin were doing. Erwin hadn't moved or shifted much since Levi had woken up, but when he did it was always for him to get closer or get a better grasp on Levi's waist.

Levi in question liked the blonde cuddling up to him, it felt as if he was vulnerable and let his guard down. Levi felt lucky to be someone Erwin could trust. The raven wasn't so big on trust himself though, it was as if he had forgotten how ever since he'd been alone for a rather long painful month before Kenny came for him.

A long sigh escaped his pursed lips, he knew that if he accepted Hange's dare nothing would come out of it. He knew the best that would happen would be that Erwin would hold his hand back, though the chances are low since he is unconscious after all.

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Where stories live. Discover now