Getting help

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Levi dragged the duffle bag on the floor as the two made their way to the parking lot, hand in hand. Erwin was about to get into the driver's seat when Levi blocked the door. "There's no way I'm letting you drive." He said severely.

Erwin closed his eyes and sighed. He took the duffle bag from Levi and placed it on the back seat. Vision became hazy and his mouth had started to throb. Levi looked over at Erwin, a concerned look on his face. "Take a nap, Hange's place isn't too far away. They have a supply of ice packs since they really are that clumsy."

Erwin huffed in amusement and closed the door. Levi took the keys out of the blonde's open hand and started up the engine. The car ride was silent but not at all uncomfortable or awkward. Erwin was out of it and didn't have full consciousness. Levi wanted to make the ride as smooth as possible, so he concentrated on the road.

Levi pulled up onto Hange's driveway around five minutes later and walked up to the door. Hange's car was also on the driveway. Levi knocked a couple of times before being faced with a drained looking mess of hair. "Levi?"

"Hi, Erwin's hurt can we come in?" Levi decided he would tell Hange what was going on once they had all settled down. Hange nodded and left the door open before walking off. Levi went to the car and dragged the duffel bag in.

He was walking through the door when he got caught on something. His shirt had latched itself onto the handle fucking shirt. Levi tugged it off and dumped the bag by the sofa. Hange was in the kitchen making tea, with a slightly less messier head of hair.

The car was still on and vibrating, although the door was open. A cool breeze came through and made Erwin shiver. Levi had walked up to the resting blonde and placed his hand on his head. It was burning. As Levi pulled his hand away he noticed a bit of blood.

"You gonna bring him in or what? I got an ice pack ready." Hange shouted from the kitchen. "We're going to need some warm water and a towel as well, he's bleeding." Levi yelled back from the car. Hange nodded and disappeared up the stairs.

Levi pulled the car door out as far as it would go and placed his hands under Erwin's arms, to which he stirred but didn't wake up. Levi dragged Erwin a little further away before kicking the car door closed with his foot.

The raven yet again used his foot to open the front door just wide enough. He dragged Erwin up to the sofa and gently laid him on it, using a pillow to prop up his head. Erwin winced when his head was pulled forward but still didn't wake up.

"Oi, Hange, how's that warm water looking." Levi ambled into the kitchen, Hange had three cups of tea on the table and a tub of warm water. "Should I put anything in the water or should I just keep it plain?" Hange enquired whilst they looked through the freezer to find ice packs.

"No, I checked him and the wound has already stopped bleeding. I just need to clean him up." Levi observed The blonde for a moment before turning back to Hange, who nodded and handed him a cloth and ice packs.

"Thanks." Levi sat down beside Erwin and pressed lightly in places where he may have been hurt. He could clearly see the left side of his jaw was swollen but he would have to go to it last since he would have to hold the ice pack there to prevent it from falling.

Hange seemed tired but Levi didn't feel bad for coming to them, they had everything Erwin needed to feel remotely better. They slumped on the opposing sofa and took a long sip of their tea. Levi had poked and prodded every single one of Erwin's ribs with no response. He let out a sigh of relief as he moved to the abdomen.

Erwin let out a groan of discomfort and to that Levi put an ice pack on his stomach. He proceeded to look for bruises on arms or legs, but there were none. He decided to move onto cleaning his head.

There was a cloth already in the tub, it had had time to soak. Levi reached in and ringed it out before pushing the tub aside and brushing up Erwin's hair. The cut wasn't too visible but Levi could see the blood that had stained his hair.

Levi brushed the cloth around the area and washed off the blood when there was too much. Not much blood came off on the cloth but to be sure Levi lightly squeezed the area of the cut. No blood came out. Levi threw the cloth back in the water and grabbed one more ice pack to which he placed on the side of Erwin's mouth he held it on this time though.

"So what even happened to get him this battered?" Hange asked when they finished their tea. They proceeded to hand Levi his tea before he spoke up. "Well, it's not exactly the most flattering of all stories." Levi exhaled, one hand holding a cup, the other on an ice pack.

"So, me and Erwin were packing my bag and had pillow fights and stuff," He started but paused to the smirk Hange had on their face. "Hange no." Levi knew what kind of a person Hange was. They were the supreme shipper of the group.

"Hange yes." They replied, their smirk even larger on their face. The sunlight reflected on their glasses and just made them look like a crazy person from an anime. Which they were, in fact. Levi glared at them until they sighed and gestured for him to continue, the smile didn't leave though.

"I got a motion warning on my phone and checked it, I saw my dad." Hange's smile dropped. "We were just going downstairs to leave when we found he had gotten in. He ended up trying to get to me but Erwin shoved him out the way, my dad was having none of it and hurt him badly." Levi checked under the ice pack.

The swelling had gone down. He took it off and placed it on the floor. "Although he managed to hold him off as I ran out." He sighed and turned back to Hange who had a sympathetic look on their face. "You don't need to do anything more, I'm grateful that you didn't flood me with questions as soon as we arrived."

Hange nodded slowly. "Anyway, do you know the times that we leave tomorrow? I should probably go to Erwin's apartment and pack for him before we go." Hange took a moment to think before they lit up, "I believe we leave at three o'clock in the afternoon. You guys have got plenty of time to pack!" They smiled and got up taking the tub of now cold water over to the kitchen.

"I'm going to go back to bed, call me if you're gonna leave though." Hange yawned and waved as they trudged up the stairs. Levi sat there for a bit and thought to himself, He was worried if Erwin's injuries  would mean he couldn't come on the trip or if it would give him bad headaches.

Levi tried not to think of the negatives although it seemed that was all he really could do. He looked up at Erwin. The blonde was sleeping peacefully, he looked as though he wasn't in any pain. Levi decided to check his wounds again.

He lifted up his hair to see a healing cut and looked down at the bruise on his mouth, the swelling had gone down. Levi moved down to the Abdomen where Erwin had winced at the touch of the area. Levi decided to lift up his shirt to see if there was a bruise.

Although he was met with muscles.. And abs. damn, too bad they're covered up by a nasty bruise. Levi was slightly confused at his thoughts but brushed it off. He had a tendency to ignore most thoughts he didn't intentionally put in his head.

He pulled shirt back down and listened to Erwin's steady breathing. It was calming to know that his breathing wasn't shaky or unhealthy in any way. Levi wouldn't have wanted to cause someone to be hurt because of his past and present family problems.

After a little while Levi had an odd thought, he didn't want to debate with himself about it though, and so he proceeded to take Erwin's hand and place his own inside.

He wasn't expecting it but the larger hand squeezed Levi's own, not too tight, not too weak. Just perfectly.

Word count: 1494

Ah yes and so, the shipping from Hange has begun ☺️

Btw ive got 85 reads on this and i'm quite suprised 😟 i wasn't really expecting it to do very well tbh but thank you whoever has decided to read this gay gay so very gay fanfic 🛐

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