Meeting brother

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"Perfect timing!" Came a voice from the other room. It was deep but kind, like the tall intimidating kid that's actually soft and sweet. The two shuffled into the kitchen, eager to get closer to the smell. The kitchen was to the right of the room, the living area to the left, the kitchen wasn't too big nor small, it went up to the wall and was kind of like a semi-circle. But more square-like. A fridge was to the left of the square and an oven was right in the middle.

There was a gas stove and a bunch of jars rested on the counters, they had little symbols on each one. One was two swords crossing each other, the training corps. Another had two roses with roots, the garrison regiment. Another had what looked like a unicorn with a green mane, the military police. And the last had the one and only wings of freedom, the scouts.

"So do you guys fancy some afternoon tea? I thought since my little bro got hurt, I could use that as an excuse to make more scones." Erwin laughed at the other blonde and placed the bag he had on the floor.

The other man had golden locks of hair, much alike Erwin's, but had emerald eyes and sad looking tufts of hair on his chin that Levi was guessing he wanted to call a beard. He was a little taller than Erwin but not by much, he had a nice smile and his hair was longer and was kept up in a bun, much like jaeger, a boy that Levi saw falling over constantly on the ice. Erwin and his brother definitely shared one thing in common. Eyebrows.

"You'll use any excuse you can to bake," Erwin laughed and hugged his brother. After the hug the man walked over to Levi and held his hand out, "Hi Levi, my name's Michael Smith, nice to meet you." He smiled as Levi took his hand and shook it.

"How do you know my name? I don't recall telling you it when I called you." Levi asked a plain look on his face, this man may be nice but Levi wasn't the kind to be nice back to people, even if they were siblings of friends.

Erwin gave Levi a look that said what the hell was that for?! Levi just shrugged at Erwin and looked back at Michael. "Well, Erwin talks about you a lot so it wasn't too hard to remember your name. Also, thanks for calling me about Him, I'm glad he's better now." He smiled and looked over at Erwin who was a slight pinker shade than before.

Levi looked at Erwin and locked eyes with him, He looked at him confused, "Why would he talk about me a lot?" He said facing back towards Michael, Erwin sat there in confusion and disbelief at the questions his Friend was asking.

"I could ask you the same thing but I think I have an idea of what it is." He paused and looked at Erwin, who's eyes widened and ears went pink. "Although I'm not sharing!" He winked and stuck his tongue out in a playful manner, it was like sparkles were radiating off of this man.

Not too much to be annoying like Hange though. "You two should go pack for this beach trip, ill have the scones and tea ready in five minutes. '' Michael smiled and wandered off to the kitchen. Erwin and Levi looked at each other before leaving for Erwin's room. It was at the far side of a hallway.

Erwin dumped Levi's bag on the floor by his bed and started to look through his draws. Levi sat on his bed and watched. "Hey, why were you blushing back there? What did your brother mean?" Levi put his hand on the bed and crossed his legs.

"It's fine, same reason you said for Hange I guess." He replied, he threw shirts on the floor as if he were looking for something. Levi looked around Erwin's room, it was quite nice. There was a wardrobe in the wall and a nice personal bathroom near it.

He had a double bed with navy blue sheets and grey pillows, he had blackout curtains which were a dark grey. He didn't seem to use his lights since he had lamps on the floor near his bedside table and small candle holders sitting on the many layers of bookshelves. One of his walls was just bookshelves.

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon