Scones and tea

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One man rushed to the door, another following close behind. Both dashed down the hallway. Both pink in the face. "Michael what the hell." Erwin said embarrassed once he got to the kitchen. "What? Did I interrupt something?" He acted clueless but Erwin knew very well that his brother was holding back a smirk, a smirk that of a supreme shipper.

"No, but what did you think we were doing?" Erwin was getting impatient with his brother's act. "Ooooh I don't know," Michael didn't finish his sentence but instead smiled and picked up a scone.

Erwin sighed and sat down, he motioned for Levi to sit next to him. Michael was a doctor but loved to bake. Any excuse he could get, he would bake because of it. Whether it be for family or friends or even college occasions he would bake or make something.

The scones were light and fluffy, they weren't dry either. Clearly Michael had practiced them to perfection. Erwin grabbed one and cut it in half, "So how do you have your scones?" Erwin asked Levi.

"I don't like the cream sticking to the jam so I do it first and then I put the jam on top." Levi replied reaching for the cream in question. Erwin and Michael smiled. "Good, we have the same reasons for putting cream first then." Erwin looked between the two others at the table with him smiling.

Levi shrugged and spread the jam on the top. "I'll only have one half, eating too much food makes me sick." Levi said clearly embarrassed and wondering if Michael would be hurt at not eating his food, "No problem at all! I understand, more for us I guess!" Michael in question replied with a big grin on his face.

Levi smiled and sighed in relief. The three ate their scones and talked about random things in life that amused each other, "I remember a little while back, Michael, you seemed to be having a graduation crisis, deciding whether to go for a baking job or to be a doctor, you ended up doing both!" Erwin grinned at his brother who seemed to have the memories playing in his mind.

"Oh yeah! Mom and dad really wanted me to be a doctor but I wanted to bake as well, I had a mini crisis before a revolutionary thought came to mind.. Why not do both!" He made a mini explosion with his hands around his head which caused Erwin to laugh and Levi to chuckle a little bit. "Mid-life crisis's can be solved so easily!" Michael finished off by rolling his eyes and smiling, one hand in the air just to make him seem so much more sassier.

"You guys have such interesting lives, I wish I got out more now." Levi said after they all had stopped laughing, he took a sip of his tea and sat back in his chair. "Well then, I'll make this following week as exciting and eventful as possible!" Erwin said, a determined look on his face. He held his thumb up, Levi was a bit concerned if he would be in danger from this man's determination.

He shuddered enough for Erwin to see, "Ha don't be fake scared of me! I'm only helping you live a little!" Levi snorted at Erwin's response and Michael hid a laugh behind his cup of tea. "Fine then!" Erwin stood up hastily, and saluted. One hand on his heart he began to speak so formally Levi thought he might not be able to contain his laughter.

"I, Erwin Smith, pledge to have the upcoming week of Levi Ackermann's Life be the very and truly best week he has ever had! It shall be one he will never forget, one he will remember as the week he started to be more of an opportunistic person!" He bowed and stood there as if waiting for someone to say something.

Levi was about to burst into laughter when Michael cleared his throat, "Deep." He said plainly. That did it. Levi snorted and started laughing so hard his ribs hurt, he looked up and Erwin who had a familiar look of pure betrayal all over his face, it only made Levi laugh even more.

Michael couldn't keep himself together anymore and wheezed like there was no tomorrow. It wasn't too long before Erwin gave in and the three were laughing like a pack of hyenas. "Please, your face was priceless!" Michael wheezed, he was practically crying now.

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