My night

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Around 10 minutes later Levi came strolling out of the bathroom in black leggings, a grey t-shirt and a white fluffy towel on his head. He looked calm, like showering and becoming clean was one of his favourite things.

Erwin had been scrolling through snapchat for a few minutes, he had gotten bored of seeing his old friends from New York go out and act as if he had never been there, not mentioning him once like they did in posts only a brief month ago.

The blonde sighed and decided to check his brother's account, maybe he had done something interesting since they had left that he didn't tell him on the call. It was highly unlikely but he hadn't checked in three days anyway.

Michael had posted one thing, one thing on the day that Levi was round their apartment and at the time they were watching Hamilton. His brother had put on his grey hoodie and clout goggles, the caption was the most embarrassing part.

Why Michael felt the need to do this flew right over Erwin's head. This was becoming usual but yet again pink spread across his face. "What you looking at to make you so flushed?" Levi said leaning against the wall opposite Erwin.

"Nothing." Erwin choked out whilst hastily scrolling away. He turned off his phone and put it on the bedside table before leaning back on the bed and covering his face with his hands. Levi looked at him confused as he walked over to the window.

The window was already open but the curtains weren't. Levi yanked them to the side and stared up at the stars. They looked like small fish, coy, swimming through an endless ocean of black. It was satisfying and enchanting to watch.

A deep breath slid out from Levi's thin lips, he took a step back from the window and lifted his leg up. He placed it on the window sill and bent downwards slightly. Erwin had sat up again and was now watching the raven.

He studied him closely and saw he was wearing some clothes that they had bought a few days prior, Levi had insisted on getting new leggings since they wouldn't get caught on anything when he wanted to practice on the ice. And now he was wearing them. They showed just how small and slim this man was. Erwin couldn't help but feel happy that Levi got him to buy them.

The shirt Levi was wearing was the last one the two had purchased on their shopping trip. There was a small hidden corner shop that they had somehow found that sold a small amount of merch from youtubers and not popular enough shows or anime.

Erwin had gotten excited and bought a few things from the shop. But most were clothes for Levi, the shirt he was wearing was grey. It had the wings of freedom on it from Shingeki No Kyojin, or in English, attack on titan. Erwin bought one too so that they matched, he loved the show way too much. He had merchandise everywhere in his house.

Although as Levi went to look around the shop, Erwin sneakily switched out the shirt he had given him for a much larger size. He knew Levi would be annoyed and would most likely stay that way for a little while. but Erwin also knew, as long as he could get to see Levi in baggy shirts, it was worth it.

And so, the man that stood by the open window, was wearing a ridiculously big shirt. To add, the wind blew through the window making said shirt fall behind Levi in all directions. The blonde on the bed smiled.

He hopped over onto Levi's bed and watched him curiously. "What are you doing?" He enquired, turning his head towards the raven's face. Levi paused and stood up, "Are you blind? I'm stretching, I have to do my daily stretches if I want to stay in good shape for skating." He replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Fair enough." Erwin said looking up and out of the window. "You thirsty?" He said after Levi had stopped. Levi in question hesitated, as if this question was really that hard. "Sure, why not." He replied in a monotone.

With that, Erwin opened his bag and pulled out two bottles of fresh water. "Here." He said throwing a bottle to Levi, who caught it one handed. "Nice catch," Erwin smiled at Levi who just placed the bottle to the side and leant on the window sill.

"Stars still out? No clouds?" The tall male felt as if he was trying too hard to make conversation. Maybe Levi was just too tired, no. He wouldn't be. He's awake but not aware of what's going on. Everyone has that time of day or night where that happens to them

I guess I'll just have to wake him up then. Erwin smirked. He set his bottle on the floor and walked over to the ravenette man. Levi was lost in the ocean of stars, he didn't notice Erwin standing right behind him.

Levi's eyes focussed on one star, unable to avert his gaze onto any other one, he was too tired, unbothered or just didn't feel like doing so. It burned brightly, like gold. It shone brighter than most others.

Erwin followed his gaze. The blonde wasn't too big on studying astronomy himself but it certainly fascinated him. Levi looked so delicate in the moonlight, the fact that said light reflected off of his damp hair proved the point. During the day Levi looked intimidating, that was the very reason why Erwin never even thought about trying anything at those times.

Although, it was as if the night was his saviour. Too dark to see reactions or too dark for anyone to really see in general. There were so many things about the night that Erwin truly loved, not just being able to see Levi in this way.

To Erwin, the night was and forever will be a magical time that you get to see every day of your life if you had the choice. Playing music while sitting under the stars was one of his favourite things to do. But, all he could help but think now was, what if I could have someone to do it with me.

With all honesty, Erwin felt this way ever since he had laid eyes on the small man before him. He was angelic, small, feisty yet soft. Everything Erwin loved. The night was what Erwin loved.

Levi, was Erwin's night.

Realisation flooded throughout Erwin's body like an ice-cold wave. Nothing he said nor did could change his feelings now. It was all clear. Love was always around Erwin as a child. He lived in America, it was everywhere. Although, while everyone had at least had a significant other by the age of 17, Erwin had never batted an eye over it.

Now, he actually knew why people obsessed over it. It really did feel good. It really did feel good to be in love.

Erwin smiled, nothing felt better than this moment. He shifted closer behind the ravenette and wrapped his arms around his chest. Gripping gently, Erwin rested his head on top of the soggy hair that he loved so much.

Levi surprisingly wasn't as tense as he was outside, although still a little stiff. It was as if nothing mattered other than each other, the world could wait. Time could wait. The sun, could, wait.

Levi relaxed, closed his eyes and melted into Erwin's embrace. He rested his head to the left and let Erwin fall into his neck as the raven nestled up to the man he felt he had known forever. "Your hair's still wet," Erwin whispered quietly against Levi's neck.

"Yeah," was the reply he had gotten. "Want to take a walk to dry it off quicker?" Erwin lifted his head up and looked into Levi's moon-lit eyes. "Sure, I don't see why not." With that Levi met Erwin's gaze. His lips curved upwards forming a small gentle smile.

Erwin had resisted the urge to pick the man up and kiss him by stepping away, returning the warm smile and shoving his hands in his pockets. Unfortunately, he felt the need to wait for the right moment to confess all the things that had been revealed to him only that night. Now, sadly, was not it.

With a mind full of new thoughts and the realisation of what he had gotten himself into, Erwin smiled sheepishly and Left for the fresh salty air that awaited them from behind reception doors.

He had a feeling that this walk would be quite a nice one.

Word count: 1470

Mmm what if I tease you in the next chapter 👀

Kiss or no kiss. That is the question

My night {EruRi}  {ice skating au}Where stories live. Discover now