Flustered under the moonlight

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Hours had gone by and it was dark when all cars had made it to the beach. Hange had run off to find Moblet, and the kids, Eren, Mikasa and Armin, were like the walking dead. Too tired to function. Erwin had gone and sat on a bench somewhere and called his brother since he promised he would let him know the time of arrival.

Levi could hear the blonde trying to calm Michael down, he was whisper-yelling to his brother, who was fan-boying for some reason. He must've made some particular comments since it looked as if Erwin had gone a bit pink.

Thoughts were interrupted by Hange, who was greeting everyone like they were long lost friends. It was rather childish.

A couple of minutes passed and Levi was getting bored of just standing there like an empty jar you cast away to the back of the shelf. Hange was rioting like a drunk person and of course, Moblet was the one trying to calm them down. Miche and Nanaba stood to the side and enjoyed the show.

Zeke had already decided to check in since Armin and Eren looked like they were about to pass out. They had left a few minutes prior. Levi didn't like the loud crowded area but he didn't want to go to sleep, he'd already had his fill of rest in the car. With Erwin.

It seemed that they were in an area Levi couldn't quite remember the name of. But it was a nice place nonetheless, it was on the coast but they had parked on the cliff above sea level.

There was a barrier that went along the edge, it was mossy and old from what Levi could tell. He found a not so broken part and rested on it.

The sky that night was absolutely beautiful. The stars shone bright and were slapped across the atmosphere like the stain a child would make when they threw their unwanted spaghetti on the floor. Although the stars were much nicer, some were big and some were small, some connected and some just glistened on their own, proud to be seen.

It had been a while since Levi had really admired his surroundings as much as he was now, when it came to the night the street lamps around the rink would always block out any view of the magnificent balls of energy.

He let out a sigh and the wind tickled his cheeks, his hair flew gently to the side as it shone in the light of the moon. Levi's gaze fell down the large body of water before him. The reflection it held was magical, enchanting, even. It was like someone dipped silver dye into the water. The moon was rather large that night too.

He let his eyes close for a brief moment and relaxed, this was easily one of his favourite feelings. The raven let his chin fall to his crossed arms on the banister, he didn't want to sleep, just relax and maybe stay out here until morning came. He knew it was only around 1:00 o'clock but he didn't feel like sitting or going inside again.

Within a few seconds, Levi's thoughts were interrupted. He felt a presence to his left. One that was quite close, not too close that it was as if they were leaning against him, but close enough for them to occasionally brush Levi's shoulder with their arm.

The figure mirrored Levi and followed the gaze he had previously held before he turned to look at said figure. Levi didn't think anyone would follow him to the edge but maybe they were bored and needed something to preoccupy them. Such as star-gazing.

"I've never really looked at stares for more than a minute or two." They whispered. Levi didn't know why they whispered but it was nice hearing this particular person do it, they sounded calm and a little drowsy. The whisper was soft and comforting, the kind of gentle voice you'd use for a sick loved one.

"Me neither." Levi grunted in a hushed tone. "I think it's quite nice. I mean, not just the stars and the scenery, but the way it makes you look so at peace." They said gently, turning to look at Levi. The raven returned the gaze, "You think so, eyebrows?"

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