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My mate leaves and I watch this stupid girl Mira sitting in my kitchen. I don’t why she likes to behave like this is her house or she owns it but something tells me that she’s up to no good. She will regret trying to mess with me. I don’t know if she thinks I’m stupid or what but she be sorry.

When my mate summoned his ancestor I didn’t think he will show up but he did. When he said it wasn’t him who sent this guardians here and that it was Athena. I understood why this girl is behaving the way she does its Athena’s doing. I know of Athena and about her cause I have heard many stories about her from my grandmother. You see I come from a family of goddesses. My ancestors represent life and light. I have always known this since I was little when I realized that I was special from my friends.

We didn’t stay in one town for more than 7 years. Every year we had to move and have a different identity cause if we didn’t. People would be suspicious of us meaning me specifically cause I’m different so they did that to protect me. As for my aunt the one who used to be married to my uncle? Well her children didn’t inherit any of the powers from their paternal grandmother. I don’t know if my uncle ever told what we are cause the woman has never liked me.

Maybe she knew and that’s why she couldn’t stand me. Only the women from my maternal family inherit powers and no one else. I asked my grandmother why women only and she said it has been that way for hundreds of years. Maybe that’s why she chose to move far away from me once my uncle passed away. I have always lived a comfortable life since I can remember even after my grandmother passed away cause my uncle made sure I had everything I needed. But all of that changed the day my uncle died. I knew I was alone and things were going to be difficult for me and they did.

After the reading of the will I found that I was rich. I had money and the house in Richard’s Bay was actually under my name my aunt lost it. She swore that I was never going to get my hands on her husband’s money and it happened. She paid people who made sure I don’t get my 10 million rands. She lives comfortably in Joburg with her children and the husband she gave money to…my money to marry her.

I was so hurt and devastated when I realized what had happened but I knew that her day will come someday. I still hope so. I tried to reach out to Belinda to help me but she refused and I stopped. I’m glad she did cause maybe I would have ended up dead like her. She has been trouble from the first day my uncle brought her home after he adopted her. He was glad when she ran away and never came back. All of us were actually.

I could have reached out and asked for help from the gods or but I didn’t. I stopped talking to them after my grandmother died. I blocked all of them from my life cause I wanted nothing to do with them. I could have saved her but they refused to let me save her life and then she left me. I have never been the same after she died. She was more of a mother to me than my grandmother. She’s the only mother I knew cause my mom died giving birth to me. The only thing I have of her are her pictures. She was really a beautiful woman. I do wish though that someday I’ll meet her.

My grandmother used to tell me stories about how I am special and one day I am going to marry someone who’s special like me. He’ll be a fearless God feared by everyone cause he is the key. She told me I will know and feel it when he comes into my life and indeed I did. I knew that day that something was going to happen. But I didn’t think it would be that woman and two men who were looking for Belinda. The man who beat me up. I know them and that woman. I could have hurt them but I was scared what will happen to me when people realize what happened so I just let them be. I lost hope after that cause I thought I wasn’t going to see him but I felt him the moment he walked through the gate. I knew it was him the moment he opened his mouth and talked to me.

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