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My thoughts are all over the place. I don't know what to do or say. I feel like I am going to wake up tomorrow and realize that all of this is a dream but I know it's not. She's really gone and there was nothing I can do to stop her. I have to give her the space she needs. Hopefully she will use this time to right and work on herself and what she wants to do. She is smart so I do believe she will be responsible and take care of herself.
I park outside this pub in town and walk in. I sit down and order myself a glass of water. Yeah I know. Why am I ordering water and not alcohol. I am a fan of alcohol and I rarely drink even though I am nit a health freak. The guy gives me my bottle and I drink and think about the things I wanted to do for her. Show her the whole the way she has never seen it. Travel around the world going to her favourite places.
There's nothing I wouldn't have done for her but I can't force her to love me or look at me the way I look at her. I thought we loved each other but I was wrong. Our love was one sided. I was the only one who was in love.
" What happened? " Fuck. Karobo and Kane sit down next to me.
" You can't be here " I tell Bishop
" Then let's go somewhere so you can tell us what happened "
We get up and I leave money on the table and we walk out.
" Where are we going? " I ask them
" Lets go to the park so we can talk "
The park is a walking distance so we walk there and sit under the tree.
" Why did Amahle leave? "
" I don't want to talk about it " I tell kane.
" Too bad cause you know I'm not going to stop until you talk "
" Did she leave because of what we told you? " Bishop asks me.
" What did you tell him? "
" Jess told Jacob that she saw amahle flirting with some other guy that day she didn't sleep home "
" Why the hell would you tell him that mpendulo "
" He had to know if she really was doing or not "
" Man that....."
" Leave it Kane. It doesn't matter cause Amahle broke up with me."
" What? " ohk
" Why are you not shocked? " I ask them frowning
" I liked Hlehle honestly I thought she wil be what you need but deep seeing her with our cousins was lie seeing a different person. She was laughing, talking and not this timid girl we knew. I thought ok maybe she will be more like that around but every time you got near her she would withdraw. " Kane points out.
" what? I've never felt that "
" You love her brother. Some other things you are not going to notice or maybe you did but you took it for something else. Her being shy and all that. Why did you guys break up? " Bishop elaborates.
I tell them the whole story from us sitting on the bed and her walking out of my life. I drink the water from the bottle I brought.
" Wow I can't believe we didn't see that. She was learning to love you. Damn that must have hurt " Bishop states. I nod.
" I really thought you guys would make it and she will be our sister in-law even though she was way too young for you but since she feels that way about you then it is clear that she was with you out of fear and security too. She never loved you brother and I wish she could have told you allot sooner before you developed these feelings for her " Kane questly says.
" I'm glad she told me. Just imagine one day we're married and have kids then we fight and she throws this bom on me that she resents me for what I did to her. That would have just killed me "
" I'm sorry you're experiencing your first heartbreak. Damn it suck! " Bishop grips my shoulder. " She is right about she hasn't lived her life and experienced it. When I asked Jacob information about her and saw her pictures I did see she was young but I told myself that you can mould her to be the woman you want and a perfect submissive but I was wrong to think that. A part of me feelis like I'm the one that lead you to have thoughts about her when I suggested that why don't you ask her to be your submissive. If maybe I hadn't said that the maybe you wouldn't be feeling this way "
" I knew what I was getting myself into when I asked her. I knew I had to be patient an lenient with her cause she nothing about our world. She never showed me that she wasn't happy or angry with me. I wish she had shown and told me that earlier and maybe I could have fixed it. I wanted to show her the world. Treat her like my queen and my world. Worship the ground she walked on but...."
" It wasn't meant to be. She wasn't meant to be yours cause she doesn't love you kabelo. If you ask someone if they love you and their answer is not quick. They hesitate first before they tell you?. That should have told you that she doesn't love you and the space she wants it's forever cause we all know she's not coming back." Kane states.
" We don't know that Kane. Maybe before the week ends she will come running and crawling back to him " Bishop snaps at him.
" Kane is right. She's not coming back to me. She's gone "
" Don't lose hope brother...."
" What does he say, your ulter ego? " What?
" He's my ulter ego? " I chuckle
" Yes he is. What does he say "
" We are one prson Kane. Everything I feel he also feels. He tried to warn me but I shut him out. When Amahle walked out of the door I froze cause I didn't know what to do but then he took a deep breath out like he's been holding his breath."
" What?, What did that mean? "
" If we really wanted Amahle to stay and not go. We would have stopped her but we didn't. Instead we watched her go." They keep quiet.
" Well you needed and still need a woman who will handle you brother cause you can be too much "  Kane says and laughs.
" You're making fun of me huh? " We laugh.
" That's more like it. You're smilling now. That soppy look on your face was depressing me but the honest truth bro. You need a woman. Not a young confused girl. You need someone who will handle all of you." Kane points out.
" Yeah not now. I need to mend my broken heart and just focus on the club. I thought I found the one but clearly she wasn's so I'm going to away from love for now. You two need to find women of your own."
" We'll I'm ready. I don't know about the Bishop here "
" Nope. Not happening "
" The day you fall karabo. You are goin g to fall quick and hard. I can't wait to see it "
" and that's my que to leave. I have a sermon to prepare for. You too go and check on Sakhil'e wife. Let him know we have his wife."
" I will also c all Cigar and find out where they are and what's the situation in Cape Town "
We get up and these fools hug me. Imagine seeing three big men like us in a group hug. I shake my head.
" Thank you guys for following me. I feel better now "
" Ncooooooh " Kane coos then runs away.
" You're a nut case you fool " I shout at him and he laughs running to the car.
" Are you sure you're okay? " we walk to the car.
" It's hard to accept but what else can I do. I'll be fine."
" I just hope when you finally find the one you're meant to be with. She won't try to come back and ask you to take her back cause that's not going to happen. I just hope she will shut her mouth and not talk about our business and what she saw in the house."
" Then she will be asking for trouble. She heard what happened to phakiso so she knows she has to keep her mouth shut or she will joing him in hell." I'll even go and see her myself.
" I hope so. I hate liabilities KB."
" Don't worry about it. I have my eye on her. If she does something stupid I will know. Speaking of which I have to call Zanele to find me a place for amahle "
" You're still talking to her? "
" I've been ignoring her call since the last time I fucked her."
" Let me know how everything goes " We bro hug then he gets in Jacob's car and drives back home. We use the one they came with and drive to our old parents house. We park the car and walk inside. Jess is there and Sakhile's wife has a black eye on her face.
" What happened here? " I ask Jess
" She was trying to be smart and she got black eye."
" Don't piss her off. She's not nice when she's mad." I tell Sakhile's wife.
" Where are the children? "
" I put them to sleep "
" Jess? "
" Nothing harmful boss. Got it from our good doctor. It has no side effects or anything."
" Good "
I walk out of the house and call Zanele.
" I thought I would hear from you again " I keep quiet. " Good afternoon sir "
" Thought maybe you had lost your manners."
" I'm sorry sir. Do you need me? "
" I need you to find me three perfect apartments, fully furnitured and around a safe neighborhood close to the mall. Then email me everything before 10 pm. Do you understand zanele? "
" I do sir. Our company has new apartments that were just build and are ready. I'll send you the email when I have chose the best three."
" Good. Thanks "
" Sir...."
" Yebo Zanele? "
" Do we still have an arrangement cause you haven't called me in months? "
" What were the rules Zanele? "
" You'll call me when you need me."
" Are you short on cash? "
" I am. My little sister is in University and it's costing me much."
" That job pays well zanele. What are you doing with your money? "
" I am building my family's house from scratch amd it's too much. I....." Smart girl.
" I'll contact you. Send me the email before 10 pm." I hang up.
I decide to call mbuso and hear how everything is going.
" Mfo kaZulu "
" Qwabe mfowethu " He chuckles.
" That's my dad bro "
" and that's my grandfather " We both laugh. My phone pings a message.
" Good thing you've just called. My guys have just told me that Sakhile has landed in Cape Town."
" Finally. I knew  he would go there which is why I was there last at midnight abd took his wife and children "
" You're kidding. You were here and didn't tell me? "
" You're a family man bro and I don't want your wife to kill me cause I'm calling you at midnight."
" Yeah, where are they? "
" Here at my parent's old house. The children are sleeping, not harmed but the wife has a black eye from Jess. I'm going to call Sakhile right now " He chuckles.
" Dudu has always had a smart mouth but she's a good woman."
" I won't hurt or harm her I promise. We just want her husband "
" I know bro. Look I'll send my guys around the royal house to hear if they know dud and the kids are not home. I'll make sure they don't find out where they are until we get that son of a bitch "
" Thanks bro we aprreciate that. Did you manage to get any information about his other wife and family? "
" Sorry bro I forgot to send them to you. I will send them now."
" Is everything okay? "
" Yeah, well not. My brother is dating my brother in-laws ex. Ayanda and everyone is fucked pissed at him especially the girl Ayanda."
" Damn. Did he know who she was? "
" No he didn't but the girl did cause she thought it was me but later learned it was my twin brother "
" What do you mean later? "
" My brother sort of like pretended he was me when he realised the girl knew me."
" That's fucked up. Why didn't he set her straight? "
" He said he wanted to know what's it like to be me."
" What? and what did you do? "
" bro I was pissed. I punched him and kicked him out of my house. I am so mad at him right now but then he told me he loves her and she loves him. I feel caught between him and my other brothers. I don't want Busani to feel like we are ganging up on him."
" Hmmmm. I get it."
" What does that mean? "
" Come with him on friday. I'm sure his girl is going to tag along. Don't forget Skhumbuzo."
" Skhumbuzo said he's coming too. so we will all drive together but Luh is not going to be in the same car as Ayanda. "
" Do you think it's wise to bring her with since we have enemies we don't know? "
" What enemies? "
" I'll explain to you when you get here."
" Ok. I'll talk to luh and hear what she has to say but she said she's coming to the funeral with me so we'll see."
" We'll figure out this thing between your brother and his girl don't stress "
" Bishop said the same thing when I called him about the whole situation and I'm glad I get to talk about it from people who are not involved in this situation."
" Anytime man "   
" Did anyone see you when  you got in and after you left Dudu's house? "
" No, we paid the guards and the camera's were shut down so we are good."
" Great then I'll see you on friday but let me know how things go with Sakhile. I'll send people there just to be sure that Sakhil'e won't try anything stupid."
" The more the merrier. Make sure your whole family is safe too."
" Later bro. I'll send you the other wife's info."
" Thanks bro "
We hang up and I read the message that came in and it's Cigar he wants me to call him. I do
" You better tell me you found Belinda "
" Boss you are not going to believe this "
" What? "
" We found Belinda hiding in your house " What the fuck! The nerve of this bitch!
" Is Amahle safe? "
" Amahle? "
" Oh thank God they are not yet there. Where is she now? "
" We took her and she's at my club locked in the cage. I'm looking at her right now. "
" Great job Cigar. I guess you get to live. Don't touch her or do anything to her. Don't give her food or water. She must be watched 24/7. No one talks to her. Is the cage small enough to not let her escape? "
" Oh it is small Master K. She can't move or do anything."
" Good. Did you make sure my house is clean?."
" Searched every inch boss. No one there or anything funny or spooky."
" I'll see you after the funeral."
" Boss? "
" Talk "
" She said something else too "
" I don't have all day Cigar talk "
" She said she has the diamonds. She found them " What?
" She found them? That bitch is lying "
" Boss she said they were in your house all along "
I am going to peel Belinda's skin. All of it while she's watching me.
" Did she show them to you? "
" No she didn't. She wanted us to take her somewhere in the house but I said no and knocked her out cause I knew it was one of her tricks to try and escape."
" Good. I'll see you after the funeral "
I sit down on the porch. Sakhile will be captured. Belinda is in a cage and now she's claiming the diamonds were in my house all along?. I hope she didn't plant them there so she can try and accuse amahle of having them all along. Belinda is one sneaky bitch and she will say and do anything to get out of the mess she put herself in. Amahle wouldn't lie about the diamonds. She would never lie to me like that.
I walk back to the house and go straight to the bedroom the children are sleeping. I take out my phone and record them for a few minutes then stop and walk back to the living room where dudu is. I show her the video of the kids and she begins to cry.
" Ok dud I'm going to give you two options. You choose one and choose wisely or else. You will regret it...."
" What must I choose? "
"  Don't interrupt me when I'm talking." She looks down. " Look at me listen to me carefully. You have been married to Sakhile for years and you have beautiful children. I think it's fair to say you know him like the back of your hand right? "
" Yes I do "
" Good. Your husband was working with my cousin and they stole from us very sensitive information. They pissed off allot of people. Rich and very dangerous people and those people killed my cousin and now they want your husband. For them to get to him they are going to come after you and your children and kill you. Them not us. We got to you first before they could come and kill you. Your husband is having an affair on you with a woman who was working for me. She ran away but we found her and she will answer for what she did. Not only did he cheat on you with her but he has another family living in Cape Town. His other wife and children two beautiful girls like your boys in there."
" What? No! Sakhile would never do this to me!. He would never. I don't believe you!"
" Oh but he did. How can he cheat on a beautiful woman like yourself? Man! " Kane says. He has been starring at her like she's candy
" Kane focus! Go get some air before I fork those eyes out of your socket " He looks at me then walks out.
"Thought you might say that " I go to my emails and open the mail from mbuso download the attachment, view it then show her my phone.
Pictures of Sakhile getting married, Birth of his children  and everything. Man Mbuso can dig up on someone. Dudu breaks down and cries. She cries until she stops. Jess gives her water, she thanks her and drinks.
" Your husband has a hand on Sbu's disappearance. He told me so himself. I told him to give me what I want but he refused and when I told him that I was going to come after his family in Cape Town he panicked and he's there now with them. I know he is from a royal family and they are polygamous and maybe you might not care about his other family I don't know but I think you didn't know he had this other life that he lives with his other family "
" I didn't know. Oh God I didn't. How could he do this to me. He swore and told me that he wasn't a polygamous man. I wouldn't have married him if I knew "
" and your kids are all almost the same age. The other woman could have been around the same time he met you or maybe after. We took you cause we want him. If he knows that we are holding you hostage and we're not he will come and try to find you. We could have left the kids but then we thought what if he doesn't care if you live or die so we thought it's best to take all of you."
" So what do you want me to do? "
" You also want answers right about why he lied to you? "
" I do."
" Good. Your cellphones are here but the location  and everything else has been disabled. Tomorrow you will call him and tell him you ran away with the kids cause someone sent you a picture of him with another woman and children and their wedding photo. When he asks you where you are don't tell him. Make him beg you until you decide to finally to tell him where you are. Tomorrow the children will be taken to your parents house and beg your parents to not tell Sakhile they have the kids okay? "
" Yes thank you."
" Then Jess and the others will drive you to bloem where you will let sakhile knonw once everything has been set up. Jacob here will guide you. If you tip sakhile or try anything stupid dudu they won't hesitate to kill you and your kids will grow up without a mother. I don't think you want that. Do you understand? "
" I do but how will I know my children will really be taken to my parents? "
" You will video call them and see them. I don't hurt children or women. Unless the person thinks they can play me and get away with it then you will die."
" I understand. "
" Good. Jess , Jacob lets talk." We go outside.
" Get a house in bloem, make sure security is tight but sakhile shouldn't suspect anything or see anyone. Jess tell the medication he gave you will erase the kids memories from yesterday and today? "
" Yes boss"
" Good. We need something strong too that will knock sakhile out until we fly back to joburg with him cause I want him in the same room with belinda "
" Cigar found her? "
" He did. She's in his club in a cage. Get someone to take the kids back to durban to dudu's parents so when they wake up tomorrow they are already there. Make sure they find the kids but they shouldn't see who left them there guys "
" Don't worry boss. We have everything under control "
" OK. let me know if you need anything. Mbuso is also going to send his men just for more security in case Sakhile tries something stupid."
" Thanks boss."
" Later then "
When I get in the car Kane is ignoring me.
" Stop lasting after another wife's man "
" She's hot "
" And you're annoying "

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