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“ I’m sorry I did that. I hurt you. Will you forgive me? ” She stops chopping and looks at me. The knife is pointed downward but somehow in afraid she might stab me cause the look on her face is hard. I lean backward so I can escape if she decides to murder me. I chuckle cause I can’t believe I’m afraid she might kill me.

“ What’s funny? ” she asks. Even though she’s annoyed it doesn’t come out the she expected. It comes out soft and sweet.

“ I’m thinking you might actually stab me with that knife ” she cocks her head.

“ And you find that amusing cause I might try and not succeed? ”

“ Yeah ”

“ Hmmm. You want to bet? ”

“ Nope. You’re angry at me Angel so I don’t want to take chances and die.” She opens her mouth to say something but she bites her lip to stop saying whatever that was going to escape between those lips.

“ I would like to finish cooking ”

“ I want us to talk Angel ”

“ don’t call me that ” she continues to chop.

“ Why? ”

“ I’m not an Angel ”

“ even if you’re not. I love it cause it suits you ” she shakes her head then turns her back on me.

I watch her as she continues to cook and she looks so comfortable I my kitchen cause she’s been doing this for a while now. What am I saying. This is her kitchen cause she’s the only one that has been cooking here. I really want us to talk but I doubt she’s going to tell me what I need to know. She might not from the looks of it and I might have to force her to talk.

She moves around opening and closing draws and I wonder what she would do if she was alone. Hum a song? Play some music and dance?. Is she a good dancer and what is she hiding beneath those baggy clothes. The only parts of her skin I can see is her neck and hands. Is the rest of her skin creamy like her face. She looks at me then looks away. She wasn’t expecting to find my eyes on her.

“ someone else would be maybe freaking out that I’m etching them and not saying anything ”

“ I don’t mind. I… . I find it comforting that you’re here ” what? I definitely was not expecting that.

“ I love having you here. I was worried about you ”

“ I’m fine now ”

“ Angel… . ”

“ I’m going to shower now. Please watch the pots for me. The heat is low so the good won’t get burned but just watch them ”

“ Ok Angel. ” she stands and looks at me. She looks nervous now.

“ Which room am I going to use since I will be living here ”

“ don’t sound so excited Angel ” she’s not. She sounds annoyed.

“ Just tell me which one ”

“ I’ll show you ” I go to lounge where she left her bags and take them. “ I cock my head at her to follow me and her brows meet, her face gets hard them she folds her hands. I chuckle cause I was messing with her. “ Come on I was kidding. Please follow me ” she takes her time then she walks and leads the way up the stairs. I follow her and my eyes are on her body. I want these clothes gone. She’s hiding herself with these clothes and I won’t have that.

She stops in the bedroom Kane sleeps on when he’s here but I move past that room and get in mine. I go to the closet and put her bags in there. I come out and she’s looking around.

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