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My phone rings, I look at it and it phakiso. I wonder if he’s calling about if that fucker has showed up because my patience is running thin. I hate not being in control of a situation. It puts me in a very bad mood..
“ Why are you calling so early? ”
“ sometimes I forget that you are not a morning person and by the way I’m fine since I’ve been sleeping in car for the last three days man ”
“ You’ve slept in worse places than that. Have you found him? ”
“ That son of a bitch hasn’t showed up. No one knows where he is ” I did not want to hear this.
“ So why are you calling me? ”
“ Man you need to get laid. That temper of yours is beefing to get some pussy ”
“ Careful now cousin. Remember whom you’re talking with ”
“ Sorry man. Look I sent you a video just now. Take a look at it then call me ” I hang up.
A message pings and I open the video. The first thing I see is a young woman. She’s outside the house cleaning the yard. I put my tea mug carefully then watch the video. She sweeps the yard, when she’s done she leaves and cones back with a bucket and a cloth. She dusts the windows then begins to mop the stoep until she’s done.
Phakiso or whoever was taking the video zooms on her and she turns like she can see they are recording but she’s talking to some girl and she laughs. She throws her head back, closes her eyes and shakes her head. They hug with the her friend I assume and walk inside the house. The video stops and another one plays.
She’s walking down the street to somewhere then comes back after a while carrying vetkoeks inside the plastic. No baby that’s bad for you. Warm food inside a plastic is bad for your health. My cousin zooms on her body and I want to punch him. She’s the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She walks past the car and looks at it like she’s suspicious and the videos stops.  I call him.
“ who is she? ”
“ his little sister. Apparently it’s just the two of them and they live together. ”
“ good. Keep watching the place. He won’t leave her for that long. He is going to show up and when he does call me immediately. ”
“ Sure cuz ” I hang up and sigh.
“ is everything okay sir? ”
“ Yes. I’ll be late tonight. Don’t make dinner ”
“ Yes sir ”
I get up, take my suitcase and leave the house. My drivers me to work. When I get there my assistant Calvin is already here. He always makes sure he’s the first one in the office. No matter how early I think I am.
“ Good morning Calvin ” he looks up and stands.
“ Good morning sir. Your tea is already in your desk ”

“ Thank you Calvin. Come to my office when you are done with your breakfast. ”
“ Yes sir ”
I get in my office drink my tea. Calvin walks in after a while and we go through how my day is looking.
“ sir don’t forget we have to confirm if you are attending the design Indaba conference this year ”
“ Yes Calvin. Confirm and book a hotel for us.”
“ us sir? ”

“ yes Calvin. You’re coming with me this year ”
“ Oh thank you sir. I will do that now… . ” someone knocks then they come in. Mandisa looks like a mess.  I look at the clock and it 7:30 am.
“ sir I am so sorry I’m late the….”
“ This is your last warning miss Jali. Go fix your clothes. This is a professional environment. ” she gets up and leaves.
“ Are we done Calvin? ”
“ Yes sir.” I nod. He stands up and leaves.
I take my phone and call. The phone rings and someone answers.
“ hello? ” I sigh. It’s a man’s voice.
“ tell her to call me. ” I hang up.
The clock ticks and business hours are over. Calvin asks if I need anything before he goes home and I tell him no.
“ Calvin wait. What’s going on with Mandisa? ”
“ I don’t know sir. She won’t talk to me. ”
“ tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary with her ”
“ I will sir. I’ll see you tomorrow ”
“ Bye Calvin. ”
After an hour or I decided to leave and drive to my older brothers house in Middleberg and be close incase that fool shows up. I park my car outside the garage. I open the door and get it.
“ Kane? ”
“ He’s not here. Who are you? ” I look at this girl walking in half naked. Why are these kids now so afraid of wearing clothes that cover their bodies?.
“ Where’s Kane? ”
“ he went to the mall. He’ll be back wait… . Your Kane’s brother. You look like him ” I don’t answer her.
I go to the living room and pour myself a glass. It tastes good.
“ Can I make you something? ”
“ No. You can leave ” she frowns looking at me and I stare at her until she looks away. Good girl. She stands up
“ uhm okay just wait there ” she leaves.
Kane likes changing girls. Every month is a new girl and honestly he’s giving me whiplash with all these girls he keeps changing and bringing them around us. He comes back Carrying groceries.
“ Baby? Baby? ”
“ She went to the bedroom ” he pulls out a gun and points it at me.
“ man don’t ever do that! ”
“ Get that thing out of my face Kane ” he drops the groceries, puts his gun on his back and sits down.
“ When did you get here? ”
“ why is your house not locked. Anyone just gets in and you left some girl here alone in your house? ”
“ I wasn’t that long okay. Why are you here? ”
“ since when do you ask me that? ” he keeps quiet. “ our diamonds are still missing and soon the collector is going to ask what’s taking us long to deliver them and you’re asking me why am I here? ”
“ We messed up I know okay.”
“ no we didn’t mess up. I know it was you Kane with your shady friends. Our older brother was just covering up for you. This has you written all over it ” he keeps quiet. I fucken knew it. “ how could you be so stupid! ”
“ I’ll fix it okay? ”
“ you have done enough damage. I will fix it myself. ”
“ baby what’s wrong? ” his girlfriend cones in.
“ Take the groceries to the kitchen and cook. ”
My phone rings. It’s phakiso
“ Cousin? ”
“ He’s here. He just came in the house. ”
“ get out of there. He will see the car and run off! ”

“ We are not in the car but we are watching everything close by. You better come before he runs away. ”
“ I’ll be there in 15 minutes ”
“ I’m coming with you ”

“ Fine but you better keep your mouth shut! ”

“ I will damn man. You’re angry these days! ”
“ you’re the one who’s putting me in a bad mood with your stupidity. Let’s go and you’re driving. ”
We get in the car and drive to Ermelo. On our way there in ask him where he is and he sends us his location. Less than 30 minutes we are there. We drive through the township and park the car out use this house. Phakiso comes out and gets in the car..
“ He’s inside that house? ”
“ No. He’s at that house. He hasn’t left since he came in. I’m sure he’s right there.” Phakiso says.
“ we should wait till they switch off the lights then get in. Hes not expecting idle to show up. ” I tell them.
“ what if he is. What if he runs away while we’re sitting here ”
“ Kane I said I’ll deal with it. If he has the diamonds he will leave them inside it he’s hidden them somewhere. Either way I’m not leaving without my diamonds. ” he keeps quiet.
“ My guys are ready cuz. As soon as those lights turn off. We are there. ” phakiso says.
“ Who’s house is that and how did you explain spying on their neighbours? ” I ask him.
“ I just gave her money and a one dick. She won’t ask questions ”
“ I don’t want collateral damage cousin. ”
“ I know. Don’t worry about it. ”
The sit in the car for almost two hours when the lights go out. I take my gun out of my passenger front seat and put it on my back. We step out of the car. Phakiso slowly opens the gate.
“ tell your guys to surround the house in case he runs away. ” he tells them.
I take out my handkerchief and put it under the door. I pull my knife out of my pocket and slide it in the key hole. I keep pushing it until the key falls out then I pull my handkerchief out with the key then open the door and we all get in.
Kane begins to search the house and that mother fucker is not here. He is gone. They look everywhere for the diamonds but they are not in the house. I see this big teddy bear on the on the couch. Intake it I feel my blood boiling and my anger over takes me.
“ Maybe he’s sleeping with her in that bedroom ” Kane says laughing.
“ shut the fuck up Kane! ” he raises his hands.
My cousin opens the bedroom door and we all get in. He switches the light on and I see her sleeping so beautifully and I almost want to run my hand on her cheek. I feel sorry for her. I pull the blankets off of her and she turns but doesn’t wake up. I pull off another one and she’s left with only one blanket.
I watch her trying to look for her blanket then she opens her eyes and sees us and screams. We just watch her screaming her lungs out calling her brother’s name and tries to run out of the bedroom. I grab her leg and push her back to the bed. I take out my gun and point it at her and she keeps screaming.
“Shut up!. Shut the fuck up!. Take her to the dining room ” I tell them.
“ take her she’s smaller than you ”  Kane says to one of the guys.
“ No, don’t touch you fucken piece of shit! ” she says. She’s fighting him. She’s got fire.
“  Can you fucken shut the fuck up!. ” I ask her again. The guys laugh and I look at them and they stop. She quickly gets up and jumps off the bed and tries to run out of the bedroom again. I pull her by her hair roughly some come off and she creams. Fuck she can scream and she’s giving me a headache. I slap her to just shut her up and I hear something snapping and she falls down.
“ Good that shut you up!. Now tell me where the fuck is your brother and you better tell me truth if you want to live! ”
“ bring me a chair to sit her on. Pakzo go get a towel in my car then Bring me that whole container of water ” she’s still on the floor sobbing. Pakzo brings me a chair and I sit down after un buttoning my suit jacket.
“ pl…ple…please…I don’t know…what you are talking about. ” she begs.
“ the only thing that will out an end to this is to tell me where your said he’s going to. Talk! ”
“ I left him watching TV and I went to sleep. He is in his bedroom go and check, you will find him there please!.” She says. They lift her up and sit her infront of me . She’s looking at the bucket of water and towel. Her body is literally shaking.
“ please let me go!…please just go!. I don’t know anything!.”
“ Did I give you permission to talk?. ” she shakes her head no. “ I’m going to ask you again. Where is your brother because he did not come out of this house since he entered. Where is he hiding?. ”
“ If he is not here then I don’t know where he went I swear to God.” If I wasn’t a cold bustard I would have felt sorry for her but I don’t.  The fact that she’s lying and crying is just kissing me off. I hate liars.
“ cuff her ” I tell Kane.
They try to take both her hands to bind her wrists but she fights back and I find myself punching her on her stomach and slap her twice after that. Something is happening in me as I’m seeing her on that chair helpless. She bites her lip to stop herself screaming.
“ wake up don’t sleep on me now. If you want to live you have to be honest with me. Where did your brother hide my diamonds?.” My is she pretending to be shocked?.
“ I don’t know anything about diamonds. He never said anything about them or give me anything. Please sir my I work at KFC and I know that my brother works a furniture company and he’s a delivery man. My brother is not a criminal and he will not steal from you sir or anyone.” I chuckle. Her brother is a thief who stole from me. I take off my jacket takes it off and fold my shirt to my elbows.
“ pakzo give me that towel. Wet it then put it around her face. Wait take off her clothes first “ she screams, begs and pleads with us to not take off that thing she’s wearing. She needs to sleep in silk not in that thing. Oh Fuck no!. My cousin holds a pair of scissors and cuts that thing into pieces. She’s crying hysterically.
“ hmmm. ” she’s got a beautiful body.
“ sir please call his phone and ask him where he is or let me call him. He will answer my phone call. ” She looks at me with her eyes and begging me.
“ I want my diamonds that he stole!. Where are they fucken at!.
“ I swear on my parents grave sir. He gave me no diamonds, please believe me!. ” I can hear the desperation in her voice. It almost touches me. Or is it her trying to play me so I can let her go.
“ little girl you think this is a game?!. That I am playing here!. You think that I believe that you know nothing about my diamonds?. ”
“ I know this is not a game!. It’s my fucken life and you want punish me for something I didn’t do or know about. You know what? Kill me then!. Just fucken kill me!. ” she’s got fire in her and I want to dim it. She’s doesn’t know whom she talking to like that. I love inflicting pain. I enjoy it.
“hmm let’s see then. Your wish is my command pakzo do it ” pakzo wraps the towel on her face covering her with it. Kane pours water on it and she kicks and tries to fight. I signal to the guys to hold her legs and body so she will stop moving and they do. Her chest is raiding and falling and I can see she’s struggling to breath. Pakzo has the towel tight and he’s making it hard for her to breath and the water is choking her.
“ Stop!.  Remove the towel. You want to tell me the truth now? ”
“ I… I… don’t know… an….anything.” She says between taking deep breaths and choking.
“ she’s still lying boss. She knows where he is. ” pakzo says looking at her with hate.
I take off my belt and she weeps. Fuck!. I wrap the tip part of my belt twice and leave the buckle part hanging. I’m going to whip her with that steel. If she doesn’t confess and tell me the truth where be is then she really doesn’t know where he is.
“ un cuff her and get her off that damn chair. ” pakzo does as I say. She falls down on the floor. I lift my hand up and use all my strength and my belt kisses her skin. Fuck I feel my dick getting hard. Down boy. This is not the time. I keep whipping her asking her to tell me the truth and she’s still denying it. I keep whipping her until her whole body goes numb and she looks like she’s high. She looks beautiful in that state. It makes me wonder how would she look like when I’m doing this to give her pleasure.
“ you still want to die sweetheart?. You can’t joke about death like that unless you mean it.” I crouch down to her level and try to touch her but she moves her face away from me. I stop and look at her eyes deeply and I see hate. She hates me and I don’t blame her and or  even care. That turn thing is sticking to her skin and it bloody. She even peed on herself.
“ You are coming with me. I am not going to leave you here so that you and your brother can run away with my diamonds. Pakzo take a blanket, cover her and take her to the car. ”  Phakiso lifts her up roughly and she groans in pain. I look down there’s too much blood. They take her to the car.
“ Kane make sure that you find someone now to clean this whole house. Pack some of her clothes, not all of them and things she might need and you’ll bring them to my house.”
“ you’re taking her to your house? ” he asks surprised.
“ I am. ”
“ You’re keeping her? ”
“ She’s not a toy Kane ”
“ but you still are. Is it because you want her brother to come out from hiding or is it for your enjoyment. ”
“ Both. Clean this mess. ”
“ why does it have to me who does? ”
“ We are in this mess because of you. Clean it ”
“ man! ” I leave him there.
I get in the car and we drive to Pretoria.

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