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I understand now why they would say everything in life has timing cause this right here is the perfect time. Thobe came back in my life at the right time and I’m truly grateful for her. I wouldn’t trade this moment we have right now for anything. I will cherish this memory cause it means everything to me. I can’t believe I left her before. My heart new that I would regret leaving her and I did but I’m never ever going to do it again. I will fight everyone for her cause she’s mine. She was made for me.

She’s keeps yawning as she feeds me. She’s been waiting for me and she’s tired. I hold her hand, wipe it clean with my mouth. I take the dish cloth and wipe her hands. I get up at take the plate and put it in the dishwasher then walk back to her.

“ Are you sure you’re full? ”

“ I am angel. Let’s go to bed ”

I pick her up and she wraps her legs and arms around me. Her warm breath hits my neck sending goose bumps on my body. I walk with her and switch the lights off then walk up stairs until we get in out bedroom. I place her on the bed and she crawls up and gets under the covers. I take my clothes off then get in bed with her. I pull her close to me and sigh. She turns and pecks my lips. Her eyes sparkle like stars. I love them.

“ I love you ” I tell her kissing her lips. “ I wanted to tell you that I love you before we got disturbed by that woman. “ I love you ”

“ You mean it? ”

“ I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean love.”

“ With me it was love at first sight. When I saw you I knew I was in love and I also knew you were my mate. I love you ”

She cubs my face and we share a passionate kiss. I try not to touch any part of her body cause if I do. I know I won’t stop.

“ Let’s sleep angel ” she sighs disappointed. It’s cute.

“ good night Khawula ”

“ good night my angel ” We sleep.

I pat the bed and it’s empty. She has already woken up?. I look at the time and it’s 9 am. Damn I’m waking up late these days. My dick is fucken hard it wants to come. I’m denying myself her body cause it’s not about me. It’s about her. I want her first time to be perfect and memorable. I get up and go to the bathroom and get in the shower. The water slides down my back and I sigh. I grab my dick, close my eyes and think of angel as I jack off and it doesn’t take me long to shoot my seed at the tiles. Fuck!

I showed quickly then dress up and go downstairs. She’s sitting on the lounge and looking outside. I wonder what she’s thinking about cause her mind seems far away. I walk towards her then stand in front of her. Her beautiful legs are exposed. She’s wearing short pyjamas with a gown on top. She looks up and smiles.

“ Good morning Khawula ” I love how she calls me. I pick her up and sit her know my lap. I kiss her deeply and leave her breathless.

“ Good morning angel. Are you okay? ” she lays her head on my chest.

“ I am ok. I was just thinking ”

“ Thinking about what? ”

“ us.”

“ What about us? ”

“ Our future you know since we’ll be living together. How will your family feel about it? ”

“ They probably won’t be happy that I’m cohabiting with you. They’ll tell me they didn’t raise me like that.”

“ so what are we going to do? ”

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