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I could say I have moved on from all the bull shit that happened in Joburg. Coming here was the best decision I have ever made and I have to thank my brother for that. I didn’t see the need to come here anymore cause I didn’t feel like running the club anymore but my brother made me realize why we got into this in the first place. It’s not about the money or wanting to own someone but it’s the peace it gives me. The drive I feel whenever I am in my element. It’s in me and that is not going to change for anyone. I would be lying to myself if I ever thought I could walk away from it. There was that one time I thought I would give it up for her but no more. If someone can’t accept me for who and what I am? Then I have nothing for them.
I look at the time and it’s 11 PM. I have been in my office preparing not that I need to. I can feel the buzz in the whole building and I know it’s about to be a goodnight for many people. Old clients and new clients that we have gained since we came here in Durban. Our clientele has grown more than I thought and we had to hire more workers. I finish going through this document when my brothers walk in wearing their tuxedos. Kane as always has a drink on his hand and my brother is drinking water.
“ I thought we agreed that we are not drinking tonight? ” I ask him standing up and we bro hug.
“ Man you won’t let me play so I can at least drink.” I shake my head.
“ People are excited. Everyone is waiting to hear the great master K opening the club officially ” Bishop says.
“ Why don’t you do the honours and welcome them? ”
“ Nah. It’s your club and your night. I’ll be listening and watching like everyone else ” Bishop explains.
“ wear a mask hey. We don’t want the new one’s to recognize you ” I tell him.
“ everyone is wearing a mask bro. Don’t worry ” Kane says.
“ what’s wrong? ” Bishop asks
“ I’m just nervous that’s all. I want everything to be perfect ”
“ Man that’s what you have been doing this past year. Preparing for this moment so relax. Everything is ready.” Bishop calms me down.
“ Calvin is not anywhere around here right? ” Kane asks
“ He’s at home. I told him I don’t want him anywhere here tonight.” They nod.
A knock comes in then Jess walks in looking beautiful and wearing her mask.
“ Sir. They are ready for you ”
“ Thanks Jess. Guys let’s get this show ready.”
We wear our masks then step out of my office. We get in the elevator and it takes us to the Hall where everyone is gathered. The elevator stops and we step out walking slowly. They make way for us as Bishop leads in the front, me in the middle and Kane last. Like our ranks. The whole rooms gets quiet as we walk in and I can feel the atmosphere changing.
They are excited to see the Three K's tonight in one room cause that rarely happens. Others are excited to play and meet new Dom’s and sub's. Other are wondering if tonight is the day where they will finally have the taste of the three  K's and Dom’s and sub for them. We get on the stage and Jess gives me the mic and bows. I take her hand and peck it with a kiss. She might be a dominatrix to others but to us she’s a sub in the club.
“ Bishop. Master’s. Maestro's Sirs. Dominants and sub’s. Ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for coming tonight as we officially open one of Three Kings Club. You have been asking for one here in Durban and finally it is here. It is an honour to have all of you tonight to fulfil your every fantasy and desires. This is a safe space for everyone. All of the members here read and signed a contract and you will all follow the rules. There is no special treatment for anyone. Everyone in this room know their ranks and know the rules. Every sub here is collard and those who are visiting us for the first time have also been given a bracelet to wear. Feel free to walk around and engage with others. Play rooms have been prepared and are ready for you to enjoy yourselves….. ” they clap hands. Jess comes and gives us glasses on non alcoholic champagne.
“ Every room outside has been stationed with security cause things can get out of hand when people have been drinking although I hope very much we will not come to that. Your cell phones and belongings are safe so please make sure you don’t lose the key card you were given. No sex on the main floor. Rooms are empty and await for your arrival. I think I have said all that I need to say so ladies and gentlemen. Please raise your glasses up as we toast to a beautiful night and long relationship. Have a great evening. Cheers everyone” They raise their glasses and we toast.
We drink the glasses then give them back to Jess. We get off the stage and Jacob walks up to us.
“ All the cameras are working and everything is fine. We have the best security detail. Mbuso did a great job”
“ Thanks bro. He is the best of the best.”  We hug and he walks away.
We look around and people go to different directions. Others begin to take off their clothes and others watch naked girls giving them snacks and drinks. The bar is full too so everything looks good. Mbuso walks up to us with his gorgeous wife and she has a diamond collar around her neck. I wonder what did he say to convince her to come here.
“ Maestro G. Mrs Gumede. Thank you for joining us ” she nods and blushes. Her eyes go all around the room and she gets shocked that people do these kind of things in front of other people.
“ It’s my pleasure ” she says after a while then hides her face on her husband chest. All the guys look at each other and we smile.
“ I take it you are happy with security system and cameras? ”
“ we are bro. Thanks again.” I say.
“ Will you be staying longer? ” Bishop asks them.
“ I came to show you support guys but now we’re heading home ” Mbuso says looking at his blushing wife and we nod.
“ Uhmmm ? ” she says to her husband
“ yes love? ”
“ Can we stay a little bit longer. I… I’m ”
“ Curious? ” he asks her and she nods.
“ Ok baby. We’ll leave when you’re ready ” she smiles.
“ We will leave you to enjoy your evening. Have a great evening Mrs Gumede ”
“ Thank you. May yours be great too ” we nod politely then walk away.
“ can I get my dick sucked? ” Kane asks us.
“ Kane. No playing at the club. You’ll play tomorrow or at the hotel. Not here bro ” Bishop tells him and he leaves shaking his head.
Bishop and I greet our members and have conversations with them. They ask us to join them with their sub’s but we decline. We all decided that we will no longer play in the club but at home only unless we are asked to discipline someone within reasonable reasons. We do not just do it cause we are asked. There has to be a very valid reason why discipline must take place whether it’s a Dom or sub who needs that discipline. Mbuso and his wife leave an hour later and we see them out. The rest of the night goes well and people are enjoying themselves.
The girls and guys working in the club are all clothed and that means they are off limits. They keep filling condoms to the baskets provided and take then to the show rooms or private rooms. Every room had different kind of toys and canes. Each room also has a camera for safety purposes and they all know it. Every member and their partner go to our doctors and get checked for any diseases. If you pass the test and background check. Have money to afford the club them you are accepted into the club. If not then you will not be allowed in our club.
After three hours of going around, having conversations with people. I walk back to my office and find Bishop drinking. I pour myself a glass too and join him on the couch.
“ Great night bro. You did amazing ” we click our glasses and drink.
“ What’s on your mind? ”
“ read it ” I look at him and we burst out laughing.
“ where’s Kane? ”
“ getting his dick wet somewhere around ” he shakes his head. “ Talk to me. ”
“ you let her go ”
“ I did ”
“ Why? ”
“ cause a part of me blames myself for how things turned out.” He nods.
“ She has the diamonds ” he says.
“ I know. ” he looks at me shocked.
“ And you didn’t tell us? ”
“ I found out last week when Cigar told me that there’s someone who’s selling diamonds. I gave him the tracking number of the diamonds and asked him to check if they are the same and he came back and told me they are. She’s selling them with her friend ” I fill my drink.
“ so what now. We just let her go? ”
“ We do. Word is already out that she’s selling the diamonds. How long do you think she’s going to have them? ” he smirks.
“ Not long. Someone is going to come and steal them or force her to give them up ”
“ then she’ll be left with nothing.” I tell him.
“ has she moved out of the apartment? ”
“ she hasn’t.  She still lives there so I guess it’s either her friend is paying for it or she using her brother’s money to pay for it.”
“ What if… . ”
“ Is that what you’re worried about? ” I ask him and he nods. “ if she ever fucks with my family she will die brother. If she opens her lying mouth about you and all of us. I’ll lock her up in that cage before I kill her. If she’s smart. She’ll close that mouth of hers.” I tell him.
“ okay bro. I have been doing some thinking?? ”
“ what? ” Kane walks in and he’s tired.
“ Let’s go home. I want to sleep ” he says.
“ go your hotel room Kane ”
“ nope. I’m sleeping at your penthouse ” I shake my head.
“ What have you been thinking about? ” I ask Bishop.
“ I’m thinking of stepping down at the church ”
“ what? ” both Kane and I look at him. “ why? ” I ask him.
“ I don’t feel it anymore. I feel like something is missing in my life ”
“ It’s definitely not Jesus but a woman. ” Kane tells him.
“ You can still do both ” I tell him.
“ or just focus on one. You are a pastor by day but at night. You’re a freak. So which one talks to you the most? ” Kane asks him.
“ I think I have lost the passion for preaching ”
“ Then you better dig deep and find it cause we all know Papa is not going to agree to that ” I tell him.
“ man I don’t know and what Papa thinks is the last thing on my mind ” he says.
“ Why don’t you go away from some time. Just you alone so you can  meditate and read the word of God until you find yourself again. When you have done that then you can decide what you want to do.” I tell him.
“ Thanks bro. I’ll do that and come back before your opening in Cape Town Kane.” He nods.
“ Let’s go home guys. I’m beat ” I tell them. We get up and leave.
I have workers and staff who will take care of everything while I’m gone. Kane drives us to my penthouse and everyone retires to their room. I shower then get in bed and sleep.
I wake up and my body is damn tired. It feels like it can sleep for another three hours. I look at the time and it’s 13:00 pm. Damn I can’t remember the last time I slept this late. Why didn’t these fools wake me up. I shower then wear my sweat pants and walk out of my room to downstairs. The fools are not there but I see a note on the fridge.
They tell me they went to the club to see check how things are after the grand opening and to sleep cause I am tired. They are right. I feel like I can sleep for hours. I order food from this favourite restaurant Calvin’s orders for me while sipping water then sit on the couch while waiting for food but I end up falling asleep again. I’m awaken by someone shaking my shoulder and my hands automatically grab their throat.
“ fuck off kabelo man! ” Kane says and I let go opening my eyes.
“ Don’t ever wake me up like that again. What time is it? ”
“ 4:30 pm. ” he says
“ Shit my food. ”
“ Relax. Nothing is burned. I mean I’m surprised you cooked and didn’t burn any food cause you sleep like you are dead ”
“ What? Cooked? I didn’t cook ”
“ Then who did? ”
“ I don’t know maybe Calvin came and cooked.” I tell him.
“ Maybe. Come and let me plate for us. It smells lovely in here. My mouth just waters from the aroma ”
He says taking out the plates and plates for us. How tell did Calvin cook and not wake me up cause he’s the most noisiest person I know.
“ Shadow who cooked? ”
“ Eat the damn food. It looks amazing and I want to taste ” he says.
“ Wait! What if it’s poisoned? ”
“ It’s not Kane. Eat. ”
We pray then Kane waits for me to take the first bite and I do. Damn that lamb chops tastes amazing. Calvin cooked lamb chops with mashed potatoes, chakalaka and creamy spinach. This is not the food I ordered. They don’t cook like this.
“ This reminds me of Koko’s food. Damn it’s good. You have to give that boy a raise ” I damn sure will.
“ where’s Karabo? ”
“ he left after we left the club. Didn’t say where he was going but he will call us when gets there ” I nod. “ He feels lonely man. I can see it ”
“ we’re all lonely bro. All of us ”
“ It sucks. Imagine having all this yummy body and money and you’ve got no one to spend it on? Man that’s crazy ”
“ Where are your groupies? ”
“ I want a real woman now. Tired of girls using me ” he says taking another lamb chop from the pot. I give him my plate too and he plates all the pieces.
“ you tired of being used?.... ” I chuckle “ what happened to Kane bachelor for life? ”
“ He’s gone and ready to meet someone who’ll change his life. ” I shake my head.
“ Good luck bro ” we finish eating then go to watch some soccer. Something I haven’t done in a while and it feels good to just hang around with my little brother and laugh until it’s late and we decide on call it a night.
It’s the next morning and I have left Kane at the airport. He has flown to Cape Town and I’m on my way to work. I park the car at my reserved spot then get in the elevator and press the button to my office.
“ Good morning Master K. ” Felicia the front receptionist greets.
“ Morning Felicia.” I walk past her and I can hear her sighing inside. I turn a corner and see Calvin typing furiously in the computer.
“ Good Morning Calvin ” he looks up and he looks tired. I frown.
“ Good morning sir ” Calvin is the only one who works in the club and not in the lifestyle. Everyone else from the cleaners to the guards are in the lifestyle.
“ My office ” He follows me with his iPad on the hand and my tea. He puts in my desks then sits down. “ Take a deep breath Calvin ” he looks at me then does.
“ Talk ”
“ Nothing is wrong sir.” He’s tired.
“ you need someone to help you ”
“ I do sir ” he says sighing. I knew he wouldn’t do all the work by himself.
“ Call H.R and tell them to place an advert for your assistance on our site. You will choose four people that the two of us will interview tomorrow.”
“ Really sir? Thank you ” he sounds relieved.
“ Yes Calvin. You can go home after you have updated me but I can see most of the work my brothers did for me yesterday. They saved me allot of paper work. ”
“ They really were helpful sir.”
“ Call a meeting and I’ll need you to take the minutes before you go home and get some rest. I’ll find you in the board room” he nods and walks out.
I go through the tapes of last night to see if anything strange happened but everything worked out fine. Everyone behaved. After thirty minutes I walk out of my office to the boardroom and they are all anxiously waiting for me.
“ Good morning everyone ”
“ Good morning Master K ” they say unison.
“ I would like to thank you for the hard work you have been doing for the past months to ensure that yesterday was a success and it was. So give yourselves a round of applause ” they do smiling.
“ You will get a thank you on top of your salary ” they clap again excited.
“ so I was going through financial records and I see since we announced the opening of the club we have made about 20 million rands. Does that include new members Sir Duma or just our existing members who renewed their memberships? ” They might think it’s allot of money but it’s not cause it takes more than that to run this kind of club.
“ That includes new members cause we gained 750 new members Master K ” that’s actually good. Not bad at all.
“ That’s great everyone. Let’s make sure we keep doing our jobs the best way we know and even more cause the more you excel at your job is the more money we will get into the club and I can afford to pay all of you. Is the anything else that needs a my attention that my brothers didn’t cover? ”
“ No Master ” they say.
“ Good then. You can go back to work ” they get up and leave.
“ are you sure I can leave cause I can stay sir ”
“ go home and rest. Or go to a space or something. Use the company card ”he grins and walks out before I change my mind.
Lunch comes later and I remember I forgot to ask Calvin if he’s the one that cooked for me. Probably it’s him cause he knows I forget to eat sometimes. It’s 7 pm and my head has been buried with paper work, emails and meetings. I have to go to warehouses to check new products they are selling. From dildos, vibrators and special beds and chairs. All our whips and canes are made from the most expensive leather. And our plastics like dildos are made from organic materials.
Our clientele know that we offer only the best service and experience there ever was. That is why they come to us to make sure all that they need and desire will be given to them. We make their fantasies come true. Some pay lots of money to just suckle on breasts from a woman who has given birth. They want the milk and they’ll pay for it.
I walk down to the club and it’s full. The buzz is still high from last night’s opening. Jess is doing a great job running this place when I’m up there working before coming here. She makes sure everything that needs to be done is done precisely. She takes no nonsense from anyone. I walk in my other office and she’s on the phone ordering something. I wait for her until she’s done.
“ I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who’s exhausted. How are you? ”
“ I’ve been better sir and you? ”
“ Same. Maybe things will come down in the next week or so ”
“ I doubt sir. I think it’s going to get more busy. People are excited ”
“ And that attracts enemies. Be careful when you leave ”
“ I will sir. There’s something though I want us to talk about although I know what you’re going to say ”
“ What is it? ” she sighs 
“ There’s this woman. She’s a madam. She was here yesterday and she wants to work with us ”
“ Work with us how? ” I know where this conversation is going.
“ she wants to give us her girls and we train them to be sub’s. They work for her and us. We come into an agreement how we will split the money ”
“ She’s a pimp and she wants us to use our resources and time to train her girls then we split the money our clients pay us? ”
“ yeah”
“ Jess are we running a brothel here where people come to have sex but they must pay first? ”
“ no sir ”
“ This is not a brothel or an escort agency. We don’t pimp any man or woman. People who come here come because they enjoy doing things in front of other people or with other people. No exchange of money happens between them. There will be no one working for her here. You tell her I said that.”
“ I will sir.”
“ go home and get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow ” she nods. I leave the office and get in the elevator that takes me to my car. I drive straight to my penthouse and the first I feel is the wonderful aroma inside. I drop my suitcase, wash my hands and see my plate in the oven and it’s warm. I put it on the kitchen island and open it. He cooked rise and stew. I take the first bite and eat. Damn this is good.
I take out my phone and call him
“ Sir? Is something wrong? ”
“ no Calvin. I just wanted to thank you ”
“ no sir. Thank you for being a great boss and big brother. I really appreciate you ” I smile.
“ Tell me Calvin. Did you happen to pass by the penthouse today? ”
“ No sir. I haven’t been there since last week. Is everything okay? ”
“ No don’t worry everything is fine. It must be the cleaning company that misplaced my remote control but I’ll find it. Good night ” I hang up. I finish eating the food and I’m full.
Who the hell is cooking for me and how do they get in cause the code is known by the company that cleans penthouse and they always change it?. Who is doing this for me and why?. I will find them though. I just need to find the perfect time. Or I will look at the security footage inside the elevator.
The security footage doesn’t reveal anything. It’s like this person doesn’t exist cause the camera can’t detect them. This thing goes in happens for the next 6 months. She continues to come clean and cook for me and my shadow doesn’t want to say anything. My brothers find it amusing and they enjoy teasing me. They are telling me that a ghost visits me.
She came in again and cooked a wonderful mean for me. It’s something different everyday and I’m beginning to enjoy it. I even started leaving her thank you notes and I find them gone when I come back with home made cooked food. But I am nice tired cause I want to see who she is. I want to know her. I left her a note in the morning and told her I want to meet her and there isn’t an answer on my fridge. Well I never get any response back from her but I was hopeful. I walk to my bedroom and my skin gets covered in goose bumps. I feel this wonderful scent. It’s not floral but it’s unique. I don’t think I have ever smelled something like this. I close my eyes. My shadow grumbles. He’s anxious and excited. He wants to know her too.
She came into my room after cooking and sat on my bed. She smelled the T-shirt I wore yesterday. She took it and put it on her face and inhaled me. I want to see her face but I can’t. She has been doing this for a while and I wasn’t aware cause I always came home tired and sometimes I’ll sleep on the couch. Who are you and why are you hiding yourself from me?.  After shower I get in bed and sleep. I had a nice meal. One of the best. I really want to meet her. This has happened for long and it must stop.
The sound of a vacuum machine doesn’t stop making noise. It’s noisy and it’s pissing the hell out of me. I look at clock and 11 pm. Fuck I’m late but I’m tired. Where is my phone?. I look around and see it on the other side. I take it and call Calvin. I tell him I’m going to be late for work. I go to my closet and wear my sweet pants and T-shirt then walk downstairs. The machine is very loud in here and it just pisses me off.
I come in view and see this who’s busy vacuum the carpet and she’s not aware of me cause I’m far. I stand there and watch her then see that she’s got earphones on. I walk closer then I feel something happening in my body. It suddenly gets really hot like I’m going to be on fire. She suddenly stops vacuuming and switches the machine off. My shadow paces up and down. Fuck me!. Is it her?

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