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I didn't know when dad left the house that he'll be coming back with a traditional healer. I don't understand why he's calling me the " chosen one ". What does that even mean? I'm chosen for what and by whom?. I look at my dad and he's confused too. The healer is looking at me like he's studying me then he shakes his head and body.
" It's not a mistake that he chose you. Your blood and his match. It's like you are one. You're the perfect host for him. Hmmm..... " he looks at dad then at me.  Dad goes to the kitchen and comes back with a bucket with half filled water. " He talks to you but you don't listen. Let your eyes see and your ears hear. This house needs to be cleansed and all of you boys need to be cleansed too...."
The healer takes the bucket and begins to pour something inside and mixes it.
" Pray and ask for their souls to be accepted." He tells bishop.
Bishop tells us to close our eyes and begins to pray. When he's done the healer begins to sprinkle his concoction around the room and the house. My brothers and I haven't said anything to our dad since he came back with the healer. I understand he went to look for the healer cause he wanted my house to be cleansed and get rid of the dead spirits that we killed in the house earlier. Amahle, Calvin and his friend come back. The healer walks in too and Amahle takes my hand looking nervous.
" My job is done for now. Talk to your mother, she needs to explain some things to you. She's the one who can give you answers to the questions you have. If she fails to do so, come to me. You will find me." What? " Young lady, your brother's spirit is happy where he is with your parents. They are happy you have a new family that will love you...." then he looks at me " Burn all the clothes of the girl that was working here that died." The healer says then walks out of the house followed by dad.
" what does mom have anything to do with the questions you have? " Kane asks.
" Cause she's the root of all evil in our lives " Bishop answers him.
Is it possible that my mom knows why I have this person in me and she's never said anything about it?. Did she do this to me?. Why would the healer say that she has the answers if she doesn't know about this person in me?. Why am I asking myself this cause I know what she is capable of. Will she tell me the truth when I ask her or lie to me to protect herself as always?.
" Are you done packing? " I ask amahle. She nods. " What's wrong? "
" Uhm the healer said something to me that didn't make sense " she looks around us nervous.
" Uhm Calvin can you make us something to eat in the kitchen? " Bishop asks him cause he can see that whatever the healer freaked amahle out.
" Yes sir. Come zaza " They all walk out.
" What did he say? " I ask her.
" He was talking about you, like there are two of you or something "
" What did he exactly say baby? "
" He said I'm the only one who can calm you down when he takes over and loses control. I shouldn't be scared of him cause he'll never hurt me. The two of you won't ever hurt me intentionally." Why do I feel like there's more he said to her than what she's telling me?.
" He said this in front of Calvin and his friend? "
" No he called me to the side "
" what else did he say? " she hesitates before she continues.
" One cannot live without the other. You are the chosen one. I must embrace you both." I sigh. " What does that mean? ".
" I don't know baby. I have to talk to my mother tomorrow. She's the one who might explain some things to me like the healer said. I know she's going to show up tomorrow."
" Are you okay? " she palms my cheek.
" I'm not. Jane died, Belinda almost killed you, she's missing and God knows where the fuck she is. I'm going to kill her." I promise her.
" She will pay for what she did to Jane. I can't believe I thought she was a good person."
" She fooled us all baby." I pull her to my arms and breath her in.
She always smells nice. He says. I ignore him.
" Are we still going to live in Durban? "
" Yes we are. Did you find a house you loved? "
" Not yet. I want us to find it together "
" Amahle just find a house you love. When you do, we'll both go and check it out then before we make a decision."
" I would like that." she smiles.
" I need you to pack our clothes, for the week. We have to go to my grandparents house cause that's where I think Phakiso will be buried too unless my grandfather says otherwise."
" Yeah Kane told me everything "
" He's always had a big mouth " she giggles then keeps quiet.
" Did you mean it or it was a moment of weakness?."
She wants to know if we love her.
" I love you amahle." She smiles and looks at me.
" Do you think your family will approve of us, me? "
" why wouldn't they baby? "
" Because you're you. You're educated, rich, handsome and have everything together and me.... I have nothing."
" If I had everything I wouldn't be here with you telling you that you are my everything. Amahle I didn't know that there was something missing in my life before I met you. I love you as you are and that nothing you think you have we are going to change it into something"
" What you mean? "
" You have to register at a University or do online classes. That's all up to you but you my love are going back to the books "
" Are you serious? "
" I am baby. Please cook "
" anything specific? "
" Anything baby. I'm hungry " I kiss her cheek and we go to the kitchen.
We have just had a service for Jane. It was short, emotional and sweet. All of us said words of goodbye to her then we watched her body get cremated and got her ashes. We are going to scatter her ashes on the sea cause that's what she wanted. Her money that she saved was going to be donated to a woman's organisation that works with abused women. I am glad though that she's with the man she loved and in peace.
We are home now about to leave for Welkom since my grandfather called us late last night to tell us about phakiso's " sudden death ". I still don't know how they came up with a plan. Dad didn't tell us cause he wanted us to be shocked when the whole family is there explaining how they found out. Amahle is nervous cause she's going to be meeting all of them at once. I hope she won't feel overwhelmed. Calvin is coming with us as always cause I want amahle to have someone she knows so she won't feel alone while we're busy.
" Are we ready to go? " Kane asks
" We have no choice....." Bishop answers him." you're too quiet " he turns and faces me.
I have this weird feeling like something is going to happen and it's bad. My family is not safe here for now, until I deal with whatever that is coming my way.
" I want you guys to leave. I will come later tonight " amahle frowns.
" what's going on? " Bishop asks concerned.
" I'm not sure but I know I must be here and all of you should be gone." They all look at me worried.
" I'm staying with you " amahle tells me.
" I wasn't asking you. You will leave with them and I'll catch up. "
" But...."
" Amahle." She looks down and pouts.
They have to leave now and be home before it gets dark. An attack is coming and we need to prepare but we can't do that if they are not at home before dark. Tell them they shouldn't leave the yard until you tell them so.
" Son? "
" Dad you need to go now and make sure you're home before dark. When you get there no one should leave the yard until I call you and tell you it's safe."
" Do you need us? " Bishop asks.
" No brother. Just make sure everyone is safe. Jess please keep an eye on her and Calvin."
" I will sir."
" Dad? "
" Don't worry. I'll talk to Papa now and tell them to buy whatever they will need." I know he's going to have questions for my dad but I know he will handle it.
" Thank you Pa."
I take amahle's hand and wait for my family to leave before I talk to her alone.
" Baby? "
" Why are you staying behind? " she's sad.
" There's something I need to do alone. I promise you as soon as I'm done. I will be there "
" But I don't know anyone there and what if...."
" My family knows you. Calvin, my brothers and Jess will be there too so don't worry. No one will give you a hard time okay my love? "
" But I want to stay here with you "
" That's not possible. You have to go."
" I'm scared Kabelo "
" Don't be my love." I kiss her forehead and walk her to the car where everyone is waiting. " I love you." I tell her.
" I love you more " she says with her voice breaking. I kiss her deeply then usher her in the car and watch them drive out.
I lock the front door then walk straight to my spare bedroom and take off my clothes. My whole body is on fire especially my chest. I look at myself through the mirror and my eyes have gone dark but I can see clearly. I close and open them again and they still look the same.
" what are you doing to me? "
" Preparing your body. " he answers
" by burning me up? "
" Yes I want to come out so you can see me."
" what? See you how and how the hell are you going to come out of my body?"
" same way I got in when you were 12 "
" WHAT! "
" Yes. The time has come for us to meet. I have been patient with you and silent cause you were not ready but now is the time "
" Come out and leave me the hell alone. Don't ever get inside of me again! "
" I can't do that. We are one. They know you exist and they are going to come after you. It's either they are going to welcome  and claim you or kill you."
" Who? "
" My family "
"  What! "
" Focus Kabelo! " this fucker yells at me.
I feel like something is separating it's self from me. Like it's going to come out of my skin. I scream and fall down on my knees as whatever that is inside of me moves. The pain is so unbearable as it comes out. I am on fire like I am burning up. I scream until the pain stops and I fall on the floor. I have never felt pain like this. I thought I could tolerate being in pain but not this.
When I look up I expect to find a person standing but no. I cannot believe what I'm seeing. It's a shape of a man. A fucken huge ass man. I can see his facial features but not his eyes. He looks like a ghost and something else I can't explain. He walks to me and helps me stand up and the moment he touches me I feel strong and no longer in pain.
" Who are you and what do you want from me? " What the fuck is this thing living in me!.
" I am you Kabelo. We are one " The shadow walks around me. " I have watched you grow up and protected you. You were at the right place but at the wrong time. You weren't suppose to see what you saw. I had to protect you cause I knew what would happen had I not and also I was told to do so by those above me. " I sit on the bed and and process what this thing ugly is telling me.
" What happened to me, what did I see? "
" You have to ask your mother about that. You will know when she lies and if she fails to tell you the truth. My people will tell you " What the fuck is going on! Am I dreaming? This has to be one stupid joke that is being played on me. There's no way all of this is real.
" Are they the one's who are coming to cause trouble for me? "
" No. Those are the one's who were working with your cousin. They are on the way but don't worry. We can handle them on our own "
" You still haven't told me who you are "
" like I said. Talk to your mother then we will talk "
" So if I choose right now to not let you back in my body what would happen? "
" You will die and so would I or I could choose to have another host but I will not. We are one and nothing is going to separate us unless they do that ritual that killed me."
" So my mother was involved in your death "
" She was and it's not like she didn't know what she was doing. She knew very well the consequences but she still went ahead and unfortunately you were in the cross road and saw everything. You saw my death and I could feel how scared you were and angry. I entered my soul in your body the moment it left me and before they could capture it." what the hell!
" What are you? "
" I was a man and something more than a human. I walk between two worlds. You enjoy the smell of blood. It makes us stronger and powerful. We command and demand respect. We are dominant by nature that's why you chose to go to that world so it could satisfy that hunger you have and always crave. You became aware of me when you tasted that blood that specific day " Fuck me!. I remember that day and everything that happened changed my life even though I tried to hide it.
" Will it hurt every time you come out of me? "
" There won't be another time kabelo. I had to show you what you are. What I am and what you are. You have to know the person living inside of you. I am always going to live inside of you, be with and do everything with you. There's no one without the other"
" This is so fucked up! I feel like I can hear what you're saying but then I don't."
" I will tell you when the time is right. Right now though we need to talk about you protecting yourself and those you love "
" How?"
" You have to allow me to be fully in you in every way so you can sense and see danger before it even happens. You can see when your eyes are closed anywhere you want to see. You can hear people's thoughts of those living and dead. You can block them so you won't hear them. Your speed, strength and everything about you is more than that of a human and when in immediate danger you will transform to protect yourself."
" What? Transform how? Into you like this? An animal? An alien? "
" No. More than that. Our true self."
" This has my head so fucked up. I..."
" I know you're confused but like I said. My people will come to you and claim you. They will teach you all of that you have to know. We will both know when they come and when the others come."
" If my brother's were there that day you died would you have chosen one of them?"
" No. You're the Chosen one."
" They know something is living in me and they would want to know when the time goes. I will have to tell amahle too what I am even though I don't understand it myself and when I do what if she's not able to handle it? "
" She will have to. She is strong and if she's not able to handle it then we will have to let her go "
" Fuck no! That's not going to happen. She's going nowhere! "
" I want you to know that even though I am living in you and we are one. I have never and will never make decisions on your behalf unless I have to save your life. I will stand back as always but trust in us cause we are together by blood, soul and bound by the God's."
" Will I still be able to do all of those things you said I could do even when you're outside my body? "
" Yes you will. My blood is your blood. My powers are yours too but together in one body. We are stronger and more dangerous than we could ever be."
I close my eyes and see if what my ghost saying is true. I focus on Amahle and see where she is. I can see the car moving and amahle looking outside the window and she's not okay. Her heart is with me and she's worried about meeting the rest of the family without me and she thinks I'm going to be with another woman. I open my eyes and sigh. He walks into me and morphs back into my body and it's not painful like when he came out.
" They are here and are surrounding the house. They are going to try to burn it  with us but we won't let them" he tells me.
" I can feel them and they are many. I won't be able to put the fire alone. I'll need help."
" Fire doesn't hurt us. We are fire and we walk through fire."

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