Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen
Meeting Sang

I drop my head into my hands, my fingers seeking my temples to rub them as I feel a headache coming on. The pressure of this assignment is becoming a lot, taking a toll on all of us. We're exhausted. I would love nothing more than to go home, climb into bed and sleep for the next few days and possibly spend some time with my men.

God, I hate to think how the Blackbourne's Team girl feels. Owen Blackbourne described his girlfriend as having one foot in the Academy and one foot out. What that meant, I'm not sure, but when this assignment landed in our laps, we were told we had to work together, but the girlfriend got the option to opt in or out. She opted out. I definitely don't blame her, but I'm certain she's missing her guys as much as they are missing her; at least one of them are always home at night to keep her company, be the good boyfriends that they are...otherwise we've been at the next city staying in a house owned by the academy that definitely isn't big enough for fourteen of us. Somehow, we make it work though.

A week ago we decided to come home for a few days to see if having a change of scenery would help us decide on our next steps. We arrived home late last night and came straight over to the Blackbourne house this morning as soon as we were ready to do so. We've been here all day and Corey has just ordered pizza to bed delivered.

"Maybe we should go back to the original plan," Kota says.

"We decided the risks were too high of that plan not working," Marc adds.

And back and forth it goes.

That is until we hear the front door open. Immediately, everyone stops talking, listening as the door clicks shut. The sound of keys being placed on the table by the front door has Silas jumping out of his seat, a smile stretching across his face. I've never seen him smile that big before and it makes my own lips curl up.

The sound of heels tapping on the pristine marble floors makes my heart race a little, anticipation of meeting the Blackbourne's girl brings out a reaction in me I've never felt before. I've heard a lot about her, and she sounds like such a nice girl. I've heard her guys on the phone to her, whispering sweet nothings down the device.

She appears in the doorway, dressed in a pale pink blouse with a black skirt that reaches her knees, kitten heels on her feet. Her luscious blonde hair is pulled back and clipped away from her face, her light green eyes bright, almost twinkling, as a large smile spreads across her face. Silas reaches her first and she throws herself at him, arms around her neck, legs curled back behind her as he spins her in a circle before kissing her. She giggles and fuck, something shifts in my chest, I swear it does.

One by one, I watch the young men greet their girlfriend and I feel my hand start to tremble a little and I'm honestly not sure as to why. An arm comes around my shoulders and I look over at Raven and his dark gaze pins me into place, sucking the air from my lungs. He bites down onto his bottom lip before sucking on it and then licking his lips. I see the silver on his tongue and want nothing more than to climb into his lap and kiss him so I can feel that piercing stroking against my tongue.

"Let's make introductions."

I force my eyes away from Raven and towards Owen Blackbourne. His arm wraps around the girl's waist as they turn towards us. I find myself standing up, pushing my fingers through my hair with the movement, trying to tame it before stepping forward. Light green eyes pin me place for a heartbeat before I hold my hand out. Thankfully, it stopped trembling. "Hi, I'm Kayli. It's nice to meet you, Sang."

Her smile, damn her smile. Sweet, innocent, beautiful. It has my heart flipping in my chest. Her hand comes to mine, delicate fingers wrapping around my hand like it does around my heart. I ignore that warm fuzzy feeling I feel in my chest. "It's lovely to meet you too, Kayli."

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