Chapter Five

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My smile instantly dies when I lay my eyes on the boy standing behind Sean. I don't recognize him, but he has navy blue eyes and ginger hair, orange freckles dotting his face. He's dressed in the normal uniform attire, only his white shirt is unbuttoned revealing some kind of comic t-shirt. Sean's green eyes widen when he sets his eyes on us. "What are you doing?" He asks, narrowing them to slits.

"I lost my earring, Doc. I was just trying to find it," Gabriel says. "Fucking stupid little things."

Sean stares at Gabriel for a long moment before shaking his head. "Well, I highly suggest you get to your classrooms. A lost earring can be replaced with another." He settles his eyes on me and I try not to smile, but a small one slips free. We pick up our bags and with Luke's hands on my waist, we move towards the door.

The ginger dude watches us closely, but doesn't say anything. Sean however, looks rather amused now that he's over the shock. "That was my favourite fucking earring," Gabriel mutters.

Sean doesn't reply, but I can tell by the spark in his eye that he wants too. Knowing him, it would be either a sarcastic or funny response. Sean steps to the side as Luke releases me to go through the door. I can't help but look at him with with a sexy smile on my lips. "Have a good day, Dr Green," I whisper.

"You too, Miss Sang." I wink at him, making sure the ginger dude can't see the flirty action. Once clear of the door, Luke takes my hand and we rush down the hall. North and Gabriel head in the opposite direction. I can't help but look over my shoulder at Sean. He waves the ginger dude into the classroom, his eyes trained on me as he does. He raises an eyebrow silently asking 'did you really just have sex in here?'.

My grin is all the answer he needs.


"Can Sang Sorenson please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Sang Sorenson to the principal's office." My head flies up and I stare at the speaker in the corner of the room.

A laugh comes from Luke at my side and I playfully hit him on the shoulder, telling him to shut up. Kota turns in his seat and looks at me, eyes narrowed.

"Sang, of you go. Mr Blackbourne won't wait around forever," Miss Smith says.

All eyes are on me as I shut my notebook and slip it into my bag. Standing up, I shoulder it. Luke's shoulders continue to shake, and Kota continues to look at me through narrowed eyes. "What have you done?" he mouths at me.

I shake my head, shrugging a shoulder. I think I know what it's about. Sean would have had enough time to speak with Owen since seeing us leave the classroom two classes ago.

I leave the classroom without another word and head in the direction of Owen's new office—that he insisted he share with Sean. The lady behind the reception desk tells me to go straight through and when I reach the door, I knock and wait.

It swings open two heartbeats later and Sean stands there with his usual grin and sparkling green eyes. "Hello, Miss Sang."

I have to remember where I am. "Dr Green," I respond as I nod my head at him and go inside. My eyes immediately search Owen out. He sits behind his desk, fingers linked together, steel grey eyes emotionless and focused on me.

"Take a seat, Miss Sorenson," he says, standing up and buttoning the jacket of his suit with the motion.

I sit down, dropping my bag to the floor at the side of the chair. I watch as he rounds the desk, coming to stand before me. He perches on the edge, his fingers wrapping around the edges, his knuckles turning red. We get lost in a stare down, something I wouldn't have dared to do a year ago. I can't help myself now. I know why I'm here and I'm turned on, because I know I'll be punished in the most delicious way.

After The Book: Fifty Shades Of Sang #2Where stories live. Discover now