Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

One by one, everyone comes into the kitchen, some eager and excited, some showing worry. I can't say I blame them; I've been a mix of both for the past hour as I cooked bacon, flipped pancakes, scrambled eggs, sliced strawberries and set the dining room table with plates and cutlery.

Silas is the last to arrive, his brows pinched together. He presses a kiss to my temple before taking his usual seat between North and Nathan. North stares at the side of his head, eyes full of anger and desperation. I sigh, taking a seat at the far end of the table that is usually Owen's seat. At my request in a text message that I sent to him, he gave up his seat so I could have it just for the day. Owen did originally want me to have it when we first purchased the table but I couldn't do it. He is the head of our family so he deserves that seat.

"Dig in, before it gets cold," I say softly, looking around the room at the familiar faces. No one moves and my shoulders sag. "Okay then. Let's try this a different way."

I get up from my seat and go over to the small bar in the corner of the room, collecting a pitcher of ice water before going back to the table. I start with Owen and he holds up his glass but I don't pour. "Tell me a truth," I demanded of him.

Grey eyes capture mine and he doesn't look away from me as he says, "I want last night to happen again."

I nod my head, pouring his drink before moving on. Next is Gabriel. "Truth."

Gabriel looks nervously around as he picks up his glass and holds it out. "I want to fuck Luke. I want to try more of this dude on dude sex shit." I can't help it, I smile.

Luke inhales a breath beside him. I pour Gabriel his drink before moving on to Luke. He shakes his head at the water but does admit his truth. "Gabe and I have been jerking each other off for a while. How it even started, I'm not sure, but I realised I enjoyed it a lot. I've wanted to try more with him for some time but I didn't know how to express that with him. Or you. I'm sorry, Sang."

Tears burn my eyes but it's not because I'm angry or hurt they were doing this without my knowledge. It's because he didn't know how to talk to me about it. Maybe there were signs, something that hinted at it, but I missed them. Either way... "There's nothing to apologise for. Thank you."

His smile is soft in return. When he reaches for a chocolate chip pancake, my shoulders relax a little and knot in my stomach loosens. Luke reaching for the pancakes has Gabriel reaching for the scrambled eggs and Owen for the bacon.

Beside Luke is Kota and he holds up glass, admitting his truth as I pour. "I want to see what it feels like for you to kiss another guy. When you kissed Kayli, that was insanely sexy and attractive and I know the emotion I should have been feeling was jealousy. That wasn't the case though. Now I would like to see what it would be like for you to kiss Axel, or Brandon, or Corey. Any of them. If they want it, and as long as it's okay with Kayli."

I stare at Kota, my lips parted in surprise, though the nervous but excited energy I feel crawl down my spine makes me feel like I'm sixteen years old again and reading that book. I nod my head. "Okay," I whisper.

Next to Kota is North, who lets out a long breath before his mouth opens and he starts speaking. "My that I'm pissed with my best friend." He turns to Silas and I realise that this truth isn't for everyone but he's saying it for everyone. My heart clenches in my chest, watching as Silas raises his head and meets North's stare head on. "We always, up until about a year ago, shared Sang together. Even if it was 'your' night with her, you always told me to come and join you both and I always did, without hesitation. Because I'm not going to say no to extra time with Sang. But since last night I've come to realise that the reason those invitations got less and less. Didn't think anything of it, until last night. You wanted to fuck a guy. To be fucked by a guy. You and Sang somehow made that work before last night. Right now I'm not interested in details. I want to know why you didn't come to me when Sang told me that you were supposed to. I would have done it, Si. I would have fucked your ass. That shit doesn't bother me. Can't say I'll ever let you near mine, but I would have done it. You know that, right?"

After The Book: Fifty Shades Of Sang #2Where stories live. Discover now