Chapter Eight

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It certainly is your lucky day birds! Enjoy.

Chapter Eight

I'm laying in bed reading an Alexa Riley book when my phone vibrates. I look over at the offending thing for distracting me from the delicious words that Alexa Riley creates but then a smile spreads across my face when I realise that only nine people in the world have my number.

I pick it up, my smile widening when I see that it's Silas. I open the message.

Silas: I miss you.

Sang: I miss you. Are you okay?

I send my reply with a frown. It's Saturday night and all the guys have left me alone in Nathan's house to do a few small missions. It took a lot for me to get them out the door as they didn't want to leave me alone but I assured them that I would be okay and wouldn't hesitate to press the red button if I needed to. There are no more threats now, no reason for us to always be looking over our shoulders but my boys aren't as relaxed about the situation as I am yet.

Silas: I'm okay, Aggelle. I just miss you.

Silas: What are you doing?

I can imagine the sad facial expression of my big cuddly teddy bear. I tap out my reply.

Sang: I miss you just as much. I'm reading. What are you doing?

His reply is immediate.

Silas: Sitting in the jeep with North. What are you reading?

Ah, they're on a stake out.

I drop my eyes to my lit up kindle. A bubble of laughter leaves me. If only he knew...

Sang: A book by Alexa Riley. Tell North I say hi.

Silas: The grumpy bear says hi back. Which Alexa Riley book? I'll search it up on Amazon to get an idea of what you're reading.

I smirk and tap out the title of the book.

Sang: 'Owning the Beast'.

I put my phone down and get out of bed when I don't get an immediate reply. I make my way through the lit up house to the kitchen and collect myself a bottle of water and a small bag of M&M's before making my way back to the bedroom.

I immediately pick up my phone to see if Silas has replied but find I do have a text, only it's not from the person I expected.

North: What are you reading, baby?

Sang: Why?

North: Si just downloaded it on his phone and is reading through it. I'm curious.

Sang: 'Owning the Beast'.

I laugh as I send the reply. Some of the boys like looking on my kindle to find out what I'm reading, what gets me flushing and shifting in my seat. They sometimes read them too. Gabriel is the worst though. Sometimes it's Gabriel texting me about an author and books I need to read.

They're all always so dirty.

I can feel my eyes getting heavy when my phone vibrates on my stomach. I pick it up, squinting at the bright light before bringing up the message.

Silas: Aggelle, you read some smoking hot stuff.

I grin, laughing quietly.

Sang: Calm it, Superman.

Silas: You're lucky I'm not the one in the driver's seat. I'd be there within minutes and slipping those panties down your legs.

I bite my lip, clenching my thighs together.

Sang: Don't be a tease. It's not very nice.

Silas: You're right, it's not. But, Aggelle, you can pleasure yourself when we're not there with you to do it ourselves.

I read his message over and over again. I remember trying it once but Nathan came in and took over. I haven't really tried since. And honestly, it kind of makes me nervous.

Silas: I stroke my cock thinking about your tight, wet pussy wrapped around it.

I gasp, my heartbeat picking up speed.

Silas: About your perky tits in my hands and your nipples in my mouth. Tell me, Angel, are you wet?

I can feel the hot wetness between my legs drenching me, soaking my lace panties. With shaky fingers, I type one single word for a reply.

Sang: Yes.

Silas: That's good, Aggelle. My cock is so hard for you right now.

Sang: Silas.

My nipples ache and the clenching of my thighs aren't giving me any release between my legs. "Oh god," I breath out loud.

Silas: I love having you to myself, feeling your body moving with mine as I fuck you slowly. But I love watching you with one or more of the others. I love watching you close your eyes, moan and whimper as you beg for someone to give you the release you need. Such a beautiful sight.

My whole body jerks with the image his words are painting in my head. My chest heaves with my breaths.

Sang: I need you, Silas. I need you so bad.

I'm a desperate hot mess. His reply is immediate.

Silas: We are on our way but until we get to you there is something I want you to try. Just once, to see if you like it.

Sang: What's that?

I already know what it is and the anticipation for his reply almost kills me.

Silas: Touch your pretty pussy.

To Be Continued...

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