Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Sitting at my computer, I blink at the three screens, my eyes feeling super heavy after staring at them all day. Picking up my coffee, I take a sip, only to spit it back out when the bitter drink touches my tongue cold. I hate cold coffee. "Ugh," I groan, placing my mug down just as there's a knock at the door. "Yes?"

The door clicks open and I swing around in my chair. Expecting Kayli. Or Brandon. Maybe even Kota or Victor. Raven doesn't knock, so there was no point in assuming it was him. But it's none of them. It's actually the last person I would expect to see on a Tuesday...I look at the clock and blink. Okay, early hours of Wednesday morning. "What are you doing here at two AM?"

North Taylor shrugs his shoulders. "I needed to talk to someone. Raven definitely wasn't an option, so here I am." Closing the door behind him, he settles down on the two seater couch that sits under the window. "I used my key to get in. I activated the alarms too, as they weren't set."

I sigh. "They either got distracted or forgot. I would have checked it before I went to bed."

"I had a feeling you'd still be up. If you weren't here I would have just left, gone home, come another day."

I tilt my head to the side curiously. "Are you doing okay? Is this and Sang? What happened at the weekend?"

North Taylor looks at me and I stop swivelling in my chair, giving him the same inspection he's giving me. Dark eyes, dark hair, a stubble that's on his face. Full lips, strong jaw. Shoulders wide and muscular, biceps thick. He's wearing a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans with his biker boots, the laces undone. North is hot, I won't deny that. He reminds me a lot of Raven, before all the tattoos. I'm surprised North doesn't have any yet. "Surprisingly, I'm really okay with what happened at the weekend. I want Sang happy, my brothers happy, you guys happy. I think we can all be happy together. What I came here to speak to you about is actually what happened between Silas and myself."

"Did you not enjoy it?"

He drops his chin, looking down at his feet. I get the feeling I know what he's going to say before he says it. "That's the thing. I enjoyed it more than I expected too and now I'm not sure how to deal with that."

"What is there to deal with?" I ask, moving my chair across the floor so I'm closer to him.

"I've never seen myself to be someone who would be attracted to guys and here I am, thinking about fucking my best friend and everything we could do together."

"When you first met Raven as a fourteen year old, hormonal and brooding teenager at bootcamp, did you think he was bi?"

North lifts his head and stares at me.

"What about Silas? Did you ever suspect him? What about me? Luke and Gabriel?"


"Can I ask this; the bi sexual guy that works at your shop. Do you find him attractive? He's like Silas and Raven, big, muscular, tattoos and piercings, and rides a motorcycle."

"How do you know he's bi?"

"He asked Brandon out," I smirk. "Thought Bray was me showing off the other side to my nerdy personality. He also thought that Raven, Kayli and I wouldn't mind adding to our harem."

North chuckles. "No. I don't find him attractive."

"Then you need to stop looking at this the way you think you should, and look at it the way you should be," I tell him. "You're not attracted to guys, North. You're attracted to Silas." His eyes drop down and run over my upper body. "And maybe some of us. But that's not because we're guys. That's because you know us, you know our minds, you trust us but your body also likes the look of ours. It's not a big deal, so don't make it one."

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