RED: 78. Babe

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78. Babe (12/7/21)

The kitchen timer went off, but Faith hardly heard it. Her eyes fluttered a few times, as if she was awaking from a horrible dream...or a nightmare. Her life, as it crumbled to pieces around her, certainly felt like a nightmare.

But she didn't want to worry about any of that right now. If she allowed herself to think about it for even a second, she would spend the rest of the day weeping, when in reality, she had a schedule and to-do list to take care of. She always did keep her life organized; first college, then the husband, then the baby. The husband had to be handsome and charismatic, with nice eyes and a sparkling smile. He had to be successful and go to work every day, making enough money to support the two of them. They had to live in a nice neighborhood, with friendly neighbors, good schools for the aforementioned children, and security. The house needed a pool and a green lawn, in case they ever adopted a dog, with fanciful wallpaper and a state-of-the-art kitchen for home-cooked meals every night. Everything was how it should be.

As Faith climbed the steps to start her first task of the day, she realized that men were such fickle creatures. They hardly ever did what they were told. She had thought Malcolm was different.

One by one, Faith placed her dresses in a suitcase and lined the bottom with her shoes. Her toiletries went in a bag, and she made sure to pack light but also not leave anything behind.

As her mind began to drift off - packing clothes was such a dull task - she glanced over at the portraits on the wall. The center photo was of her and Malcolm at last year's gala. She was smiling at him, but he was smiling at the camera. She should have known.

On either side was a photo of the two of them at their wedding and a framed piece of paper of their transcribed vows. Faith had insisted on the idea, and figured it would be a good way to remember their promises to each other. Carefully, she dropped a pair of shoes into her suitcase and approached the vows as if it was a terrifying monster.

"I promise to love and cherish you every day," she muttered under her breath; her eyes glazed over as she read the words. "I will not stray, but stay loyal to you until my dying day."

Before even thinking about it - it wasn't even on her to-do list - Faith tore the photos and vows off the wall and threw them on the bed. They would be of no use to her.

When her bag was packed, she carried her suitcases down the steps and out the back door. The crystal blue pool sparkled under the mid-morning sun. Faith popped the trunk of the car and placed her suitcases inside. Then, she moved the car to the alley.

She sat behind the wheel for a moment, picturing her husband and how he drove to work every day. Then she found herself traveling back in time to last week, when she had the brilliant idea to surprise Malcolm at work. He had been worrying over a project and spending extra nights making sure the tasks were finished on time. So, Faith had spent most of the morning preparing Malcolm's favorite meal, packed it up, climbed in the car, and drove to his office.

She had selected a bright yellow dress with a matching headband. Malcolm always said he loved when she wore yellow. At the last moment, she took a sharp right and stopped at the bakery to pick up a slice of cake to go along with the meal.

Then it was off to the office, where Faith parked and took the elevator up to Malcolm's office. The secretaries and other female employees greeted her before sharing knowing glances. Faith entered Malcolm's office with a cheery smile.

She stopped, because Malcolm was not alone. A fit, young red-head in a matching red sweater and skirt set was standing against his desk. As soon as the girl saw Faith, she picked up her folders and scurried out of the office. Faith glanced at her husband, who didn't even bother to choke up an excuse.

So now, Faith climbed out the car and returned to the kitchen. The lighter and matches were in one drawer. In one single motion, she was lighting a match and dropping it on the carpet. The next moment, she was lighting the curtains on fire. When she took a step back, she realized the whole house would be ablaze in a few moments.

She returned to the car, as if what she had done was no big deal. With one last glance at the house, she pulled out of the driveway and pictured the wedding photos and vows going up in flames. She couldn't help but smile.

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