SPEAK NOW: 41. Sparks Fly

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41. Sparks Fly (11/23/20)

"You're inexperienced, aren't you?"

It was Friday night, and high school sophomore Ruby was watching a romantic television show that would usually be off-limits when her parents were home. But tonight, they were out of town for a business conference, and Ruby was alone in the house, which meant she had a bowl of popcorn and Love Conquers All to keep her company. She was on episode five, and was watching the sexy Rodriguez court the young and innocent Marzia. Similar to the height difference between Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind, Rodriguez seemed to tower over Marzia as he lightly suggested that they spend the night together. Well, "lightly" was an understatement.

As Ruby watched the scene unfold, in which Rodriguez lay Marzia on the four poster bed and slowly removed her dress, the high schooler couldn't help but think about her own love life. It was tricky not to think about the current state of affairs when she was watching such a passionate scene. When she conjured up Everett, the senior boy who was interested in her, Rodriguez was busy fondling Marzia's breasts. Ruby had to look away, out of sheer embarrassment, but then remembered what Everett had said to her only a few days ago.

Everett was off-limits, mainly because of his reputation on campus. He took pleasure in the fact that he had slept with the most girls in school. But one could not deny the fact that Everett was intoxicating and deliciously handsome. Ruby couldn't stop thinking about him. Even her best friend, Moira, told her to avoid Everett at all costs, and she always encouraged Ruby to go after what she wanted.

The scene in the show had now shifted, and Rodriguez was over Marzia on the bed. He asked her if she was scared. She said she wasn't. Ruby let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and almost gasped when her phone started to ring. All hopes of it being Everett were diminished when Moira's name showed up on her screen.

"Don't tell me you're watching that tacky show," Moira said. The volume was too loud, and she must've heard it over the phone. "Sex isn't even like that, you know."

"I don't really care. Rodriguez is hot," Ruby said, shrugging. "Speaking of hot..."

"Ruby, don't you say his name!" Moira yelled. "You better not call him tonight. Word on the street is that he's looking for a new girl."

"Seriously?" Ruby's whole body was on edge as she thought about Everett being all alone tonight, looking for someone to sleep with.

"You can't see him, okay?" On the other end of the line, Moira was pacing back and forth. "You're gonna get attached, fall in love with him, and then he's gonna hang you out to dry."

"What if I just want to have sex with him?" Ruby couldn't help but giggle at the statement. By this point, she had paused the show so she wouldn't miss a second. Marzia wasn't even naked yet. "Is that such a crime?"

"Uh, yes," Moira said. "Just promise me you won't call him, okay?"

Outside, the thunderclouds that had been hovering in the sky all day split up, showering the earth with fresh rain. Ruby pictured Everett pulling up and meeting her in the pouring rain, before carrying her inside and laying her on the bed, just like Rodriguez did with Marzia.

"I gotta go. Rodriguez and Marzia are gonna hook up," Ruby said, and she couldn't end the call fast enough. She didn't even bother to watch the rest of the scene; instead, she shut off the television and dialed Everett's number. He had given it to her a few weeks back, after a successful game of badminton. They had partnered up, either out of interest or lack of friends in class, and had won the round robin game. It wasn't anything serious, but her badminton skills seemed to catch his attention. He slipped her his number before walking off to class, leaving Ruby to melt like a popsicle.

"Hey," Ruby said once Everett answered. "This is Ruby, from school. I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight. I heard you were lonely."

She had never been that bold in her life.

"Uh, hey," Everett said, and he sounded intrigued. "Sure, I'll come over. Just send me your address."

Ruby texted him the street and house number before running upstairs to change. Sweatpants and a tank top were not the appropriate outfit of choice for such an occasion. Instead, she selected a silky nightgown, which boarded on lingerie, and long black socks. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail, letting her brown curls fall down her back like ocean waves. Then she jogged back downstairs and stood in front of the door, her eyes peeled for any cars.

In a few minutes, she saw a familiar black car pulling into a parking spot. From inside, she saw Everett climbing out, his clothes soaked through. Ruby tried to remember how she wanted this moment to go in her head. She wanted Everett to meet her in the pouring rain, so she threw open the front door and walked outside.

Her bones turned to jelly as soon as she saw him. Everett was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome, similar to Rodriguez on Love Conquers All. Ruby stood a few inches away from him, staring into his piercing green eyes. The electricity and sparks between them was palpable.

"You look amazing," he whispered, placing his hands on her waist. Her breath hitched. "Should we go inside?"

Ruby nodded, and just like she pictured it, Everett lifted her in his arms and carried her inside the house, out of the rain. He shut the door behind him with one hand before leading her up the steps. She guided him to the appropriate room - her parent's room was not the best option in this situation - and just like Rodriguez, Everett laid her down on the bed.

"I'm so glad you called," Everett said, hovering over her. His eyes seemed to shine like emeralds. "I was lonely tonight."

Ruby sat up just a tad and ran her fingers through Everett's hair, kissing him passionately on the lips. On Love Conquers All, Marzia was helpless (she was inexperienced, after all) but Ruby wanted to take the reins at first. She had kissed a few boys before, but only had books and movies as her guide for how the rest of the evening should go.

As they kissed, Everett's chest hit her own, and he was slowly undressing. Off came his shirt and jeans, which landed in a pile on the floor. Then, Ruby helped him onto the bed, and they sat on their knees and kissed, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Everett helped her out of the nightgown and socks, and everything dawned on Ruby. She was going to sleep with Everett, the man she was told to stay away from. But for some reason, she knew it was right. Even if nothing came out of this night, she would remember it for the rest of her life. And she knew she would never get the image of Everett's green eyes out of her head.

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