FOLKLORE: 134. The Lakes

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134. The Lakes (11/6/20)

            Addison Pike, famous actress and activist, was walking her dog down the suburban streets of Los Angeles. It was a surprisingly sunny day, considering it was late February, and the neighborhood was quiet. She saw one other woman walking her dog, but instead of the woman saying a friendly "hello," she walked right past Addison.

            Addison glanced over her shoulder to look at the dog walker, but she was already gone. The actress let out a sigh before rounding another corner and returning home.

            Her townhouse was open concept, spacious, and only one level. She unleashed the dog, who promptly scampered towards the kitchen, awaiting food. Addison let out a little chuckle before switching on the radio and joining her pup in the kitchen.

            "Do you wanna win one thousand dollars?" The radio announcer asked, his voice loud and high-pitched. Addison rolled her eyes before switching the station, and an upbeat pop song began playing. She recognized the song, since her friend Naomi was the singer. Addison increased the volume before pouring water and dog food into two separate bowls.

            When the song ended, Addison searched for fixings to make a salad, and the radio announcer cut in to start a conversation. "That was 'Don't Hide Your Love' by up-and-comer Naomi Grant. The singer has been on everyone's minds today, since photos of her were published late last night."

            Addison dropped the tomato she was chopping on the cutting board, and moved closer to the radio. She approached it as if it was a dead animal, and she was worried it would revive itself and attack her.

            "Naomi Grant, who released her first lead single 'Crown' last spring, was seen photographed with actress and activist Addison Pike." The radio announcer paused, allowing the words to seep in. "The two were seen having lunch at a cafe in Los Angeles, and were caught kissing on their way out. The photos can be found on our website."

            Addison's face lit into flames as she processed everything the radio announcer had just said. She and Naomi had gone to lunch together last weekend, but it was during the downtown art festival, so the cafe was empty. She assumed nobody would see her and Naomi, so she snuck a kiss on their way out. But someone had been watching.

            "We'll now be taking callers to see how everyone is reacting to the news that Academy Award nominee Addison Pike may like girls," the radio announcer said, and he could be heard pressing buttons. "For those of you that don't know, Pike made her film debut in Olivia Wilde's teen comedy 'Rich Girls," where she played the glamorous Mimi. Her acting career only seemed to skyrocket from there, but Pike didn't let the fame go to her head. She continued to use her platform to advocate for issues she cared about. Just last year, she received a Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination for her drama-turning role in 'The Girl Who Came First.' Of course, she lost to Viola Davis, but, like they say, it's an honor just to be nominated."

            Addison sighed; at least they were painting her in a semi-decent light. The reminder of last year's Oscars ceremony only made her think about Naomi more. She had brought Naomi as her plus-one, and got to sit next to Saoirse Ronan, who took home Best Supporting Actress. It was one of the best nights of Addison's life.

            As the radio announcer started taking calls, Addison searched for her phone. She needed to get a hold of Naomi, who was probably all alone at the recording studio. Addison's girlfriend was busy working on her first album, and preferred to work with one or two other producers.

            "I always knew that girl was trashy," a clipped voice said. "She needs to learn to keep her mouth shut during those interviews. I even liked her in that movie last year, but I couldn't stand to watch her talk in interviews."

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