1989: 86. Blank Space

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86. Blank Space (9/21/20)

The mansion was a feat of modern architecture. Six cream columns stood in front of the entrance, and carefully-trimmed shrubbery surrounded the house, save for the concrete driveway that looped around in front of the house.

Christopher drove in on his Mercedes Benz, slicking back his jet-black hair as he put the car in park. He had been invited to a weekend party at Miss. Scarlett Silverstone's house. She was a rich socialite known for her popular parties, large house, and long list of ex-boyfriends.

As Christopher climbed out of the car, he saw Scarlett - a woman he had only seen in magazines - standing in front of the door. Her curled brown hair hit just below her shoulders, and she was wearing a black dress with a skirt that jutted out at the waist. Her lips were painted a bright red.

"Christopher! You made it!" She squealed, waving elegantly until he climbed the steps and kissed her on the cheeks. "I'm so glad you could come this weekend."

Christopher couldn't help but glance around the parking lot, searching for any other guests.

It was as if Scarlett could read his mind. "No one else could come. What a bummer." She paused, eyeing him. "But at least we'll have the whole weekend to get to know each other."

Scarlett led him inside and showed him to his room, which was just down the hallway from hers. The house was large, like he had heard.

After dropping off his bags in his room, Scarlett showed Christopher the gardens, stables, fountains, and pools that filled the sweeping two acres of land behind the house.

"Shall we go riding?" Scarlett asked once they had finished the tour. "I'm sure you'll be very impressed with my horses."

The two spent the afternoon riding horseback around the gardens and sharing a picnic near the fountain. Christopher was enthralled by Scarlett, as if they were two magnets who were never meant to be separated. He didn't bat an eye when she scribbled their initials into one of the oak trees: C + S.

After dinner, Scarlett showed off the ballroom, where she usually hosted parties. The two danced to two classical songs before retreating to their separate bedrooms. If it was up to Scarlett, they would've both stayed in her bed, but she knew Christopher wasn't quite ready for that yet.

Christopher awoke the next morning and dressed in his best white button-up and black slack pants. During breakfast, Scarlett couldn't keep her hands off him as she explained the itinerary for the day. Something had happened during the night because now, unlike yesterday, Christopher wasn't playing along.

They had another picnic at the fountains during lunch, and Christopher was tempted to check his phone as Scarlett read a fashion magazine. When he did, he saw a few texts from the girl he was seeing, Natasha. She sent him a few pictures of her at the beach, and Christopher couldn't help but smile.

"What are you looking at?" Scarlett asked, smirking.

When Christopher didn't reply, she plucked his phone out of his hand and scrolled through the pictures. The smirk disappeared from her face as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who is she?" she whispered, showing him a picture of Natasha in a bikini.

Christopher shrugged. "Just a girl I've been seeing."

In one quick moment, Scarlett stood up from the gingham blanket and adjusted her grip on his phone before tossing it into the fountain.

"What the hell!" Christopher shrieked as Scarlett stormed off, a malicious grin on her face. Her guest had broken the one cardinal rule.

Christopher tried to dive for his phone, but it was too late. Little sparks of energy radiated off the device as it ended its life. When he looked up, he could see Scarlett walking back into the house.

"There's a reason I'm the only one here," Christopher muttered before following Scarlett inside.

He decided to watch Scarlett from a distance. She walked to a pantry, and once she had descended the stairs, he followed her.

Christopher cracked open the door, his eyes catching on a white piece of paper taped to the back. When he looked at it closely, he could see a list of names crossed out. If he squinted, he could see that the crossed out names were all of Scarlett's ex-boyfriends. And at the very bottom of the list, the only name that wasn't crossed out was his own.

A sinking feeling filled his whole body. It was no wonder everyone only talked about Scarlett's exes instead of meeting them. Once they dumped Scarlett (or she dumped them), they were never heard from again.

Christopher shut the pantry door behind him and made his way towards the front door. He snatched his keys from a small coffee table and threw open the door, looking to make his grand exit.

Except, when he left the house, he found Scarlett near his car. She had thrown his suitcases out the window, it seemed, and when he looked closer, he saw some of his shirts had been ripped and cut up.

Then, there was Scarlett, the host herself. Wielding a golf club, she was wrecking his Mercedes Benz, smashing out the headlights and denting the front and sides of the vehicle.

"Oh my god!" Christopher screamed, running over to Scarlett and trying to grab the golf club out of her hand.

In his struggle, Scarlett threw back her arms and hit him over the head with the end of the golf club. When she turned, she saw Christopher, the man who had betrayed her, lying unconscious on the stone pavement.

"Oh my god," she whispered, repeating his sentiment from earlier.

This had never happened before, but she would make due. She was on a time schedule, after all. When her phone buzzed in the pocket of her riding pants, she fished it out and read the text from her next suitor: On my way.

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