1989: 96. I Know Places

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96. I Know Places (10/8/20)

It was after dark, and the castle was an imposing figure on the landscape. If someone was taking a walk outside and looked up at the castle, they would've assumed that everything was as it should be. But, in reality, if you looked closer at the northern tower, you would see the princess and her secret lover having a conversation in the privacy of her room.

Princess Felicity, wearing a deep blue gown, walked towards the one window in her room. When she looked down, she saw the angled roof of the castle, and even further down, was the moat and front doors. Normally she was terrified of heights, but in this moment, she was fearless.

"I want to leave with you," she told her lover, Eugene. "My parents wish to marry me off to a king I hardly know."

"I believe I know a place," Eugene replied. He stood behind Felicity, carefully brushing her hair back and kissing her on the neck. "We must be careful."

The two quietly gathered their things and thought up a game plan. The guards had retired for the evening, so leaving the castle wouldn't be a difficult task. But the real problem was Felicity's lady-in-waiting, Mary. She was supposed to check-in on the princess every night before lights out. If Mary came in and saw an empty bed, she would surely alert the king and queen.

Felicity and Eugene knew they couldn't prevent Mary from checking-in. Instead, they packed light and changed into comfortable, sturdy shoes. They needed to be prepared for all the running they would have to do tonight.

Felicity slung a small bag over her shoulder and waited for Eugene's instructions. She kissed him one last time, her eyes glassy. She was throwing everything away for him and a life of freedom. She hoped it was worth it.

Eugene, who was used to sneaking into the castle to see the princess, went out the window first. Acting nimble, he stepped out and positioned his feet on small ledges in the roofing. He then held out a hand for Felicity, helping her out the window. The two slowly climbed down the slanted roof, conscientious of where their feet and hands were going.

By the time they reached the bottom of the castle, Felicity's worries had melted away. She couldn't see any guards positioned outside the palace. Eugene grabbed her by the hand, and the two went running across the bridge and into the woods.

It wasn't long until they heard a few noises from behind them. Felicity froze, despite Eugene's protests. In the distance, she could hear a voice shot, "The princess is gone!"

Mary must've checked her room earlier than they had suspected. If they didn't start running soon, the guards would be on their tails. Felicity picked up her skirts and followed Eugene through the forest.

The princess tried not to think about what could be behind her. Her brain raced, wondering if the guards had hopped on their horses and left the castle yet. She wondered what her parents had thought upon hearing the news. A part of her knew that they would be disappointed, but she didn't care. They were the reason why she was running away. Them, and the stuffy prince they expected her to marry. She had met King Richard - who was ten years her senior - a few nights ago at a ball. Felicity suspected that her parents wished to announce the wedding at the end of the night, but it was not to be. Richard was a bore, and even though he had tons of money, Felicity didn't want to settle for someone she didn't love. Not to mention that her parents were forcing her to marry him.

Felicity, by accident, looked up at Eugene. He could run much faster than her, but had slowed down for her sake. The two had met a few months ago, in the gardens. He was an apprentice to the royal gardener, meaning he was off-limits to Felicity. But that didn't stop her.

"Into the woods!" A faint voice cried, and Felicity figured that the guards had reached the edge of the wood. Her feet were sore, but she didn't see an end to their runaway.

"Not too much farther!" Eugene cried, looking over his shoulder to make sure Felicity was still following him.

Then, Felicity heard them: the sound of horse hooves. She stopped running, and Eugene grabbed her by the arm and pulled her behind some bushes. They crept through the leaves, quiet as church mice. A few yards away, they saw two royal guards on horseback.

"Are you certain she went this way?" The taller guard asked. "How do we know she wasn't kidnapped?"

"The maid told us she didn't. We know she ran away," the other guard reminded him. "Let's go."

Felicity watched as the two guards rode off in the opposite direction. She let out a small sigh before turning to Eugene.

"Are you well?" Eugene asked her, his voice small.

Felicity nodded. "I love you."

As quiet as she could, Felicity kissed him on the lips. She knew it was an inappropriate time to do so, but she made it the shortest kiss in the world. Then, when they knew the coast was clear, they climbed out of the bushes and continued running.

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