LOVER: 113. False God

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113. False God (9/23/20)


Anna's piercing green eyes were trained on her boyfriend, Derek. They had been dating for two years, but had recently been doing long-distance because of his job.

Then, with intentions to surprise him, Anna took the train up to the city to visit. Derek had been caught off-guard, juggling business meetings and intern interviews, along with Anna's surprise drop-in. After she arrived, Derek decided to leave work early, and the two retreated to his apartment.

In front of her, Derek was standing before a large window. They could see the whole city from their room. Anna didn't understand why he was so focused on the view instead of focusing on her and the confession he had just made.

"I saw someone else," Derek whispered, crossing his arms against his chest. "I was missing you, so...I went out with someone else."

"And you didn't tell me?" Something inside of Anna was threatening to bubble over until it exploded all over the apartment.

"I wanted to!" Derek yelled, turning around to look her in the eye. Hurt covered his face, and it was in that moment that Anna realized he was trying to apologize.

"I'm so sorry," he continued. "I told you I wasn't good at long distance."

"I know." Anna sighed, her eyes studying her shoes. She had tried long distance during college with her high school boyfriend, and it had gone well until he graduated. A part of her was confident that it would work again with her and Derek, but she had been proven wrong.

"I've missed you, Anna." The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine, and the tension in the room started to disappear as the mood changed drastically. The hairs on the back of Anna's neck stood on end.

"I've missed you," she replied, walking over to him. Gently, she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his neck. His whole body rejoiced when she touched him.

Derek, leaning into the spontaneity of the moment, left the curtains open so the afternoon sunlight could creep into the room. He took Anna in his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his torso. She threw her head back laughing before kissing him on the mouth, biting his lip before pulling away.

"I'm sorry for forcing you to do long distance," Anna whispered in his ear before kissing him on the neck again. She wanted to close the door on the argument before continuing.

"I'm sorry for seeing someone else," Derek replied, adjusting his grip on her. "Nothing happened between us, I promise."

"Good." Anna's voice was sultry as she bit his ear, adjusting her focus to his lips. She kissed him deeply again, and his taste enveloped her until all she could taste was him.

Derek, with Anna in his arms, walked over to the bed and lay her down on the black and white comforter. He removed his suit jacket and belt, unbuttoning his white shirt while Anna unzipped her jeans and threw them onto a pile on the floor.

In no time at all, the two were undressed and toppled on the bed, interlacing their bodies together. Anna let her hair down so Derek could run his fingers through the strands, and she traced designs on his back with her fingers. His whole body was covered in gooseflesh, which only made her chuckle under her breath.

Her lips were raw by the time they pulled apart and decided, together, to continue. As Derek took control, Anna let herself slip away into time, the argument they had a few minutes earlier dissipating. Derek had told her had seen another girl during their six months apart, but that hardly seemed to matter at the moment. He had apologized, and since Anna had been in a long distance relationship before, she could understand his loneliness. She had no way of knowing if her high school boyfriend saw other people while they were apart.

Derek's hands were on her body, and she was filled with a strange sense of ecstasy and enlightenment. Somehow, the six months they had spent apart had built to this moment. They hadn't shared a bed since November, and Anna had missed having his body close to hers.

When the two were finished, they slid under the covers together and sat close, their bodies barely touching despite the small distance between them. Anna let out a sigh, her mind reliving the moment that had just occurred over and over. When she faced Derek, he was wearing a small smile. She smiled back.

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