FEARLESS: 21. Breathe

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21. Breathe (12/3/20)

"I can't keep doing this anymore," Meghan heard herself saying. "I love you so much, but it hurts to be with you."

Her girlfriend, Theresa, sat on the couch, digesting the words. She folded her arms across her chest and swallowed back tears. Once again, she wouldn't let Meghan see how she was truly feeling.

"Pack up your stuff, then," Theresa said simply, as if it didn't hurt her to say the words. She plucked herself off the couch and walked in the kitchen, acting as if the break up was no big deal. Meghan watched as the girl pulled a bag of chips out of the pantry and raided the fridge for salsa.

She was a fool to think Theresa would put up a fight. They had been friends for several years, and Theresa always followed the crowd. She wasn't one to share her opinion on any particular matter. When she and Meghan had started dating, Meghan hoped her friend would thrive in a relationship. But it turned out she was wrong. Theresa was indecisive and apathetic and emotionless. And it drove Meghan crazy.

In a fit of rage, Meghan grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter and threw the door open. She had spent all morning practicing that speech, and had hoped it would move Theresa to make some sort of change in the relationship. But it hadn't. Instead, Theresa asked her to leave. The one time Meghan needed Theresa to stand up for herself, she didn't.

Her car was parked in the driveway. Meghan climbed inside and pulled out of the driveway. She reversed the car so it was facing away from Theresa's house. Then, as she started to drive away, she saw Theresa standing at the front door in her rear view mirror. But it was too late now.

Meghan cried the whole way home. She couldn't help the tears that fell down her face. She and Theresa had been friends for years, and now it felt like she lost not only a girlfriend, but a friend as well. She knew going into the relationship that if it ever failed, she would never be able to see Theresa again.

And she was right. She couldn't bring herself to call or text Theresa, not to mention see her in person. The last straw for Meghan was tonight, when she told Theresa that if she didn't start putting in the effort, she would leave. And Theresa had let her walk away.

Later that night, Theresa couldn't sleep. The image of Meghan driving away was imprinted on her mind. She knew she couldn't beat herself up about the situation, but she also couldn't destroy the memory.

Earlier, it felt like Meghan was giving her an ultimatum. She was asking Theresa to voice her opinion more in the relationship and open up. Meghan had pointed out how they had been friends for years, and she still didn't know about Theresa's family or past.

In that moment, she could've told Meghan everything. Maybe then she would've stayed. But Theresa knew she couldn't let the words fall out of her mouth. She worried they would cut Meghan, tear her apart limb by limb.

Meghan had the most perfect life. Her parents cared for her, and they stood by her whenever she needed them most. Each year for Christmas, Meghan received everything she asked for and more. When she wanted or needed something, she got it.

Things were different for Theresa. She couldn't help but compare her life to Meghan's. Every day she had to see Meghan with her mom and dad, and then drive home and wish she had the same.

Theresa couldn't bring herself to tell Meghan about her past. She thought her friend respected that decision, but it seemed like all she cared about was being open and honest. Theresa knew she couldn't give that to her, so maybe it was best that they shifted apart.

But then two a.m. rolled around, and Theresa couldn't sleep. She stared at her alarm clock, eyes wide, waiting for the numbers to change. Her phone was sitting on the nightstand, in front of the alarm clock, and she was tempted to grab it and call Meghan. She would ask for a second shot, provide her friend with an apology. But she knew it was too late. Meghan had wanted an answer hours ago.

It was two a.m., and Meghan sat up in bed. She grabbed her phone off the window ledge and scrolled through Instagram. Her finger hovered over the "following" button, and she was tempted to search Theresa's name. It would be best for her to unfollow her ex and never think about her again. But Meghan couldn't seem to move her finger. Instead, she readjusted her pillow and scrolled through old text messages between her and Theresa. While some were endearing, others only reminded her about why their relationship had to come to a close. And by the time she returned the phone to the nightstand, she knew she had made the right decision.

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