RED: 67. Holy Ground

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67. Holy Ground (11/28/20)

This year at Thanksgiving, Stella found herself without a boyfriend, while her younger twin sisters, Edith and Emma, strolled into dinner with two different men. Stella's grandma was thrilled, and her parents wouldn't stop smiling at the fact that at least two of their daughters were on their way to having a steady, successful relationship. As for Stella, who was going on thirty, she had never brought a boy home for Thanksgiving before, except for Carter Weir, who her grandma couldn't stop mentioning.

"I liked that boy. What was his name?" Her grandma asked before handing her the gravy boat.

"Carter," Stella replied, trying not to roll her eyes. "We broke up a few years ago, remember?"

Despite the reminders, the family huddled around the dinner table liked to reminisce about Stella and Carter's failed relationship. He had come home for Thanksgiving a few years ago, right after Stella graduated from college. Carter was on his way to becoming a doctor, and he was attending med school in New York. Stella had been so confident that she and Carter would end up together, so she moved to the city to be with him and look for a job.

The relationship had been a success, for the most part. Stella enjoyed spending time with Carter, and he always managed to make her laugh. But after he finished up med school, things took a turn for the worst.

"Whatever happened with him?" Emma asked, even though she probably remembered. She just liked tormenting Stella and rubbing in the fact that she had brought home a guy who was the definition of white bread. Edith's boyfriend wasn't far off either, but at least he had brown hair.

"We wanted different things," Stella said before taking a bite of turkey. "I liked the city, and he wanted to settle down in the suburbs and pop out a few kids."

Everyone at the table nodded, until her grandmother looked up from her plate and asked, "What was his name again?"

"Carter!" Stella replied, trying to end the conversation right then and there.

"Oh, that's funny," her grandmother said, playing with her peas. "There's a Carter who lives down the street."

Despite the fact that they had men to impress, Edith and Emma shared a look and dashed from the table. Stella glanced at her parents, who could only shrug in responses. The twins were in their third year of college, but still had the energy of a toddler.

"Look! He's walking his dog!" Edith cried from the window in the living room. "That has to be him, right?"

The idea of seeing Carter again made Stella's stomach plummet to the floor. She remembered the relationship fondly, but it was also awkward to run into an ex-boyfriend, especially when you weren't expecting it. Thanksgiving was one of the most predictable holidays; you expected turkey, football, and inappropriate political battles. You did not expect ex-boyfriends to make an appearance.

"Stella, come on, you have to see him!" Emma insisted, running back into the room with her twin at her side. "Come on, before he walks away!"

It seemed that Stella had no choice in the matter. She scrunched her face into a frown, trying to tell her sisters that she was not happy about the situation, but they insisted. They grabbed each one of her arms and dragged her out of the house, leaving their boyfriends to chuckle and talk with the family.

Out in the yard, Stella was the first to stumble out of the house. From where she was standing, she could see Carter with his dog across the street. Her sisters pushed her off the porch, gesturing for her to talk to him.

Stella walked across the driveway and waved to Carter. The tiny dog yelped and jumped around when it saw her.

"Hey, Carter," Stella said, at a loss for words. What do you say to a boy you were almost engaged to? "Do you remember me?"

Carter blushed. "'Course I remember you. Stella."

Just hearing him say her name teleported Stella back to the first time she met Carter. It was at a New Year's Eve party, and the two ran into each other a few minutes before midnight. Carter confessed that he didn't have anyone to kiss at midnight, and Stella agreed to be that someone. Instead of it being a simple little kiss, Stella found herself making out with Carter as people celebrated the New Year.

They dated for three years, and the relationship ended when Carter graduated from med school. Stella made the spontaneous decision to move to New York City with him, and she fell in love with the city. Even walking in the rain and almost getting run over by a taxi was fun, especially if she was with Carter.

He worked tough hours as a med student, but the two of them made it work. A fond memory from the relationship was when Carter took her out dancing, and she got to wear a cute lilac dress. The first year they were together, Stella invited him home for Thanksgiving at her grandma's, and her family was overjoyed. In their dreams, they would be getting grandkids by next year.

But it was not to be. When Carter graduated from med school, he tried to talk Stella into moving back home with him. She had moved for him once, and she didn't want to do it again. She couldn't upend her life again, not after getting a job she loved in the city she adored. So they ended things, on the fact that they wanted different things. Stella hadn't seen anyone since.

"My grandma was asking about you," she said, realizing the quietness between them. "I think she thought we would get married someday."

Carter chuckled, and it was such a familiar sound. "Tell everyone I said hello, okay?"

"Okay." Stella nodded, and watched as Carter walked home with his dog, walking out of her life for the second time.

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