REPUTATION: 89. Delicate

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89. Delicate (1/15/21)

"Veronica! Miss. Rogers! Look this way! Veronica!"

With a hand on her hip, Veronica turned to smile at the photographers. They spewed questions at her, even though she wasn't supposed to answer them until she reached the end of the red carpet. So she kept on smiling, putting on a face to show the photographers and fans that this didn't bother her.

After the photographers were satisfied, Veronica was ushered down the red carpet where screaming fans begged for autographs. She signed a few slips of paper, hugged fans, and smiled for pictures. Then a security guard was pushing her along again, even though she could've spent the rest of the evening getting to know each and every one of her fans.

A few yards away, Veronica could hear the reporters introducing her. "Now walking down the red carpet is the star of the film, the lovely Veronica Rogers."

They called her "lovely" now, but she knew that wouldn't be the adjective they used tomorrow in the papers and blogs. She was notoriously terrible at interviews, but she liked to blame the reporters instead. They always managed to ask the worst questions, whether it be: What are you wearing? Or: Who are you seeing right now, Miss. Rogers? They never bothered to ask about the film Veronica was promoting in the first place.

"Veronica! It's so great to see you!" A woman said, ushering her towards the platform where she and another reporter were standing. Once Veronica saw who was addressing her, she recognized the woman: Kammy Quinn was one of the nice reporters, but even she could get on Veronica's nerves.

"We're so excited to see the movie tonight," Kammy said once Veronica was standing on the platform in her dark blue gown and heels. The other reporter, a dark-skinned man, let Kammy take the reins.

"Remind me again who you play in the film," Kammy whispered before shooting a smile at the camera. Veronica took the gesture to mean that the camera was finally on and filming.

"I play a woman named Margo whose life is falling apart," Veronica explained. She could always rely on Kammy to ask questions about the film, not her dress or relationship. "She lost her job and has no money. Then her friend from high school asks to come on a tropical getaway, and Margo meets the man of her dreams." It was the description of the film Veronica was given before each interview and press conference. If she said anything else about the film, like mentioning the plot twist, she would spoil the whole film.

"'The man of her dreams.'" Kammy couldn't help but chuckle and glance at her co-host. "You know, we've been seeing some pictures of you and this dream man."

Veronica felt her stomach drop to the floor, and her eyes were as wide as saucers. She didn't know how Kammy found out the truth, but...

Then Kammy was accepting a snapshot from her co-host and showing Veronica. It was an on-set photo of Veronica and her co-star, Daniel. She had to surmise a laugh.

"That's just Daniel. We were getting lunch on set," Veronica explained. "We're...we're not seeing each other."

When she looked over at Kammy, she realized she had said the wrong thing.

"You're not?" Kammy asked, her voice shaky. It was evident that she was trying to save this interview from being a catastrophe. "That's a surprise. You must be seeing someone right now."

Veronica didn't know why it was any of Kammy's business, but she just smiled and shook her head. "Not at the moment, no."

She thought the interview was over then; one question about the movie, followed by accusations about her love life. But when she looked up at Kammy again, the woman was raising one eyebrow.

"You always seem to be dating someone, that's why I asked." The man next to her chuckled, but tried to cover it with the back of his hand. Veronica, stunned and flushed, tried not to show her hurt on her face.

"Excuse me," was all she could say before stepping off the platform. Behind her, she could hear Kammy introducing Daniel next. Her co-star was strutting down the red carpet, being a doll for the cameras and introducing himself to the fans. Veronica had to wonder if Kammy and her co-host would be pushy with him about his love life. But then Veronica remembered the reputation she had in Hollywood as the "serial dater." Every time she started a new movie, rumors flew that she was with her male co-star. She hadn't even dated that many people in Hollywood, but everyone liked to remember her torrid relationship with Kurt Calloway, mainly because of the snapshots taken of them in Hawaii over spring break.

Now Veronica couldn't get those pictures out of her mind. She felt utterly trapped on the red carpet. She couldn't just walk into the theater and except to brush off Kammy's comments. On either side of her, security guards were ushering her into the theater, forcing her to watch the film she had seen over a million times. She needed to leave and find him.

When the guards were busy making sure Daniel was safe during his interview, Veronica plucked off her shoes and dashed down the alleyway. She hadn't realized it on the red carpet, but the sky had opened up and sprinkled the earth in rain. With no shoes on, Veronica dashed across the road and looked for the apartment building he was staying in. She had memorized the room number in case she ever needed to sneak away and see him.

By the time she reached the apartment building and took the elevator up to his floor, her dress and blonde hair were soaked. Raindrops dripped down her face, ruining her makeup. At least the rain would hide her tears.

He answered the door as soon as she knocked. A worried expression took over his face.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked.

"I'm watching the red carpet," he replied, looking over his shoulder to make sure the television was still on. "I saw what happened."

He opened the door wider so Veronica could join him. She threw her shoes into the bathtub and plopped down on the bed.

"Can you believe them?" Veronica screamed. He sat next to her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her small body. "I thought I could trust Kammy, but she's just like the rest of them. She thinks I'm dating Daniel. She thinks I'm dating everyone in Hollywood."

She rested her head on his shoulder, her whole body shaking as the tears ran down her face. But in that moment, with his arms around her, her worries slowly started to drift away. She had lied to Kammy and everyone else on the red carpet, but for good reason. Everyone knew about her past relationships, but this one would be different. It would be kept secret. Veronica couldn't imagine sharing him with the rest of the world, at least not yet.

She glanced up at him and sighed. "I love you."

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