SPEAK NOW: 43. Speak Now

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43. Speak Now (1/27/21)

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered under my breath. I had just pulled my car into the parking lot, and while the time passed by, I sat in front of the steering wheel, thinking over each part of my plan. A part of me knew Shawn didn't want this. He had never wanted to marry her; he had wanted to marry me. Now that he was in this situation, I knew I had to be the hero.

Shawn had informed me that all the bridesmaids were wearing purple, so I had selected my own purple dress in case anyone would notice me sneaking into the church. My hair was tied back into a braid, and I was also wearing a jean jacket and white tennis shoes. I checked my appearance in the car mirror, let out a breath, and climbed out of the car. It was now or never.

Shawn couldn't tell me much about the ceremony since his fiancée was planning everything, but he managed to provide me with a few details. One was the purple dress, and the other was the best entrance into the church. The back door was unprotected and there were no cameras nearby, unlike the front of the church. It was only ever used for deliveries or in case someone was trying to attack the church, and the people had to escape.

After leaving my car in the parking lot, I snuck through the back door and noticed that I was in some sort of supply closet. I took the time to recollect my thoughts. Shawn and I had been dating since college; we both attended an Ivy League school. While I came from a middle-class suburb and was attending the school on scholarship, Shawn and his family were from upstate New York, owned multi-million dollar companies, and had passes to the country club. Needless to say, his parents didn't approve of me or our relationship. Shawn had tried a few different times to make the relationship work by inviting me to his families' galas or get-togethers, but they were always failures. The rest of his family gave me the cold shoulder, while the other guests in attendance asked me incriminating questions about my past. They disapproved of my single, working mother and the life I had growing up. My friends told me to dump Shawn time and time again, but I loved him. I wouldn't leave just because his family was cruel.

At the last family event I attended, I met this girl named Tracy. She was around my age, came from an Italian family (Shawn liked to joke that they were a part of the mafia), and was loud. She was so very loud. I only talked to her for a few minutes, but I felt like I had to take Tylenol afterwards for my splitting headache. It was the last event I attended because the family shunned me after that. They didn't say why, but it probably had something to do with the fact that Tracy and Shawn were set to be married at the end of August.

Somehow, the family had planned the arranged marriage without Shawn or me knowing. At the end of the gala, they pulled Shawn away, insisting that the event was over. I left, believing that the event was actually over, and I would see Shawn the next day.

But I didn't see him the next day, and the event hadn't ended. Once everyone knew I was gone, the family brought Shawn and Tracy out and announced the wedding. I hadn't seen Shawn since, but became aware of the wedding when the bakery accidentally sent a sample cake to my address, believing Shawn and I still lived together. I hadn't been invited to the wedding either, which surprised no one.

It had been two months since I had seen Shawn, but I knew I needed to rescue him from this arranged, pretentious wedding. Maybe we would run away together. I didn't know what we would do once we left the wedding.

I let out another shaky sigh and left the supply closet. Then I was in the kitchen, but the only people still milling about were a few of the waitresses. They all glanced at me and noticed my purple dress. It was a good thing Shawn's family hadn't warned anyone that I might show up; I had expected "Wanted" posters hanging around.

"Sorry, I think I'm lost," I told the head waitress in a high-pitched voice. "I'm one of Tracy's bridesmaids." Those acting classes really paid off.

"They're in the dressing rooms down the hall," she replied, pointing at a room that was a few doors down from the kitchen.

I thanked the waitresses and snuck into the hall. The only people I had to avoid were Tracy, who was jealous of Shawn's relationship with me, and Shawn's family, who would all recognize me. But once I was out in the hallway, I could hear Tracy's loud voice complaining.

"You can't be wearing that! It's fuschia, not violet! Did you even read the dress code document?" She screamed at a poor bridesmaid. I picked up the pace and found the church, which was filled with guests. There was a small bathroom nearby, so I ducked inside and placed my ear against the wall; I could hear the pastor and all the music.

After a few minutes, the traditional wedding song started playing, and I could hear the bridesmaids and Tracy walking nearby. My heart was jumping around in my chest. I knew I needed to focus on the pastor and the music so I would know when to interrupt.

The pastor began addressing the crowd, talking about how perfect Shawn and Tracy were together. A few older women started to cry. The music was low and romantic. This was all so wrong. I tried to picture Shawn in my mind, but the two months without him had taken a toll on my memory. His parents had probably made him shave and cut his hair. He would look different.

Then, the words that I had been waiting for echoed through the church. "If anyone is opposed to the matrimony between Miss. Tracy and Mr. Shawn, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

I dashed out of the bathroom, ran into the church, and screamed, "Stop the wedding!"

The room collectively gasped. Tracy nearly threw her bouquet at me. Shawn's parents were turning red. But then I saw Shawn, and he was wearing the biggest smile.

Everyone was so shocked that they hardly noticed when Shawn left the altar and ran towards me.

"You cut your hair," I whispered, my eyes welling with tears.

"I didn't want to," he replied. "I know how much you liked it."

Tears dribbled down my face, and Shawn washed them away with a single kiss. When I opened my eyes, I saw his family rising from their seats and coming towards us.

"Shawn," I whispered, pulling away from the kiss. "We have to go. Now!"

I took him by the hand, and the two of us raced out of the church, snuck out the back door, and searched for my car in the parking lot. When we drove past the church, we saw Tracy, her family, and Shawn's entire family standing on the front steps, watching us. I couldn't help it - I flipped them off.

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