REPUTATION: 91. So It Goes

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91. So It Goes (11/18/20)

"Alicia," Jessica hissed in the middle of math class, "is it true? Well, is it?"

Their teacher was oblivious to the conversation, as her back was to the class, and she was focused on her factoring problems. Alicia sat in the second to last row, diagonal of Jessica, so she had to peer over her shoulder to look at the curious girl.

"What?" She asked, tucking strands of brown hair behind her ear. Her paper notes on her desk hadn't been touched since the start of class. She was rarely productive on Fridays anyway, but there was something different about this Friday in particular. "What are you talking about?"

Jessica pursed her lips before leaning forward and whispering to Alicia. "Mike told me Donavan has something planned for tonight."

Alicia's heart began racing a mile a minute. Her boyfriend, Donavan, had called her last night to ask if she was free on Friday night. It was late April, only a few weeks before graduation, and Alicia was looking to spend all of her time with Donavan before they were off to different colleges. Jessica, her best friend, most likely heard about it from her boyfriend Mike, who was friends with Donavan. The four of them ate lunch together, but Alicia and Jessica were the closest. Because of their friendship, their boyfriends had bonded over sports and future careers.

"What did he say?" Alicia asked, keeping her voice low. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her teacher working on the problems.

"He said Donavan has something planned for you tonight..." Jessica's voice trailed off when one of the office secretaries stood in the doorway. The stout woman had on a blue sweater, despite the heat.

Their teacher turned to look at the secretary. "Yes?"

"There's a call from Alicia Larkin's father?" The secretary explained, her eyes searching for the girl in question. Alicia's heart sank, and she sent a worried look to Jessica. But her friend hardly seemed to care; in fact, a broad smile was painted on her face.

Alicia had no time to worry about any of the strange looks from Jessica because the secretary was leading her out of class to the office. She walked much faster than the stout woman as she tried to think about what could be wrong. A few moments ago, she thought this Friday wouldn't be like any other, but she had been thinking about the positives, not the negatives.

The secretary opened the office door and said, "He's waiting for you outside. He says it's serious."

Alicia could see a car waiting in front of the school. She realized she didn't have her bag - she had left it in the classroom. At least her phone was in her pocket. Without looking back, Alicia pushed on the front door of the school and ran to the car. In her panic, she didn't even notice that the car wasn't her father's.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Alicia said, leaning over to stare into the passenger side window. Her face was flushed and her stomach was filled with butterflies.

The window was cracked, and Alicia let out a sigh of relief. She recognized those soulful eyes anywhere. With a chuckle, she climbed aside and hit Donavan on the arm.

"You had me so worried!" She cried. "I thought someone was sick or something."

Donavan chuckled, his smile brighter than usual. "I'm sorry, baby, but I needed to see you today." He spent the second half of the day working his part-time job at the car mechanic shop down the street, so Alicia didn't get to see him after lunch.

"What about my bag?" She asked, crossing her arms against her chest. She wasn't really upset, but she knew Donavan liked it when she was angry.

"Jessica will get it for you. I have a special night planned." His words sent a shiver down her spine.

He pulled out of the parking lot and drove the two hours it took to reach the Malibu area. Beaches, small shops, and hotels seemed to pop up around the car. Alicia giggled, running her fingers through her hair.

By the time Donavan parked, Alicia's nerves were running rampant. She was looking forward to spending the rest of the day and the evening with her favorite person. He sat behind the wheel, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

"I know how much you love the beach," he explained. "So I booked us a private place on the beach. And there should be something in the back for you to change into. Jessica helped me out with all of this."

Alicia could feel herself glowing as she climbed into the backseat. As she dug through the bags and boxes of items, Donavan was waiting outside the car, making plans with the lifeguards and hotel owner. Alicia loved receiving all of this attention, and she liked that Donavan had committed to making this a beautiful day for the two of them.

The bags were filled with clothes just for her. One was an evening dress for a possible dinner, another was a lingerie set (that Jessica must've picked out, because it was her signature red color) and the final item was a bathing suit with a thin cover-up. It was tricky to change in the back of the car, but by the time Alicia rolled out, she knew it was worth it to see the look on Donavan's face.

"You look amazing," he whispered before planting a kiss on her lips. "Follow me."

Donavan, who had taken the time to strip down into a pair of swimming trunks, led her to a private cabana that was secluded but was also right near the water. There was a lounge bed covered in pillows.

The lifeguards and hotel owner returned to their posts, and Alicia and Donavan were left alone. They waded in the water, splashing each other back and forth, but then they edged closer and closer to the lounge bed. The water came up to Alicia's calves, and it felt cool against her skin. She looked up at Donavan, who wouldn't stop smiling. Behind them, the sun was beginning to set. Alicia leaned up on her toes and kissed him on the mouth.

In one swift motion, Donavan lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the water as if he had just rescued her from drowning. He walked up the beach, Alicia giggling the whole time, before placing her gently on the day bed. Then he sat next to her and leaned over, placing kisses on her lips, face, neck, and chest. Alicia placed her hands on his shoulders to support herself, and slowly wrapped her one leg around his torso to be closer to him. Before she could count to three, her and Donavan were undressing, their naked bodies intertwined on the lounge bed. Her nails scratched Donavan's back until his chest was on hers, and the two of them became one.

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