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This chapter's like a filler cuz I noticed the story's going a lil too fast and some questions have been left unanswered.

Q1. What happened after they left La Paradis?

They left La Paradis and Mae left for DOCO after dropping BTS off.

She went and proudly told the captive CEO that she had successfully rescued Saakshi which angered her as hell. The CEO died in her sleep that very night.

La Paradis was now under the control of DOCO and indirectly the government so they turned it into a resort for normal people and nothing suspicious.

The boys later went to DOCO and punched and kicked the shit out of Saakshi's torturers. Saakshi wasn't aware of this though.

Q2. Why's everyone behaving as if hardly anything's changed when they've actually seen her after two whole months, in a not-very-good-condition, and after believing for the two months she was not even alive?

The reason for that is that they've taken in and accepted the fact that they have her back and now just wanna focus on taking care of her and making her better, getting her back on track and normal.

The next one's probably not been answered for the longest time.

Q4. Does Saakshi/Grace recieve hate?

Yes, she does. In fact the most in the whole group. Reasons?

-For being the only girl in a group full of boys.

-for joining after a whole year of the boys' debut

-according to fans who loved BTS for their hip-hop style, she is to be blamed because she changed and made them 'girly'.

-for toxic fans or in better words, sasaengs, she is close to their guy(this applies to all the boys) and she doesn't deserve it

-she is half Indian

-she is hated in a considerable amount by toxic Indian antis cuz she 'betrayed' her country by becoming a K-Pop idol and not an Indian singer.

-not being 'girly' enough.
She has a tomboy kind of personality and and nothing can change that.

-some toxic hyung line biased fans hate on her as she disrespects her oppas by calling them by their names(Yoongi and Namjoon) and being 'too casual'.

Q5. When are JiSaak getting married? Will there be a ceremony?

Soon. Yes.

Q6. What's her birthdate? and if you don't wanna reveal that, at least tell us her zodiac sign.

As many might have guessed, she's a Scorpio.  She was born on the First of November.
Her being a scorpio is also one of the reasons she's shipped with Yoongi and Namjoon as they are Pisces and Virgo respectively.

The reason I didn't reveal her birthdate or Zodiac sign until now was because I didn't want people to see her through the filter of a zodiac sign and put her in that mold. I wanted them to see her as a person and imagine her by the way she speaks, reacts and behaves.

Q7. How does she keep her hair?

She keeps her hair short while they're not having a comeback, concert or mv shoot. She hates the hastle for washing her hair. Her hair growth is super fast. In fact she shared on a VLive,

"My hair stylist has a love-hate relationship with my hair.
She hates it because it grows so fast that my hair can't be coloured even three weeks before an mv shoot or a comeback.
She loves it for the same reason because then she can try out different colours on it faster than anybody else. She also loves it because of the natural volume and thickness which adds to the hairstyle."

Q8. Can we get a glimpse of how she sings/raps? Just asking cuz that'll make it easier for us to imagine her.

Here you go. This is how she sings. I advice you to focus on the vocal quality, voice texture, and tone instead of the lyrics.

Also she doesn't look like the girl in the video. The video's there only to give you the idea of how Saakshi/Grace sings.

This is what she can do with her voice.

And this is how she raps.
Again, I want you to focus on the speed, rhythm, and vocal tone instead of the lyrics.

The video can also be what Namjoon's reaction was when he first heard her rap.

Q9. What does she prefer, tea or coffee? Either way, what type does she like?

Irdk why I'm answering this question but here you go.

She prefers coffee over any kind of tea.

In coffee, she prefers a cold latte or mocha most of the time and the only kind if hot coffee she likes is filter coffee, which too she drinks on cold, rainy days when she wants to feel warm. The rest of the days cold coffee is her go-to.

Q10. You mentioned that she debuted as Blitz. Any works you can tell us she's done?

She sang all of Moana's
(Auli'i Cravalho irl) parts in the movie Moana.

All the songs of Shuba's are also her's in this ff.

Q11. Author-nim, could you please take the story a bit slower? It's a lil difficult to keep up.

I'll do my best to do that😊

Q12. What exactly is going on?

Saakshi has been rescued by the boys and they are back to working on their songs and album. 
Covid has hit the world and come to SKorea but not many cases have been reported. January is about to end. 

The band is working on MOTS:7, Dynamite at the moment. They'll start working on BE once the pandemic hits hard and lockdown starts. JiSaak are getting married in February.

Q13. What's the album chronology going on currently and the in the future in this ff?

See, they released MOTS: Persona just around the time Saakshi started working with DOCO again.

The whole thing happens, she "dies", is rescued, and it's 2020 now. January. Then, under the break declared by Bang PD-nim, they don't release MOTS: 7 in Feb, but instead in April. Dynamite and BE's release dates don't change.

So, if thought about it, 2020 was one of the best years for the BTS in this ff cuz, 1. Saakshi gets saved.
2. They release two ground-breaking albums in the same year
3. Dynamite's released.

If any of you have anymore questions, please ask them in the comments or message me directly. It's fine if they aren't related to the story as well, and are about me. It's okay if you're reading this waaay after I've completed this book. I'll try my best to answer your query.✨💜💜

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