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Today was when Saakshi was going to spend the whole day with her family by going around the city as the group had a day off.

Everyone else was sitting in the living room and talking about random stuff when,
"Ms. Kim is a good woman. She can just be 'outspoken' and a little judgemental at times." Yoongi said.

"Umm, yeah about that, I don't mean to disrespect but I don't think she's just 'outspoken' and little judgemental."

"Speak clearly Hobi. We can't understand you properly."

Someone had to be really mean if Hobi, our sunshine, thought this way about them.

"See, over the days she's lived here, she was good for the first week. But then she a little mean in the 2nd and 3rd week."

"Hobi, dear, is something wrong? Please tell us now. You're starting to worry us." Yoongi said with concern.

"Babe, it's just that whenever I hold your hand, or give you lil peck on the cheeks or even just call you babe, she gives me this weird look." Hobi said and it looked like that was all but Yoongi knew it wasn't.

"What else is bothering you sweetie?" He asked now wrapping  both of his hands around Hobi's.

"It just that-
Let it be...I can't say it." he said releasing a big sigh.

"Hobi-ah, we have the whole day off. We can wait till you get comfortable enough." Yoongi said with warm smile.

After a few minutes of Hobi being silent, Namjoon noticed Hobi glancing at Jimin half the time.

He quickly said, "Jimin-ah,  how about you get lunch today? Get icecream and soft drinks as well if you want. What say?"

"Oh ok! I'll do it. Just text me what you guys want to eat on the groupchat so that I can use it as list. Bye!" He said with his eye smile.
Jimin would do anything to get tension off of his hyung's mind. He knew Hobi felt good after he ate. That's why he readily agreed.

Namjoon felt Hobi was comfortable again so he said, "Hobi, would you like to continue?"

"Yeah, so the thing is, she gives Jimin hard death stares everytime he goes even little close to her daughter. As if he's committing a crime. And I would've understood if she did that to all of us but she does it only when Jimin goes close to Saakshi."

This was concerning. Everyone knew it had something to do with the reason why their bandmate had forbidden anyone to disclose her relationship.
But they could do nothing over here other than wait for Saakshi tell them when she feels comfortable to do so.

"Well, I too have something to say...." Namjoon said in a low voice.

"Speak Namjoon. Don't be shy now is the time." Yoongi said reassuringly.

"Well, a 2-3 days ago I was going past her parents room when I heard her mom saying
"So Saakshi dear, when are you leaving the band and going solo?"
Now I would just walk right past but this was something different. Something told me I had to stay."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"What did she reply hyung?" Tae calmly asked.

"She first asked if she heard her mom right and when her mom confirmed her question she said,"Ma, if I leave, the whole group will have to disband."

It sounded as if she wanted to leave but couldn't as the whole group would fall apart and she didn't want that so she stayed as she had no choice.

That's the reason I stayed and listened for a lil more while so that I don't have any misunderstandings.

She then said,"And why do you think I'll leave the group in the first place? These are the most wonderful human beings I have met in my entire life. I have LIVED with them for the past couple years. Whatever I am today is because I had them. I am what I am because of them. Ma, I was 18 when I joined and I'm 21 now. Before I met them I just mixed with the personality the person in front of me had. These guys helped me discover myself.""

Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook and Hobi were all in tears by the time Namjoon finished.

Yoongi and Tae were also teary-eyed.
Taegi were proud of their sister and friend.

Namjin, JK, and Hobi were very touched by her words.

"Her mom then just sighed and said 'But they're gay.' Saakshi replied with a "So? How does that matter? amma, this is the second time you're being homophobic and It isn't even about me!" I could tell she was in tears by now. She left the room. She is so sweet, she came out and asked all of us what we wanted to eat because she decided to cook. And she said it with such a big smile that none of us could tell she just had an argument."

"True. She's an angel. She hides her pain from us so we don't worry and suffers alone." Yoongi said.

Everyone agreed.

"Wait. Hyung what did you say again?" Tae asked.

"What are you talking about Tae?" Namjoon said.

"You said that she said, 'this was the second time her mom was being homophobic and it wasn't even about her.' What does she mean by that?" Tae explained.

"I didn't realise before but I do now. She really did say that." Namjoon said, deep into his thoughts.

"Guys, I just heard Jimin pull into the driveway. Quickly wipe your tears and wash your faces. He shouldn't know what happened here. At least not right now." Jin said,"and go into your own rooms. Let him think we all got back to work or are sleeping or chilling or whatever."

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