Where the Story Starts...

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Today was the day.
Today was finally the day!

Saakshi was going to leave for South Korea this afternoon.

The 14 year old was up the whole night as the butterflies in her stomach won't let her sleep.
And her excitement was too much for her to feel sleepy, drained or tired.

The next day, she was the first one to get out of bed, so she decided to shower, get ready for the day, and then wake her parents up.

After making sure she was in comfortable clothes for a seven hour flight, she went down to to her parents bedroom where her parents were already awake.

A surprised Saakshi asked,"How are you guys up so early?"

"You very well know your mom can't sleep the night before going to her home-country, and thanks to her, I couldn't sleep as well," her father complained.

Saakshi knew her father was a light sleeper and even the slightest sounds could wake him up, --
"But don't worry though, i'll catch up on my sleep during the flight, but right now, let's get ready!" her father interrupted her thoughts.

She went to the kitchen and grabbing she went back to her room to make sure she ready to lock her suitcase.

~Time skip~

It's the morning after they landed in South Korea~

"Nana(dad in telugu), hurry uuuuup! I don't wanna be late for my first interview!" Saakshi had a habit of going ANYWHERE at least 30 mins prior, she hated being late.

"Yeaah I'm coming, you go sit in the car." her dad instructed from inside the room.
"Fine.." she mumbled to herself.

After reaching Hybe, Saakshi composed herself before getting out of the car. As she got out-

"Wish me luck!" She whispered excitedly,
"Best of luck my sugarplum, do well" said her father with a warm smile, wondering when did the baby girl who used to pull his cheeks grow up so fast...

~Time Skip
After the interview~

"Hello Appa, you can pick me up now, also the connection is not very good here, I'll talk to you once you come.."

Saakshi was a little worried if she would get selected because she was quite intimidated by the other ladies who were also there for the interview, though she knew that it was inevitable, she just hoped that the selectors would judge her based on her talent and skills, and not her age.

"Hey!" A distant voice interrupted her thoughts, it was her father.
"Come on in!" he said as he gestured her to sit in the car.

"So! Tell me about your interview!" her dad asked her merrily.

"Well, to be honest, I doubt I'll get selected"

"And why is that?"

"C'mon dad, don't you understand, it hardly matters how much talent I have, at the end of the day, the selectors will surely judge me based on my age😤😑"

"Aww sweetie, who told you that?"

"No one" she said without any expression, avoiding her father's gaze by looking out the window.

"Then why even think about it?Just stay positive and hope for the best. I'm sure they won't reject you. And even if they do, there are many more places we can try. Don't lose hope."

Her father noticed that she was still a little down, so to lighten up the mood he said,"How about we visit that famous café across the street, your mom loves that place,"

"Yeah sure.." she nodded.

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