Good Memories: Jinnie

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Jin sat there on the stool, in the corner of the kitchen just staring into space. 

He was thinking of the time when he and Grace/Saakshi had done their first baking Vlive.


It was 2017.

It was the group's day off and Saakshi was bugging Jin the whole morning because she was bored.

"Yaah Jin Oppaaa! I'm bored!" She said tugging at his sleeve like a little kid.

"What is it that you want to do then?"

"I don't really know..."

"Umm, ok wait I'll think of something." He thought for a while and said, "Saakshi-ah, do you want to bake?" He asked with his world wide smile.


He ruffled her hair as she hopped to the kitchen, happy as a kid who had just gotten it's favourite toy.

"Okay, what should we bake?" She asked excitedly.

"Let's start with something basic. A chocolate cake."

"Yaaay! You know what Oppa?"


"Today, you be the head chef." She said with wide smile.

"Really?" He asked smiling to himself.


"Ok, then, I have one more idea. Let's do this with ARMYs on live. What say?"

"Sounds damn awesome."

"Great. Then you do the setup for the live till I prepare the ingredients."

A few minutes later, the setup was ready and the ingredients were prepared.

"Time to hit the start button!" Jin said, excited to be able to interact with ARMYs after a long time.

They started the live and greeted ARMYs. They shared the list of ingredients and measurements with them in the chat section and pinned their comment.

They waited a little for more people to join and to let the present ARMYs prep their kitchens.

Then they started the process.

"Seive" Jin held his hand out.

"Seive" she handed him the seive.



"Baking soda"

"Baking soda"

And so on.

After the ingredients for the batter had been put in, the duo just kept on doing their part without a single word from anyone, still maintaining perfect coordination.

Saakshi melted the chocolate while Jin mixed the batter.

She added the chocolate to the batter and mixed it while Jin greased the baking utensil.

The ARMYs were praising the two for the high level of coordination they had.

Once they were ready to transfer the batter into the baking utensil, they looked at each other, she gestured him something with her eyes, he nodded and shrugged, and tasted the batter. This went on to be an iconic moment of them.

He did a thumbs up and after transferring the batter, they put the whole thing in the oven.

They then decided to read the comments while making the ganache for decoration.

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