A Day with Tae

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(Note: whenever the text turns italics, Scarlett is speaking in a dark, cold tone. A tone that sends shivers down the spine. Like a killer's. And whenever the text turns to italics+bold, the effect is double)

She walked into the silent room.
The only thing that could be heard were her footsteps.

There was the guy, strapped to a chair, beaten up.

"Who hit him?" She asked coldly.

"Who. Hit. Him."
Again, there was no response.
Everyone in the room just looked down, at there feet.

"Who the fuck hit him?!" She yelled.

"A few guys did. They're now out on another mission." Mae said in low voice.

"After that mission, let them know they're suspended. No fucking body has the right to hit my capture, before me."

"U-understood." Choi said, softly.

"Now," she said turning to the strapped man.

She rested her foot on the guys knee. The nails attached to the underside of her shoe pierced him.

She said the following with a kinda chuckle in her voice.

"You know people,"she said glancing at everyone in the room,

"If you hurt me, I won't say one friggin' word,"

She took a pause, which led to an ominous silence in the room.

Then she looked piercingly in the man's eyes and-

"But if you hurt someone I love,"

The man was already terrified, the way Scarlett was behaving, it scared the shit out of him.

"I will torture you. I will torture you so much, that you'll beg me to kill you...."

Her voice turned to a psycho killer's happy voice and she instructed,

"Break each bone in his hands one by one, then the feet, and finally the limbs. Then twist them as hard as you can. Record his screams. I wanna hear them. After all that, we'll have a friendly little chat about why he was tryna kill me and my oppa."
She had a smile on her face. The creepy one.

She was leaving when the man said,


She just turned her neck around and glanced at him through the corner of her eye.

"Don't do that! Please! I was just doing what was told to me! I did it for money! That's all! Please!!! Don't hurt me!!" he begged.


She mumbled.

"Why am I not surprised..."

"Who sent you?"

"I- I can't tell there names... They'll kill me.."

"Well you're gonna die if you won't either. So better just tell me and do the world some good." she shrugged.

The man was silent so she started walking away.

"Sinister Hobos..." The man mumbled under his breath.

"Say that again."

She instructed.

"And louder."

"S-sinister Hobos..The Petty Criminals."


Scarlett turned to Mae blinked her eyes four times, and left.

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