The Incident Pt.2

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"We are Scar.... Saakshi's friends. Her boyfriend just abruptly took her away so we couldn't understand why." Mae explained.

"Umm, ok, do you mind sitting in the car for a little more while? I'm just going to grab a few things from the convenience store and then we'll go inside together."

"Sure, not a problem." Mae said with smile.

Namjoon left to get chocolates and Choi said, "But why didn't you tell me he was her boyfriend?"

"When I tell you to watch BTS videos with me, there is a reason. You would have understood who is Jimin and not behaved like you did today."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that protecting my friend is a crime." He sassed.

"It would've never happened if you paid attention to what I was showing you and understood who her boyfriend is."

Namjoon came back and they followed him inside.

"I'm Mae by the way, and this is Choi." She introduced.

He asked them to sit in the living room and just when they sat,
"Why is she crying?" Mae asked.

Namjoon was surprised at the question as Taekook's room was two floors above and Saakshi was silently crying. Even he couldn't hear her. How did this woman?

He kinda ignored the question and said,"Umm, I'll tell her your here."

He went to Taekook's room where Saakshi, in her comfy clothes was nibbling on the last chocolate of the house, laying her head on Jungkook's shoulder while he patted her head and rubbed her back. She wasn't crying anymore. Just angry, sad and trustfrated.(literally, Jimin did kinda break her trust).

The boys had put on some comedy and Jin was trying his best to make her laugh with his dad jokes.

Namjoon peeped from the door and said,

"Saakshi, there is someone who wants to see you."

"But she doesn't wanna see anyone." Yoongi snapped.

Saakshi raised her head a little and looking at Namjoon she asked,

"It's ok Yoongi, who is it Joon?"

"Umm, your friends. Mae and Choi they said."

Her eyes lit up and she said, "I'll see them, just give me a minute."

She went to the bathroom, and came out transformed. No, she hadn't changed her clothes, but the slap mark on her cheek was gone, her face was no longer tear-stained, her eyes were no longer red, and her hair was perfect again. It was like she never got hurt, and never cried. All normal.

The boys were shocked. She broke their thoughts and said, "Come everyone, let's go. I'll introduce you to my friends."

She went to the living room and everyone followed.

"So, guys this is Mae and this is Choi. You just need to introduce yourselves to Choi. Mae is an ARMY." She said with a wide smile

"Oh really?!" Tae said, surprised.

"Yeah. I know all your names and whatever there is to know about you."

Boys' expressions were priceless

"I know that sounds a little creepy so I'll act like I know you only as a band. Is that ok?"

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