Good Memories: Yoongs

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Yoongi was sitting in his Genius Lab, trying to work on a melody. But his thoughts wouldn't let him. He hastily removed his headphones and banged his fist on the table next to them.

He pinched his nose bridge and sighed. For some reason, he was constantly getting reminded of his time with Saakshi.

He looked around and thought to himself,

"This. This is the very place where she first composed a song with me.This the first place where she wrote lyrics because I couldn't think of any. I'm still thankful for that moment.
I still remember that moment when PD-nim agreed to her being in the band. I was the happiest in days.
I know I never showed her very much or told her, but I saw her as the younger sister I never had. She was special to me, I can't express that in words.  I loved taking care of her. I loved it when people told me or her that she's like me, my female version, my twin."

He smiled and sighed at the same time.

"It gave me the feeling of being proud. I felt proud to be her oppa.To be honest, she really was a lot like me. She was someone I could go to when I needed to say something serious or get things off my mind or just talk. She just... understood me. It was like talking to myself but to a more mentally sorted, clear, positive, active and hopeful version. The one which had answers and gave me happiness."

He then got up, and went to the living room.

(I know that Genius Lab isn't in the Bangtan dorm. Just pretend for once can you?)

He walked around the room slightly brushing and running his fingers over certain furniture.

"I remember her coming upto me for the first time while I was building this new shoe stand."


Yoongi was looking for a screw while kneeling on the floor when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He said without turning around.

A hand came from over his shoulder and extended the screw towards him.

He looked at the screw through the side of his eye and then at the person standing behind him.

"Oh, It's you. Thanks." He said taking the screw.

She sat down beside him and said, "Mind if I help?"

He nodded no and handed her the screw and screwdriver.

She fixed the part which actually needed only 5 minutes but for some reason Yoongi was baffled by it and was trying to do it for the past 40 minutes.

"How did you do that?"

She grabbed another and showed him the second side as well.

"Ohh... That's how...."

He gestured her to give him the screw and screwdriver and so she did.

He did the third side correctly and she smiled widely at him. Like a mom who was teaching her kid something and he gets it right. He gave her his gummy smile.

He was taken aback for a moment as till now she had only addressed him as Oppa.
She quickly realised what she did and apologized.

"It's okay. Even just Yoongi is okay. I like it." He grinned.

"Oh, umm, okay." She said, kinda flustered.

"So you were about to say something?"

"Um, yeah, I just wanted to ask if I can keep building such stuff with you. It kinda calms me from inside. If you know what I mean."

"Hmm, yeah I can understand. We can build together from now on. I have to put up a stool later. Maybe you can help with that."


Since then, building, making and fixing stuff around the house became their thing.

End of Flashback~

He giggled to himself remembering another incident. When he gave her first drink.

In the flashback, again~

By now they were damn close with each other on an understanding level. She had made him promise that he and only he would give her, her first drink.

It was a calm night. The whether was cool. Maybe even kinda cold.

The both of them were gonna be sitting in their courtyard. Yoongi had planned something for her so she just sat in the the chair and chilled till he came. Today was also when he would get to know her drinking tolerence.

He came out with a tray in his hand. The tray had various kinds of glasses. She was surprised at it but as usual hardly showed any expressions.

He placed it on the small table which too had been built by the both of them.

He gave her a choice to start with. According to that, he would give her her next drinks.

"Whiskey." She said firmly.

"You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow.


"Well, ok then. Here you go." He said handing her the glass of whiskey.

She took a sip and had the best straight face.
Sometime later they were talking on all the various topics they knew.
If a normal person would've been there, they would've definitely enjoyed this GK lecture with drama.

Yoongi continued giving her drinks and was surprised when she passed Jin's record for staying sober after _ no. of drinks.
She was three levels higher than Jin and was just starting to get a little tipsy. He stopped and walked her to her room and tucked her in like a baby.


He was working for the rest of the night and when he got up to take a lil break he decided go check on her. He peeped in and smiled to himself.
Just like him, she had rolled up in a ball and had taken up only half the bed to sleep.
He chuckled softly and went on to continue his break.

End of Flashback~

He smiled and said to himself,
"I should've told her all that."

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