Chapter 31-Shawn

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The plane was coming over. Caleb's work would have to be enough. I didn't tell him why he needed to knock them out besides for giving us room to snatch the others. Really the more people that go to sleep around me makes me get stronger. Also they can be farther away since the shot in the neck. I have no idea how it works but it will come in handy.

The plane was just pulling up to where the passengers can get off. But as soon as the door fell down my job started. Agents that where camping out near the airstrip came out and rushed the plane. I jumped from my spot and ran up behind a squad of them and forced my power over them. They all slumped to the ground fast asleep. I then took in a deep breath feeling the power rush into me.

I ran to the next group that was lining up next to the building. I ran straight at them knocking two out with my fists and the rest with my power over sleep. Then redoing my deep breath taking in the power.

I heard yelling over to the left and saw guards running at me. They surrounded me guns trained on me. At that moment I realized how mad and stressed I was. I had to leave my home and run from some kind of mad man. It was time to let all that out. Bashing some of these guys should let it out."You going to shot a unarmed kid." I said innocently.

They looked at each other, and advanced. The one in front pulled out cuffs and tried to put them on me. I thrashed out and punched him in the nose, sending him flying through the air. I am going to have to hold back my punches, or I might kill them. Then two came at once trying to tackle me put I jumped one and kicked the other while in mid jump. Three left. They where looking down at me with surprise, they where barley taller. They advanced as one and all thee started to try and punch me not caring about my age. I dodged all three shoving the last fist that was thrown, into another's face. then I punched one in the side of the head sending him into the other one. both falling down. Both got up again, but one pulled out a hand held taser and came forward. He thrust forward and I dodged and grabbed the arm flipping him over my back. I then shoved the taser into his neck while he was moaning. Then the other man came up and jumped on me. "I am getting tired of you two." I said and forced my power over the both of them. I got up and took in a breath.

"Hypnos , pay attention. The guys are getting off." Hailey said in my ear.

"What? Oh, ok, what took them so long to get off ." I said, I forgot that Hypnos was my code name. I looked around the corner and saw John standing in the door basking in the sunlight. He was completely oblivious to what was going on.

"Crap Hypnos, there is a helicopter coming and it doesn't look very friendly. L get over there and help." Hailey said in a hurried voice.

I heard it coming, the wop wop wop of the blades cutting through the noise  of the sound of the slow breaths of the people that are asleep. Caleb showed up beside me with a screech of his shoes on the ground. "What are we going to do?" he asked.

It then glided over the nearest building. A man was leaning out of the window. "No...they wouldn't." Caleb said his mouth dropping open.

"What, what wouldn't they do?" I asked hurriedly.

He turned to me looking angrily at me for not knowing. "Helicopter, plane. Plane, man out window. Man most likely has rocket launcher." He said gesturing at each object he spoke of. Then adding a boom with his hands flying in the air.

"No...they wouldn't." I said looking at the helicopter which had gotten closer.

"I have an idea. With your strength you might be able to hold it in place with you telekinesis, well I don't guess it would count as telekinesis since you can only hold stuff in place.." He rambled under pressure.

"L get on with it." I yelled.

"Ok ok, Hold it in place next to that building and I will do the rest." He said gesturing to the last building between us and it.

"Ok, just hurry, I don't know how long I can hold it." I said.

"Pa-lease, I am the king of hurry." He said before he zoomed off.

I was then alone. Waiting there for the helicopter to get closer. It was almost there. If I timed it wrong I might ruin what Caleb had planned. I stuck my hands out waiting for the stress of holding the craft. I started counting in my head. 10...9...8.What if it hits the craft with the rockets. 5...4...3...2...1...go time. I pushed on the copter with all my power stopping it in its tracks. I then saw a flash of color jump from the building into the helicopter and a second later a guy flew out the other side.  Then a little later the flash went back the other way and flew out of the craft. not a moment to soon either because I had to let go and the copter started to fall. The pilot jumped out of the craft and I saw him get caught by the Caleb and deposited over out of the way of the crash.

He was then by my side once again. "Well how did I do." He asked with a grin on his face.

"Not bad. Got to work on your people skills though."


"That one guy jumped out of the craft and you weren't in there very long." I said and we both started to laugh. "Come on let's go get them."

We walked to where they had been on the plane. They where all turned around the direction of the crash but didn't bother going to check it out. Then we walked out and they where all on guard or at least stiff. We held our hands up  so that they knew that we didn't want to cause them harm. they couldn't recognize us because of our make over. "John it is us." I said.

But before I could say anything else he grabbed shadows from the building and held them in his hands."How do you know my name." he said with a scowl.

He couldn't even recognize our voices, why?" Then it hit me. My body was tired from my power usage. My body was trying to make people fall asleep to gain power even if I didn't want it. In turn making my voice sound sweeter to try and get him to fall asleep. Making him on guard and not able to hear my regular voice. I even noticed the way Caleb wavered over on my side. Bashing his eye lids to try and stay awake.

Caleb then tried to speak to him but was cut off by a yawn in both our ears. "Hypnos, L, get out of there now, the police are coming. They will be let go because they knew nothing about it. But I bet money that you guys will be stopped because you probably smell like smoke." She sounded tired, my body was so desperate that it could even make Hailey tired over the mike. I turned and nodded to Caleb. He picked me up easily because of superhumans added strength and durability. He ran a ways away and stopped in an alley.

He leaned against the wall and rubbed his eyes. "He didn't recognize us." He said with sadness. "Us, his best friends." There was no words to describe this pain.

"The look in his eyes..." I stopped to get my words together. "It was filled with such hate. What happened while we where gone." We sat there for a while just think in the silence. Our best friend. Our friend, now like family. I felt alone even though Caleb was next to me. I wonder what Caleb is thinking, probably the same thing.At least three friends still stood by me.

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