Chapter 15-Shawn

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After the doc got back on the bus I noticed John was with him. I had thought only a second ago that he was about three seats behind me, but I was asleep for awhile. I hadn't gotten any sleep again last night. Which I think is ironic since I can put people to sleep but can't use it on myself.

We started off again for the hospital. Once we actually got into the city it was only about four blocks from there. "Doc which hospital are we actually going to?"

He turned around to me and gave me one of his smiles."Thank you for reminding me Shawn, I almost forgot."He turned to the driver and pointed to a little yellow button on the dash. I remembered that he had told some of the others that driving was overrated for someone like him. After the driver had hit the button I didn't notice anything at first, then I saw that it started to get darker on the bus. The windows started to tint themselves. A little screen started to roll down so that we couldn't see the driver or outside the windshield.

The doc turned back to me with the smile still on his face. Sensing my question, he started to speak " it is just a precaution to the people that work there and to you."I was baffled, why would it be a thing for us.

We drove a little more until we came to a stop. Or at least I think we are at the hospital, we could just be at a stop light. Then it started to get lighter in the bus and the screen in the front started to roll up. As the screen was just finishing rolling up we came to a stop. Everybody started to get up but the doc yelled over the commotion for everybody to sit down. When everyone was back in their seats he started to explain. "Again for your own protection so no one knows about you, the doctors are drugging everybody so they will fall asleep for the time we are here."

The people that were watching movies turned the players back on while we waited. They didn't stay on long, about five minuets later the doc got a call on his phone. He didn't even talk on it, he simply looked at the contact and hit the ignore button."Alright kids lets go get this done so you can get back to your weekend."

We jumped off the bus and were greeted with nothing. Literally, there was nothing in the underground parking lot. I had never seen a hospital parking lot that was empty. I guess the doctors did more than drug the patients.

We walked up to the elevators that was near a vending machine. half of us went in the number 1 elevator and the other half in number 2. I got into the elevator with John and Caleb. John looked like he got woken from sleep and got a good scare all at the same time and Caleb was blushing up a storm, he must have been sitting near Ashlyn on the bus. The weird thing was, they seemed to get worse as we got higher in the sky, I on the other hand felt stronger the farther we went. I could almost fell my muscles reacting to this weird sensation. It stayed this way until it stopped growing when we neared the top.

We got to the very top floor, the one the doc told us to get out on, but it didn't open. A second later the first nine floor numbers lit up on the panel. Caleb stepped up and walked up to the lit numbers. "The doc told me the code but I kind of forgot the exact sequence." The others groaned at the thought of being stuck."Well I guess that I will have to try all of the combinations." His hand became a blur over the panel. I couldn't even tell what numbers he kept pushing.

Less than a minute later a bing came over the sound system telling us that he got the code right. When it opened we were blinded with pure white. Everything was white and it didn't look like there was any sign of dirt or even dust.

A man started running toward us, he looked frantic about something."You broke my system!" He looked at us like this was something that could bring an end to humanity.

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