Chapter 36-Caleb

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The people kind of looked crazy from this position. Standing in ruble that they had created and with their orange eyes. I had to stifle a laugh the first time I saw them. Now that I saw them as a threat, I wasn't as amused.

"They have a teleporter, I will deal with her. Everyone except John, Andrew, Austen, Cody, and Me go with Brandy and Shawn. Shawn I am counting on you to protect them. Brandy you have shields, if anything happens put a shield over the others while Shawn attacks." I said not looking away from the three weirdos.

"We can take care of ourselves." Ashlyn spoke up. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. She looked like she was trying to be brave in front of a lion.

"Just go with them, it will be better if they focus on us." I said.

"Wait you can't come around and start bossing people around. I have been leading this group, not you." John burst out.

I turned around to him" this is not the time or place and oh I am sorry I was kidnapped, sorry to be an inconvenience." I said heatedly. When I finished and turned back around to thee three weirdos I found a foot in the air and it kicked me in the face and disappeared." Just do it, I have to take care of some trash that has a mean kick." I said as I made sure my nose was ok. I looked up at the pile of ruble and the three standing there patiently like they wanted there butts beat.

I zoomed up the pile to the peppy girl, and was about to punch her right in her stupid grin when she disappeared half a second before my fist would have hit her.

It pissed me off even more. I did this two more times. Flashing from place to place as she appeared. It was like trying to split water, doing all the work but getting nothing accomplished. I got tired of getting nothing accomplished and yelled for John to come help me with the stupid girl. I saw the shadows bend announcing that John was ready. I dashed as fast as I could to where the girl had appeared.

I got to her and again she disappeared before I got there and I didn't notice a giant ball of darkness coming my way because I was blinded by anger. When it hit it took the air out of me and slammed me into the wall. The wall wasn't that thick so I went through and my body laid inside the building while my feet dangled outside.

I got up yelling. Yelling at both John and the stupid girl. Stop for a second and think you idiot. I told my self. She doesn't take minutes for her to teleport so it isn't like John's. I am not going to be able to hit her even if I was slightly faster. An idea formed. I ran over to John and called for Andrew to come help. When Andrew got there he and John listen to the plan while the girl waited patiently on a big piece of ruble. She posed while waiting and kind of looked like the Thinker.

Andrew ran off and John began a barrage of attacks on the girl. When I saw that Andrew was holding up his part of the plan I started to shoot lightning at the girl. It felt amazing to let off steam. For some reason it felt like loads of stuff came off my shoulders when I threw lightning.

The girl was doing her best and her best was good. She would teleport away then when she got shot at she would move closer to get a hit in. But me or John saw this coming and continually kept her off. She teleported away and I stopped my attacks and held up my hand for John to stop as well." You know I am going to enjoy electrocuting you." I said trying to give the girl my evilest grin I could.

She burst out laughing." I thought you guys weren't going to be any fun, but you guys weren't that bad to play with." She was about to move but John started to speak.

"You guys can't possibly win, what is your play? Stalling most likely." He said.

"Spot on, my play mates." She said probably putting my evil grin to shame with the one she wore.

"Why though, why stall,for who?" John asked.

"Tsk tsk," she said shaking her finger." I can't tell all of my secrets."

"Well it was worth a try, we had loads of fun, but now you will feel a slight tingle. When you wake up after you black out I won't promise that there won't be bruising on your face." I said.

She began to laugh again. Making sure to keep her eyes open just in case she had to teleport. I thrust my hand down and let out a buttload of electricity. There waiting, was a big puddle of water, living water, that had began to soak into the girls shoes giving me a way to electrocute her. Just as I thought, she didn't react immediately because she had watch a second to long at what I had been doing.

Right before she was going to teleport she lost control of her body and collapsed into the water making it worse. She screamed and shook with the electricity running through her and then she final blacked out.

John walked over and poked her with his toe while Andrew began to form next to me. When he finished he spoke." Wow man that felt weird. I didn't fell it...yet I did, you know what I mean."

"No I have no clue" I said as I walked over to the girl and punched her in her stupid grin that still was plastered on her face. "Man that felt good."

"Yea cause you couldn't hit her a few seconds ago even with your speed." John mocked.

"Shut up." I said. Andrew began to laugh, his laugh seemed to leak into me and lift my spirits. Even though his laugh was probably from the giddiness of the electricity that had passed through him.

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