Chapter 26-John

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I walked out into the burning daylight of the sun. It was very hot outside compared to the cool air conditioning of the hospital. Everyone of my family was behind me, walking out of the place of regular humans. I looked at them and said their names in my head as they walked past me. First was Cody, he stood beside me like a sentinel on duty, then came the twins Andrew and Austen. Then came the girls, Josie came out first, then Juliana which looked like she was having doubts about leaving her blood relatives, then Brandy looking happy as always, then came out Ashlyn, her blonde hair shining in the sun, Last was Alex. Alex had been staying in the back of the pack, She had dark black hair, green eyes, and pale white skin. She had been Cody's girl friend for a while but they got in an argument over something crazy. Both of them don't like their intellect being doubted, so they broke up. I noticed Cody giving her a look, but when he saw I noticed he turned back around.

Andrew walked up to me looking puzzled, "what now, we can't go home and we have no where to go."

"That is where you are wrong, me and John found out where the people that broke in would be heading. So we will follow by going to California." Cody said before I could give the reason.

"We have no money, how are we supposed to go from little Arkansas to California." Ashlyn asked gingerly.

I really hadn't thought of that. Then I thought of it I turned around to ask Cody about it and before I could speak he cut me off."NO, we are not robbing a bank."the others looked startled.

"Oh come on, we will only do it once."I pleaded. "If we don't do it we won't be able to get to California."

He looked stumped. "How will we even do it? If we get caught using our powers we will be doomed."

It was now my turn to be stumped. Then Alex came up. "John have you ever teleported with your eyes open?"

I thought back. "No, why?"

"Theoretically if you do it should just be as easy as picking a door to go in, you will see ever shadow and be able to choose. But you would have to be close enough to jump in a shadow near by."

A grin started to spread on my face, while Cody started to snear, either because he couldn't say no or because he hadn't thought of it. "We will need a distraction." I turned to the girls."You guys would most likely have to look related." I looked at the girls. The ones that looked most related where Ashlyn and Josie. Both had blonde hair and blue eyes." Josie, Ashlyn, can you do it?" They both looked hesitant but both said yes. We all started to go over the plan. It was simple. The girls distract the man at the counter from going in the vault while I slip inside. The others will go to the closest diner and wait out.


It was show time. We picked the most expensive looking bank in the whole city. We did this by one of our phones. Luckily there was a small diner across the street as well. The world was helping us with our troubles. I walked into the bank first. I walked fast to make people believe I had to use the restroom. I found the bathroom and slipped in and locked the door. I wait for the girls to walk in.

"Mr., Mr, will you help us!" I heard running no across the quiet bank. This was it if I couldn't pick out a shadow we would have money to help us find our family. I concentrated and walked up to a shadow with my eyes open. I ran into the wall with a bang.

"Oww!" I began rubbing my head. "Come on John you can do this." I concentrated even more and walked into the shadow. Alex was right. It was like being in a hallway with many doors of shadows. I walked up to the first one and looked in. It looked like a janitors closet. I kept walking until I found what I was looking for. I looked in the vault but noticed a gap in our plan. There was a lock on everyone of the boxes.

I turned around and ran back into the bathroom shadow. A plan came into my head. I unlocked the door and piled my head out. The man was still distracted. "Psst, psst. Josie." She turned around and looked over. I waved my hand for her to come. She ran over and got into the bathroom, I closed the door and locked it.

"What." she said harshly.

"No time to explain just come on." I grabbed her arm and pulled her through the shadow without even having to concentrate. I ran down the hallway with her still in tow. I found the vault shadow and jumped in it. I looked around, there where no cameras as Cody suspected for the privacy of the people looking at their boxes.

I turned to Josie. "If you can heat up one finger enough you can cut through the boxes." I said.

She looked worried. "I..I will try."

"That is good enough."

She crouched down and lit one finger. We waited a second and her finger was almost yellow from the heat. She started to cut through the boxes and while she did that I pulled a bag out from beneath my shirt that we would hold the money in. She had one box open and already and I pulled out the money. It was a lot of money to say the least. I stuffed it in the bag.We did six more before our ten minute mark we agreed on. We did two more and started to get nervous so I said that was enough. Which was a lie. It was more than enough. We had just become close to millionaires in less than ten minutes.

I zipped up the bag. When I heard the code start to be put in to the vault. I grabbed Josie's arm and pulled her through the shadow right as the vault was opening. I stopped and watched the man come through the door. It was like watching through a tinted window. I could see him but he couldn't see me.

Our plan was to go back through the bathroom while the guy checked the vault but I saw an alley shadow. I pushed Josie through with the money."Stay there I will be back."

"Where are you going?" She asked.

I gave her a silly smile from nerves. "It would be rood to lock them out of the bathroom." This brought a smile to her face. I ran a little farther and found the shadow. I jumped in and unlocked the door. Then turned right around and jumped back through. I found Josie and we jumped into the alleyway. Then it started to sink in. We had just robbed a bank.

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