Chapter Forty-seven

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A Glaze Thawed by Lies

Timothy's POV

I watched how the ice slowly crawl onto the floor. Drops of snowflakes began to float in the air until the walls were already covered nothing but ice. My gaze was drawn to the window, where the view of the outside was obscured by the ice. The doors rattled as they continued to bang it open, but the doorknob was frozen and could not be unlocked. I barely could  hear their voices but I know that they kept calling me while I was alone with a blaze of fear that continues to squander my whole system.

The doors burst open and the thick ice Shattered into pieces. I was unaware of the Sudden startlement and took a step back. The guards who broke into my room paused after seeing the whole place covered with thick glasses of ice, they were too stunned to move nor speak. My eyes widened when a glaze began to crawl from where I stood. It dawdled in a firmly fix speed and instantly covered another vigorous batch of ice.

I heard the mens grunted when the glaze ice reached from them and started to linger to their foot. Their faces muttered with horror and shock while they try to move themselves with the hope of removing the ice that slowly consumes them. But the ice were unyielding like it has it's own perception to forge.

I caught my parents stopped outside the door and were horrified of what their eyes had seen. My mother covered his lips as she continued to stare at the guards. One of the mens were already frozen and was left with it's last action. My father began to be cautious with his moves. I shake my head at them, telling them not to go inside. I don't wan't them ending up like the guards.

"Timothy!" My mother called. Her eyes were already drowsing into tears.

"I'm scared, help me," I cried. I didn't move. If I move again, I fear the magic might worsen.

"Timothy, don't move. Everything's going to be alright," my father said. I nod at them with the aim of their assurance.

This magic that anticipates with so much power was given to me the moment my mother laid  eyes on me. It felt like a curse that I never wanted. I couldn't control it. It was very hard knowing the this magic can hurt anyone I touch. It defines every action I take, it savores my emotions, and deploy my thoughts. It is abominable. I couldn't accept that I have this kind of magic. It keeps holding me back, like keeping me it's prison.

"Timotheo," a soft and gentle voice called for me. A shawl was wrapped hanging on her elbows. Her golden colored and braided hair were twisted into a bun. She stood between my parents and her eyes looked straight to mine like she was staring at my own magic.

She lifted a hand in the air and a wand suddenly flashed in her palms. I was about to move my hands to stop her but I remained still with the thought of my magic. My forehead creased with peculiarity. The floor that was covered with ice made a way as she takes a step. It was odd and strange that the ice floor made a way for her. I stare at her feet while she continues to take a step heading to me.

She stopped in front of me. I was left with nothing to do. My magic didn't oppressed her. She walked inside not worrying about the magic that wraps the whole place. She smiled at me and slowly...she lend her hands to me.

"Hello, Timothy."


"Thyron I wan't you to meet her majesty. Queen Mother, Elena, of Sirrius Kingdom," my mother said as she wraps the blanket around me. My father handed me a warm hot chocolate.

The Queen Mother, Elena, was sitting right in front of me. She was studying every move that I take. Her eyes were piercing with grace and courage. I don't see anything that'll make me comfortable about her. I do not know  her. She's quiet at times and only speaks when being asked. She's already in her 50's but her image doesn't show how old she was.

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