Author's note

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Hi everyone! Finally we have reached the epilogue. I would like to say that please don't hate me HAHAHA you might find the story as 'Bitin', na bitin din ako eh. Anyway, I would like to thank you all for being patient with me throughout the story.It was a great pleasure having you until the end. The Wyvernflames thank you for reading the story.

It has been 3 years since I started writing Oxzoria Academy. It was November 2019 when I started writing the story. It wasn't part of my decision to publish the story since I was still doubting myself. The first five chapters that I wrote were a complete mess then I decided to let my friends read the drafts. It was good, they said. Oxzoria Academy was not the first story that I wrote but it was the first story that I've finished.
It was the start of pandemic when I decided to published  (2020) the story. I thought that I wouldn't be able to finish the story since I've been writing stories ever since 2016 and still haven't finish a single book. They always ended up either unpublished or deleted. Silly of me Hahaha.

My friends had always pushed me and encourage mo to continue writing this story. I was very confident that this story would reach Its own end and I was not wrong.

A short story. It was november of 2019 and we were in the middle of our sembreak. That time I was so addicted of watching Star Vs The Forces of Evil. Yup I was so caught up on with the show. I got attached to Marco and Star and you'll probably understand me if you watched the series. So that cartoon show inspired me to write the story hahaha. I was in the middle of washing dishes during lunch time. I really have this habit of imagining things while doing dishes to keep me distracted and occupied until the plot of Oxzoria Academy hits me.

The first title of the story was Zaronaria Academy and I posted one on my other account (which I don't have access anymore since I completely forgot the password). So after the washing-dishes scene, I immediately went to my room and spent the rest of the afternoon writing the prologue. Throughout the days of our sembreak all I did was thinking about the plot and how I would end it. I wrote the story out of boredom and it wasn't really my intention to publish it but still I did.  I would say that It was fun writing the story.

It was fun spending all night editing the chapter but still ended up with a few errors that I seemed to forgot along the editing. It was fun just staring at the dark corners of my room while thinking of what I should write. It was fun reading your comments and I must admit that I also had fun seeing all of you getting sad Because of the scenes. Is it wrong that I kinda felt happy? HAHAHA.

Magic are always filled with amazement. It always impressed us. It always fascinates us of what It can do and wished that if only it exists in reality. Magic exits, we just have to find it. It's not really like a real magic but more like a magic that makes you who you are. There are different magics that exist and it is like us, we are different in our own aura. The magic is you. And because of YOU, the story was given a chance to live.

I'm super grateful that I was able to achieve this for the first time hahaha. I would like to give thanks to the people who supported me along the way. To the readers who kept on voting. I had fun enjoying your comments. And to my friends who kept spoiling me of with praises,
thank you. This is LazilyUpdatedWriter saying that Oxzoria Academy ends here.

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