Chapter Fourty

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The Story Between Enemies

Harper's POV

Queen Lyra.

She was the first person I saw. Although I wasn't aware of where I am and What happened to me? Did I already faced death?

My thoughts snapped back as my eyes studies each of her move. I was just standing in the corner while staring at her. She seemed overwhelmed. I couldn't feel any emotions around my body but I know I'm inside of someone's body but I do not know who? It was like I was their subconscious and I was only there; watching.

Queen Lyra was doing something with the book of spells. Dark violet smokes started to gather around her hands and wrapped around the pages and the next thing happened the pages were all covered with thick and hard chains. She was securing the forbidden chapter.

Another set of violet smokes sorrounded her palms. A key suddenly appeared as the smokes fades away. She took the key before inserting it inside the chain and turned the key before putting it away. I studied the appearance of the key and it wasn't something that I was familiar with.

The Queen looked around the area before slamming the book shut and walked away. I hurriedly and quietly followed her as she makes her way to a secret room. I was just a mere subconscious but it got me a hint of who's body I was.

She followed the footsteps of Queen Lyra before hiding again behind the tall pillar. I could imagine my forehead creased after seeing the Queen intercalating the key inside of a huge picture frame. Her hand instantly went through the painting but as she pulled her hand out she wasn't holding the key anymore.

For a third time she wrapped the whole painting with dark violet smoke before heading it's way outside. As the Queen disappeared she started to come out from hiding and went in front of the painting.

The painting wasn't frequently with me. I knew where this place was, it was my mother's secret study room but I never once saw this kind of painting inside the whole palace.

"A powerful Queen betrayed by her own blood"

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise like it was pulling me back. I stared at the white ceiling. I could feel the soft pillows beneath my head and the bed that I'm lying at. I took a peak under the white blanket that was wrapped in my body and saw that I was wearing a white puffed sleeve night dress.

I scanned the whole place and noticed the bunk beds. Other than me there wasn't any person around the room. I slightly moved my finger and felt no pain in my body before slowly sitting down. I was still trying to process what happened and how'd I get here?

Did I actually die? Is this the afterlife that they were talking about? Everything seemed normal like I just fell into a sleep and woke up with a very bad nightmare. A nightmare that might always crawl at me.

I faced death by saving Harmony. It was my own intention to save her because in the first place, greeting death wasn't part of the plan. I didn't actually imagine that I'd die falling into a cliff. I should've consider myself as a hero because despite the anger that I've felt towards her I still manage to choose and save her life but it didn't matter in me.

But it traumatize me remembering how I fell while staring at the moon. It kept snapping back into my head, it was still fresh in my thoughts. The voice of Harmony screaming for my name echoed in my ears. The memory keeps coming back and forth like a wave.

I raise my head after I heard a loud creak coming from the door. Harmony instantly stopped after our eyes meet she almost dropped the glass of water she was holding. I slightly smiled at her while she looks flabbergasted after she took a sight of me it was like her body froze and her feet where glued. It was like she saw a ghost.

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